How to say "I only speak one which is English." in French? What's special ammo in Destiny 2? Expressing an implication as ILP where each implication term comprises a chain of boolean ORs Why is strlen so complex in C? 1mth baby boy keeps peeing through diapers, sometimes diper seems practically unused Why is sh (not bash) complaining about functions defined in my .bashrc? LINQ for generating all possible permutations Did Dr. Hannibal Lecter like Clarice or was he attracted to her? Why error propagation in CBC mode encryption affect two blocks? Do sharpies or markers damage soft gear? Is it ok to record the 'environment' around my workplace? Why is "dyadic" the only word with the prefix "dy-"? Unlock your Lock How were medieval castles built in swamps or marshes without draining them? Which old Technic set included large yellow motor? Is this password scheme legit? Read file contents to variable and iterate over e...