Is it possible to make a Functor instance for a type parameter other than the last? [duplicate]Can I write a higher order type for a -> b -> *?Monad instance for pairsAre there “type-level combinators”? Will they exist in some future?Haskell defining Functor instance for an alternative Either data typeLarge-scale design in Haskell?Functor / Applicative instances for State in HaskellWhat functionality do you get for free with Functors or other type-classes?Deriving functor instance, not on last type argumentCan this multi-parameter type class be simplified?Understanding operations on composed functor typesHow to create Functor definition for Either typeIs this property of a functor stronger than a monad?How do I make the partially-applied function type into a functor?What does instance mean in Haskell?
Why is “deal 6 damage” a legit phrase? Error with uppercase in titlesec's label field Normally Closed Optoisolators "Will flex for food". What does this phrase mean? How do I safety check that there is no light in Darkroom / Darkbag? Why are sugars in whole fruits not digested the same way sugars in juice are? Why should I use a big powerstone instead of smaller ones? Adjective for when skills are not improving and I'm depressed about it A game of red and black Is it really a problem to declare that a visitor to the UK is my "girlfriend", in terms of her successfully getting a Standard Visitor visa? Went to a big 4 but got fired for underperformance in a year recently - Now every one thinks I'm pro - How to balance expectations? When did J.K. Rowling decide to make Ron and Hermione a couple? How did Biff return to 2015 from 1955 without a lightning strike? Word for giving preference to the oldest child How do I respond appropr...