
Showing posts from August 27, 2019

Is there a general function or way in Java to calculate an equation of the form (a+b+…+n)^2 with a,b,n >= 0? [closed]What is an efficient way to implement a singleton pattern in Java?Is there a destructor for Java?Fastest way to determine if an integer's square root is an integerHow do I generate random integers within a specific range in Java?What's the simplest way to print a Java array?How to create a generic array in Java?How does C compute sin() and other math functions?Easy interview question got harder: given numbers 1..100, find the missing number(s) given exactly k are missingJava tree data-structure?Ways to iterate over a list in Java

How do solar inverter systems easily add AC power sources together? Is it true that different variants of the same model aircraft don't require pilot retraining? Book featuring a child learning from a crowdsourced AI book What is the sound/audio equivalent of "unsightly"? What's the simplest way to calibrate a thermistor? Is this password scheme legit? Could the UK amend the European Withdrawal Act and revoke the Article 50 invocation? Grep contents before a colon Did anybody find out it was Anakin who blew up the command center? Why did James Cameron decide to give Alita big eyes? Time difference between banns and marriage Notice period 60 days but I need to join in 45 days Are there any to-scale diagrams of the TRAPPIST-1 system? Is there a word or phrase that means "use other people's wifi or Internet service without consent"? Talk interpreter Are (c#) dictionaries an Anti Pattern? How could a self contained organic bod...

Can I send an interrupt from one cpu core to another on an intel i7 8700k?What does multicore assembly language look like?How are cache memories shared in multicore Intel CPUs?Disabling all interrupts to protect CPU register state on multi processor systemsthe irq handler can be interrupt by the same irq again in single core cpuhow to know on which CPU interrupt handler is handled in linuxError in launching AVD with AMD processorInterrupt routing for PCIe slot directly connected to the CPUsHow do interrupts work in multi-core system?Deoptimizing a program for the pipeline in Intel Sandybridge-family CPUsCan Hard and Soft-IRQ for the same network-packet be executed on different CPU-Cores?How cpu is aware of hardware interrupt?

How could a self contained organic body propel itself in space Is it true that different variants of the same model aircraft don't require pilot retraining? Why does this London Underground poster from 1924 have a Star of David atop a Christmas tree? What to do about my 1-month-old boy peeing through diapers? Group riding etiquette Is the Amazon rainforest the "world's lungs"? Commercial company wants me to list all prior "inventions", give up everything not listed Why does a sticker slowly peel off, but if it is pulled quickly it tears? Why does glibc's strlen need to be so complicated to run fast? Can I use coax outlets for cable modem? Why can't you say don't instead of won't? Term used to describe a person who predicts future outcomes Can I lend at the federal funds rate? Is there an in-universe explanation given to the senior Imperial Navy Officers as to why Darth Vader serves Emperor Palpatine? Pen test resul...