Issue with Multiple Reactive Filters and Updateselectinputs - Strange BehaviorShiny updateSelectInput for multiple inputsControlling reactivity in ShinyIssue with Shiny and updateSelectInputR selectInput reactivity issuesR shiny selectInput reactivity issuesShiny Reactivity- Multiple elements or One element?Shiny reactivity not working in subModulesR reactive shiny with an updateSelectInputAdd if statement or filter if statement in a reactiveHow to set multiple reactive values and shiny outputs to NULL?

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Issue with Multiple Reactive Filters and Updateselectinputs - Strange Behavior

Shiny updateSelectInput for multiple inputsControlling reactivity in ShinyIssue with Shiny and updateSelectInputR selectInput reactivity issuesR shiny selectInput reactivity issuesShiny Reactivity- Multiple elements or One element?Shiny reactivity not working in subModulesR reactive shiny with an updateSelectInputAdd if statement or filter if statement in a reactiveHow to set multiple reactive values and shiny outputs to NULL?

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty height:90px;width:728px;box-sizing:border-box;


I am struggling to solve an issue with passing multiple filters in a row, and sometimes the result is not as expected. In the example below, there are 7 Deer, 2 Bears, 1 Cougar, 1 Beaver, 1 Skunk, 1 Moose, and 3 Elk. When you select one or more species, sometimes the number of rows passed through the filters is not the same as it should be.

Eg. When I select Bear, Beaver, and Cougar, it should produce data set of 4 rows, however, in the textoutput displaying the number of rows, nrow=3 is displayed. Adding in more selections sometimes passes the remaining filters, sometimes not. Sometimes when selecting Deer, where you would expect 7 rows of data, only 3 are passed.

Have a look at the reproducible example below.



shinyServer(function(input, output, session, clientData)

Accident.Date <- as.Date(c("2018-06-04", "2018-06-05", "2018-06-06", "2018-06-07", "2018-06-08", "2018-06-09", "2018-06-10", "2018-06-11", "2018-06-12", "2018-06-13", "2018-06-14", "2018-06-15", "2018-06-16", "2018-06-17", "2018-06-18", "2018-07-18"))
Time.of.Kill <- as.character(c("DAWN", "DAY", "DARK", "UNKNOWN", "DUSK", "DAY", "DAY", "DAWN", "DAY", "DARK", "UNKNOWN", "DUSK", "DARK", "DUSK", "DARK", "DAY"))
Sex <- as.character(c("MALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE"))
Age <- as.character(c("ADULT", "YOUNG", "UNKNOWN", "ADULT", "UNKNOWN", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "YOUNG", "ADULT", "ADULT", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "YOUNG", "ADULT"))
Species <- as.character(c("Deer", "Deer", "Deer", "Bear", "Deer", "Cougar", "Bear", "Beaver", "Deer", "Skunk", "Moose", "Deer", "Deer", "Elk", "Elk", "Elk"))
Year <- as.numeric(c("0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"))

data <- data.frame(Accident.Date, Time.of.Kill, Sex, Age, Species, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
data <- data %>% mutate(Data.Set = "Current")

#A set of reactive filters. Only data that has passed all filters is passed to the map, graph, datatable etc. **Order goes datacheck > yearcheck > speccheck > sexcheck > timecheck > agecheck > indaterange

bindata <- reactive(
filter(data, Data.Set %in% input$datacheck)

yrdata <- reactive(
filter(bindata(), Year %in% input$yearcheck)

specdata <- reactive(
subset(yrdata(), Species %in% input$speccheck)

sexdata <- reactive(
filter(specdata(), Sex %in% input$sexcheck)

timedata <- reactive(
filter(sexdata(), Time.of.Kill %in% input$timecheck)

agedata <- reactive(
filter(timedata(), Age %in% input$agecheck)

#Does the date range filter. Selects min and max from the two inputs of the observed indaterange filter.

data1 <- reactive( filter(agedata(),
Accident.Date >= input$inDateRange[[1]],
Accident.Date <= input$inDateRange[[2]])

#If statement for choosing between current and historical datasets. If current is selected, year is set to 0 and the selection box is hidden.

