Convert a string like 4h53m12s to a total number of seconds in JavaScript kids pooling money for Lego League and taxes What is the purpose of the fuel shutoff valve? Is it legal for private citizens to "impound" e-scooters? Hold[Expression] (or similar) in InputField that truly holds the input unmodified A planet illuminated by a black hole? How do campaign rallies gain candidates votes? What are the exact meanings of roll, pitch and yaw? 401(k) investment after being fired. Do I own it? Spoken encryption Can GPL and BSD licensed applications be used for government work? Explanation for a joke about a three-legged dog that walks into a bar What was the rationale behind 36 bit computer architectures? Do Rabbis get punished in Heaven for wrong interpretations or claims? How can I make sure my players' decisions have consequences? Inadvertently nuked my disk permission structure - why? This message is flooding my syslog, how to find where it c...