Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (Q3511881) From Wikidata Jump to navigation Jump to search organization edit Language Label Description Also known as English Evangelical Christian Publishers Association organization Statements instance of trade association 0 references inception 1974 1 reference inferred from Category:Religious organizations established in 1974 retrieved 8 November 2018 Sitelinks Wikipedia (3 entries) edit cswiki Evangelikální asociace křesťanských nakladatelů enwiki Evangelical Christian Publishers Association kowiki 복음주의 기독교출판협의회 Wikibooks (0 entries) edit Wikinews (0 entries) edit Wikiquote (0 entries) edit Wikisource (0 entries) edit Wikiversity (0 entries) edit Wikivoyage (0 entries) edit Wiktionary (0 entries) edit Other sites (0 entries) edit Retrieved from "https://www.wikidata.org/w/inde...
The Staircase of Paint Writing bit difficult equation in latex Finding NDSolve method details A social experiment. What is the worst that can happen? Melting point of aspirin, contradicting sources Delivering sarcasm Does a 'pending' US visa application constitute a denial? Open a doc from terminal, but not by its name Should I stop contributing to retirement accounts? Multiplicative persistence Did arcade monitors have same pixel aspect ratio as TV sets? How can "mimic phobia" be cured or prevented? Does an advisor owe his/her student anything? Will an advisor keep a PhD student only out of pity? Which one is correct as adjective “protruding” or “protruded”? Is it improper etiquette to ask your opponent what his/her rating is before the game? why `nmap` returns less services than `nmap`? Offered money to buy a house, seller is asking for more to cover gap between their listing and mortgage owed Store Credi...
Evangelical Christian publishing companiesEvangelical parachurch organizationsReligious organizations established in 1974Publishing stubsChristian organization stubs non-profittrade associationChristianChristian BestSeller Lists Evangelical Christian Publishers Association From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search The Evangelical Christian Publishers Association ( ECPA ) is an international non-profit trade association whose member companies are involved in the publishing and distribution of Christian content worldwide. [1] ECPA has operated since 1974, and operates by "building networking, information, and advocacy opportunities within the industry and throughout multiple channels so that members can more effectively produce and deliver transformational Christian content". [2] In addition to many programs and services ECPA provides to its members, ECPA also produces the Christian BestSeller Lists each mo...
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