Fitting a mixture of two normal distributions for a data set? How could mana leakage be dangerous to a elf? Analog is Obtuse! Architecture of networked game engine Bash echo $-1 prints hb1. Why? STM32 crashes when FreeRTOS project is converted to C++ What does 2>&1 | tee mean? Transition from ascending to descending a rope Why aren't (poly-)cotton tents more popular? Does image quality of the lens affect "focus and recompose" technique? If my Scout rogue has used his full movement on his turn, can he later use the reaction from the Skirmisher feature to move again? How to append a matrix element by element? Is my Rep in Stack-Exchange Form? Inverse-quotes-quine Simple object validator with a new API In the Marvel universe, can a human have a baby with any non-human? Alternatives to arc What is the line crossing the Pacific Ocean that is shown on maps? Why isn’t the tax system continuous rather than bracketed? Why is C++ initial...