Harold Kroto BiographyInterest and expertiseAwards
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Harold Kroto
Sir Harold Kroto FRS
Elected: 1990
Interest and expertise
Subject groups
- Chemistry
- Chemistry, physical, Chemistry, general
- Astronomy and physics
- Astronomy
Spectroscopy , Fullerene Chemistry, Molecular Radioastronomy, New compounds involving Carbon to Sulphur or Phosphorus multiple bonds, cluster science
Blackett and Jagdish Chandra Bose Memorial Lectures
On 'Science, a round peg in a square world'.
Copley Medal
In recognition of his seminal contributions to understanding the fundamental dynamics of carbon chain molecules, leading to the detection of these species (polyynes) in the interstellar medium by radioastronomy, and thence to the genesis of a new era in carbon science.
Michael Faraday Prize and Lecture
For his dedication to the notion of working scientists being communicators of their work and in particular for his establishment of the Vega Science Trust whose films and related activities reflect the excitement of scientific discovery to the public.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Jointly with Robert F. Curl Jr. and Richard E. Smalley for their discovery of fullerenes.
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