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Why shouldn't this prove the Prime Number Theorem? What would you call this weird metallic apparatus that allows you to lift people? What order were files/directories output in dir? If Windows 7 doesn't support WSL, then what is "Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications"? Co-worker has annoying ringtone How were pictures turned from film to a big picture in a picture frame before digital scanning? The test team as an enemy of development? And how can this be avoided? Random body shuffle every night—can we still function? Sally's older brother My mentor says to set image to Fine instead of RAW — how is this different from JPG? What is the role of と after a noun when it doesn't appear to count or list anything? I can't produce songs One-one communication Is multiple magic items in one inherently imbalanced? i2c bus hangs in master RPi access to MSP430G uC ~1 in 1000 accesses Can humans save crash-landed aliens? How to ask rejecte...