observe( if (input$datacheck == 'Current')
updateSelectInput(session, "yearcheck", choices = c("0"), selected = c("0"))
updateSelectizeInput(session, "yearcheck", choices = sort(unique(bindata()$Year), decreasing = TRUE), server=TRUE)



req((input$datacheck == 'Historical'))

updateSelectizeInput(session, "speccheck", choices = sort(unique(yrdata()$Species)), server=TRUE)


#Creates the observed Species


x <- input$yearcheck
if (is.null(x))
x <- character(0)

updateSelectizeInput(session, "speccheck", choices = sort(unique(yrdata()$Species)), server=TRUE)


#Creates the observed Sex


x <- input$speccheck
if (is.null(x))
x <- character(0)

updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "sexcheck",
choices = unique(specdata()$Sex),
selected = unique(specdata()$Sex),
inline = TRUE)

#Creates the observed Time


x <- input$sexcheck
if (is.null(x))
x <- character(0)

updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "timecheck",
choices = unique(sexdata()$Time.of.Kill),
selected = unique(sexdata()$Time.of.Kill),
inline = TRUE)

#Creates the observed Age


x <- input$timecheck
if (is.null(x))
x <- character(0)

updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "agecheck",
choices = unique(timedata()$Age),
selected = unique(timedata()$Age),
inline = TRUE)

#Creates the observed dates and suppresses warnings from the min max


x <- input$agecheck
if (is.null(x))
x <- character(0)

#And update the date range values to match those of the dataset

session = session,
inputId = "inDateRange",
start = min(suppressWarnings(agedata()$Accident.Date)),
end = max(suppressWarnings(agedata()$Accident.Date))

output$txt <- renderText(nrow(data1()))



navbarPage("Test", id="nav",


absolutePanel(id = "controls", class = "panel panel-default", fixed = TRUE,
draggable = FALSE, top = 200, left = 5, right = "auto", bottom = "auto",
width = "auto", height = "auto",

radioButtons("datacheck", label = tags$div( HTML("<b>Dataset</b>")),
choices = c("Current" = "Current", "Historical" = "Historical"),
selected = c("Current"), inline = TRUE),

conditionalPanel(condition = "input.datacheck != 'Current'",

#Only displays yearcheck for historical as there is no year column on current dataset. Current dataset has had all year values set to 0.

selectizeInput("yearcheck", label = "Select Year (Only Available for Historical)", choices = NULL, options = list(placeholder = 'Select Year:', maxOptions = 40, maxItems = 40))),

selectizeInput("speccheck", h3("Select Species:"), choices = NULL, options = list(placeholder = 'Select Species: (Max 12) ', maxOptions = 36, maxItems = 12)),

conditionalPanel(condition = "input.speccheck >= '1'",
dateRangeInput("inDateRange", "Date range input:"),

checkboxGroupInput("sexcheck", label = tags$div( HTML("<b>Sex</b><br>"))),

checkboxGroupInput("agecheck", label = tags$div( HTML("<b>Age</b><br>"))),

checkboxGroupInput("timecheck", label = tags$div( HTML("<b>Time of Accident</b><br>")))


Any help would be appreciated. I have been scratching my head at this one for a while.

share|improve this question


    I am struggling to solve an issue with passing multiple filters in a row, and sometimes the result is not as expected. In the example below, there are 7 Deer, 2 Bears, 1 Cougar, 1 Beaver, 1 Skunk, 1 Moose, and 3 Elk. When you select one or more species, sometimes the number of rows passed through the filters is not the same as it should be.

    Eg. When I select Bear, Beaver, and Cougar, it should produce data set of 4 rows, however, in the textoutput displaying the number of rows, nrow=3 is displayed. Adding in more selections sometimes passes the remaining filters, sometimes not. Sometimes when selecting Deer, where you would expect 7 rows of data, only 3 are passed.

