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Was Spock the First Vulcan in Starfleet? How does buying out courses with grant money work? Would this custom Sorcerer variant that can only learn any verbal-component-only spell be unbalanced? A Rare Riley Riddle Inappropriate reference requests from Journal reviewers Is this apparent Class Action settlement a spam message? What does "I’d sit this one out, Cap," imply or mean in the context? Opposite of a diet How did Doctor Strange see the winning outcome in Avengers: Infinity War? What is paid subscription needed for in Mortal Kombat 11? How can I quit an app using Terminal? Valid Badminton Score? Arithmetic mean geometric mean inequality unclear How does it work when somebody invests in my business? How can I get through very long and very dry, but also very useful technical documents when learning a new tool? What is the intuitive meaning of having a linear relationship between the logs of two variables? Increase performance creating Mande...