Should disabled buttons give feedback when clicked? Why do people keep referring to Leia as Princess Leia, even after the destruction of Alderaan? What is the measurable difference between dry basil and fresh? What's the point of having a RAID 1 configuration over incremental backups to a secondary drive? Some interesting calculation puzzle that I made Why is the ladder of the LM always in the dark side of the LM? When an electron changes its spin, or any other intrinsic property, is it still the same electron? Would dual wielding daggers be a viable choice for a covert bodyguard? How were Martello towers supposed to work? Do I have a right to cancel a purchase of foreign currency in the UK? Why did Harry Potter get a bedroom? Are there any medieval light sources without fire? Swapping "Good" and "Bad" Using `PlotLegends` with a `ColorFunction` Does Multiverse exist in MCU? Is there a strong legal guarantee that the U.S. can give to...