    Have a look at the reproducible example below.



    shinyServer(function(input, output, session, clientData)

    Accident.Date <- as.Date(c("2018-06-04", "2018-06-05", "2018-06-06", "2018-06-07", "2018-06-08", "2018-06-09", "2018-06-10", "2018-06-11", "2018-06-12", "2018-06-13", "2018-06-14", "2018-06-15", "2018-06-16", "2018-06-17", "2018-06-18", "2018-07-18"))
    Time.of.Kill <- as.character(c("DAWN", "DAY", "DARK", "UNKNOWN", "DUSK", "DAY", "DAY", "DAWN", "DAY", "DARK", "UNKNOWN", "DUSK", "DARK", "DUSK", "DARK", "DAY"))
    Sex <- as.character(c("MALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE"))
    Age <- as.character(c("ADULT", "YOUNG", "UNKNOWN", "ADULT", "UNKNOWN", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "YOUNG", "ADULT", "ADULT", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "YOUNG", "ADULT"))
    Species <- as.character(c("Deer", "Deer", "Deer", "Bear", "Deer", "Cougar", "Bear", "Beaver", "Deer", "Skunk", "Moose", "Deer", "Deer", "Elk", "Elk", "Elk"))
    Year <- as.numeric(c("0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"))

    data <- data.frame(Accident.Date, Time.of.Kill, Sex, Age, Species, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    data <- data %>% mutate(Data.Set = "Current")

    #A set of reactive filters. Only data that has passed all filters is passed to the map, graph, datatable etc. **Order goes datacheck > yearcheck > speccheck > sexcheck > timecheck > agecheck > indaterange

    bindata <- reactive(
    filter(data, Data.Set %in% input$datacheck)

    yrdata <- reactive(
    filter(bindata(), Year %in% input$yearcheck)

    specdata <- reactive(
    subset(yrdata(), Species %in% input$speccheck)

    sexdata <- reactive(
    filter(specdata(), Sex %in% input$sexcheck)

    timedata <- reactive(
    filter(sexdata(), Time.of.Kill %in% input$timecheck)

    agedata <- reactive(
    filter(timedata(), Age %in% input$agecheck)

    #Does the date range filter. Selects min and max from the two inputs of the observed indaterange filter.

    data1 <- reactive( filter(agedata(),
    Accident.Date >= input$inDateRange[[1]],
    Accident.Date <= input$inDateRange[[2]])

    #If statement for choosing between current and historical datasets. If current is selected, year is set to 0 and the selection box is hidden.

    observe( if (input$datacheck == 'Current')
    updateSelectInput(session, "yearcheck", choices = c("0"), selected = c("0"))
    updateSelectizeInput(session, "yearcheck", choices = sort(unique(bindata()$Year), decreasing = TRUE), server=TRUE)



    req((input$datacheck == 'Historical'))

    updateSelectizeInput(session, "speccheck", choices = sort(unique(yrdata()$Species)), server=TRUE)


    #Creates the observed Species


    x <- input$yearcheck
    if (is.null(x))
    x <- character(0)

    updateSelectizeInput(session, "speccheck", choices = sort(unique(yrdata()$Species)), server=TRUE)


    #Creates the observed Sex


    x <- input$speccheck
    if (is.null(x))
    x <- character(0)

    updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "sexcheck",
    choices = unique(specdata()$Sex),
    selected = unique(specdata()$Sex),
    inline = TRUE)

    #Creates the observed Time


    x <- input$sexcheck
    if (is.null(x))
    x <- character(0)

    updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "timecheck",
    choices = unique(sexdata()$Time.of.Kill),
    selected = unique(sexdata()$Time.of.Kill),
    inline = TRUE)

    #Creates the observed Age


    x <- input$timecheck
    if (is.null(x))
    x <- character(0)

    updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "agecheck",
    choices = unique(timedata()$Age),
    selected = unique(timedata()$Age),
    inline = TRUE)

    #Creates the observed dates and suppresses warnings from the min max


    x <- input$agecheck
    if (is.null(x))
    x <- character(0)

