retrieve data from an array in SymofnyHow do you check if an object exists in the Twig templating engine in Symfony2?Doctrine find() returning controllerDoctrine2 Cache Corruption?Create doctrine query in DoctrineODMMongoDBDocumentRepositoryGetting blob type Doctrine entity property returns data only onceHow do I hydrate and Entity with extra datagetting the gps location from the DB in symfony2 using controllerRetrieving node class data from returned PHPCR collections in Symfony CMFReturning multiple columns in doctrineHow to use Doctrine Criteria to filter out array properties?
Riley Rebuses that Share a Common Theme When and what was the first 3D acceleration device ever released? General purpose replacement for enum with FlagsAttribute What are these (utility?) boxes at the side of the house? Is using the CH340G on a commercial product a horrible idea? Smart people send dumb people to a new planet on a space craft that crashes into a body of water How to plot an unstable attractor? Is there an evolutionary advantage to having two heads? What are the benefits of cryosleep? How bitcoin nodes update UTXO set when their latests blocks are replaced? How does an ARM MCU run faster than the external crystal? Which one below is grammatically correct? How strong are Wi-Fi signals? Can you heal a summoned creature? Plot twist where the antagonist wins Why do airplanes use an axial flow jet engine instead of a more compact centrifugal jet engine? Tabulated absorption spectra of greenhouse gases? Which noble houses were destroyed durin...