Is "cool" appropriate or offensive to use in IMs? Is real public IP Address hidden when using a system wide proxy in Windows 10? Binary Search in C++17 Plot twist where the antagonist wins My employer faked my resume to acquire projects Is the Starlink array really visible from Earth? When and what was the first 3D acceleration device ever released? How to use " shadow " in pstricks? What does the view outside my ship traveling at light speed look like? Would jet fuel for an F-16 or F-35 be producible during WW2? If a person had control of every single cell of their body, would they be able to transform into another creature? Where's this lookout in Nova Scotia? Is the field of q-series 'dead'? Does Nitrogen inside commercial airliner wheels prevent blowouts on touchdown? Statue View: 2, 3, 5, 7 NIntegrate doesn't evaluate Why did David Cameron offer a referendum on the European Union? Why do Windows registry hives a...