    #And update the date range values to match those of the dataset

    session = session,
    inputId = "inDateRange",
    start = min(suppressWarnings(agedata()$Accident.Date)),
    end = max(suppressWarnings(agedata()$Accident.Date))

    output$txt <- renderText(nrow(data1()))



    navbarPage("Test", id="nav",


    absolutePanel(id = "controls", class = "panel panel-default", fixed = TRUE,
    draggable = FALSE, top = 200, left = 5, right = "auto", bottom = "auto",
    width = "auto", height = "auto",

    radioButtons("datacheck", label = tags$div( HTML("<b>Dataset</b>")),
    choices = c("Current" = "Current", "Historical" = "Historical"),
    selected = c("Current"), inline = TRUE),

    conditionalPanel(condition = "input.datacheck != 'Current'",

    #Only displays yearcheck for historical as there is no year column on current dataset. Current dataset has had all year values set to 0.

    selectizeInput("yearcheck", label = "Select Year (Only Available for Historical)", choices = NULL, options = list(placeholder = 'Select Year:', maxOptions = 40, maxItems = 40))),

    selectizeInput("speccheck", h3("Select Species:"), choices = NULL, options = list(placeholder = 'Select Species: (Max 12) ', maxOptions = 36, maxItems = 12)),

    conditionalPanel(condition = "input.speccheck >= '1'",
    dateRangeInput("inDateRange", "Date range input:"),

    checkboxGroupInput("sexcheck", label = tags$div( HTML("<b>Sex</b><br>"))),

    checkboxGroupInput("agecheck", label = tags$div( HTML("<b>Age</b><br>"))),

    checkboxGroupInput("timecheck", label = tags$div( HTML("<b>Time of Accident</b><br>")))


    Any help would be appreciated. I have been scratching my head at this one for a while.

    share|improve this question




      I am struggling to solve an issue with passing multiple filters in a row, and sometimes the result is not as expected. In the example below, there are 7 Deer, 2 Bears, 1 Cougar, 1 Beaver, 1 Skunk, 1 Moose, and 3 Elk. When you select one or more species, sometimes the number of rows passed through the filters is not the same as it should be.

      Eg. When I select Bear, Beaver, and Cougar, it should produce data set of 4 rows, however, in the textoutput displaying the number of rows, nrow=3 is displayed. Adding in more selections sometimes passes the remaining filters, sometimes not. Sometimes when selecting Deer, where you would expect 7 rows of data, only 3 are passed.

      Have a look at the reproducible example below.



      shinyServer(function(input, output, session, clientData)

      Accident.Date <- as.Date(c("2018-06-04", "2018-06-05", "2018-06-06", "2018-06-07", "2018-06-08", "2018-06-09", "2018-06-10", "2018-06-11", "2018-06-12", "2018-06-13", "2018-06-14", "2018-06-15", "2018-06-16", "2018-06-17", "2018-06-18", "2018-07-18"))
      Time.of.Kill <- as.character(c("DAWN", "DAY", "DARK", "UNKNOWN", "DUSK", "DAY", "DAY", "DAWN", "DAY", "DARK", "UNKNOWN", "DUSK", "DARK", "DUSK", "DARK", "DAY"))
      Sex <- as.character(c("MALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE"))
      Age <- as.character(c("ADULT", "YOUNG", "UNKNOWN", "ADULT", "UNKNOWN", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "YOUNG", "ADULT", "ADULT", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "YOUNG", "ADULT"))
      Species <- as.character(c("Deer", "Deer", "Deer", "Bear", "Deer", "Cougar", "Bear", "Beaver", "Deer", "Skunk", "Moose", "Deer", "Deer", "Elk", "Elk", "Elk"))
      Year <- as.numeric(c("0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"))

      data <- data.frame(Accident.Date, Time.of.Kill, Sex, Age, Species, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      data <- data %>% mutate(Data.Set = "Current")

      #A set of reactive filters. Only data that has passed all filters is passed to the map, graph, datatable etc. **Order goes datacheck > yearcheck > speccheck > sexcheck > timecheck > agecheck > indaterange

      bindata <- reactive(
      filter(data, Data.Set %in% input$datacheck)

      yrdata <- reactive(
      filter(bindata(), Year %in% input$yearcheck)

      specdata <- reactive(
      subset(yrdata(), Species %in% input$speccheck)

      sexdata <- reactive(
      filter(specdata(), Sex %in% input$sexcheck)

      timedata <- reactive(
      filter(sexdata(), Time.of.Kill %in% input$timecheck)

      agedata <- reactive(
      filter(timedata(), Age %in% input$agecheck)

