
Showing posts from July 29, 2019

Curses work by shouting - How to avoid collateral damage?What effect would elemental magic have on the work forceHow would plant control powers/magic work?How would paleolithic combat work in a world where you have instant, and permanent mastery when you hold any tool?Everything organic you see turns to ash; extent of damageHow to avoid magic from affecting society's technology?How can a reversible elemental magic damage be explained?How would magic work?How to avoid the language barrier when there is no time to learn the other language?How to avoid cursing myself with my black magic?How can I avoid accidentally killing my mages during a ritual?

Rampant sharing of authorship among colleagues in the name of "collaboration". Is not taking part in it a death knell for a future in academia? ECDSA: Why is SigningKey shorter than VerifyingKey Is it safe if the neutral lead is exposed and disconnected? Telling manager project isn't worth the effort? Should I bike or drive to work? (6.8 mi) What is more environmentally friendly? An A320 or a car? Did Vladimir Lenin have a cat? Why does the Rust compiler not optimize code assuming that two mutable references cannot alias? Polyhedra, Polyhedron, Polytopes and Polygon What steps would an amateur scientist have to take in order to get a scientific breakthrough published? How to prevent command substitution on the command line? Why force the nose of 737 Max down in the first place? Must a song using the A minor scale begin or end with an Am chord? If not, how can I tell what the scale is? Filter search results by multiple filters in one operation D...
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