      #Does the date range filter. Selects min and max from the two inputs of the observed indaterange filter.

      data1 <- reactive( filter(agedata(),
      Accident.Date >= input$inDateRange[[1]],
      Accident.Date <= input$inDateRange[[2]])

      #If statement for choosing between current and historical datasets. If current is selected, year is set to 0 and the selection box is hidden.

      observe( if (input$datacheck == 'Current')
      updateSelectInput(session, "yearcheck", choices = c("0"), selected = c("0"))
      updateSelectizeInput(session, "yearcheck", choices = sort(unique(bindata()$Year), decreasing = TRUE), server=TRUE)



      req((input$datacheck == 'Historical'))

      updateSelectizeInput(session, "speccheck", choices = sort(unique(yrdata()$Species)), server=TRUE)


      #Creates the observed Species


      x <- input$yearcheck
      if (is.null(x))
      x <- character(0)

      updateSelectizeInput(session, "speccheck", choices = sort(unique(yrdata()$Species)), server=TRUE)


      #Creates the observed Sex


      x <- input$speccheck
      if (is.null(x))
      x <- character(0)

      updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "sexcheck",
      choices = unique(specdata()$Sex),
      selected = unique(specdata()$Sex),
      inline = TRUE)

      #Creates the observed Time


      x <- input$sexcheck
      if (is.null(x))
      x <- character(0)

      updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "timecheck",
      choices = unique(sexdata()$Time.of.Kill),
      selected = unique(sexdata()$Time.of.Kill),
      inline = TRUE)

      #Creates the observed Age


      x <- input$timecheck
      if (is.null(x))
      x <- character(0)

      updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "agecheck",
      choices = unique(timedata()$Age),
      selected = unique(timedata()$Age),
      inline = TRUE)

      #Creates the observed dates and suppresses warnings from the min max


      x <- input$agecheck
      if (is.null(x))
      x <- character(0)

      #And update the date range values to match those of the dataset

      session = session,
      inputId = "inDateRange",
      start = min(suppressWarnings(agedata()$Accident.Date)),
      end = max(suppressWarnings(agedata()$Accident.Date))

      output$txt <- renderText(nrow(data1()))



      navbarPage("Test", id="nav",


      absolutePanel(id = "controls", class = "panel panel-default", fixed = TRUE,
      draggable = FALSE, top = 200, left = 5, right = "auto", bottom = "auto",
      width = "auto", height = "auto",

      radioButtons("datacheck", label = tags$div( HTML("<b>Dataset</b>")),
      choices = c("Current" = "Current", "Historical" = "Historical"),
      selected = c("Current"), inline = TRUE),

      conditionalPanel(condition = "input.datacheck != 'Current'",

      #Only displays yearcheck for historical as there is no year column on current dataset. Current dataset has had all year values set to 0.

      selectizeInput("yearcheck", label = "Select Year (Only Available for Historical)", choices = NULL, options = list(placeholder = 'Select Year:', maxOptions = 40, maxItems = 40))),

      selectizeInput("speccheck", h3("Select Species:"), choices = NULL, options = list(placeholder = 'Select Species: (Max 12) ', maxOptions = 36, maxItems = 12)),

      conditionalPanel(condition = "input.speccheck >= '1'",
      dateRangeInput("inDateRange", "Date range input:"),

      checkboxGroupInput("sexcheck", label = tags$div( HTML("<b>Sex</b><br>"))),

      checkboxGroupInput("agecheck", label = tags$div( HTML("<b>Age</b><br>"))),

      checkboxGroupInput("timecheck", label = tags$div( HTML("<b>Time of Accident</b><br>")))


      Any help would be appreciated. I have been scratching my head at this one for a while.

      share|improve this question

      I am struggling to solve an issue with passing multiple filters in a row, and sometimes the result is not as expected. In the example below, there are 7 Deer, 2 Bears, 1 Cougar, 1 Beaver, 1 Skunk, 1 Moose, and 3 Elk. When you select one or more species, sometimes the number of rows passed through the filters is not the same as it should be.

      Eg. When I select Bear, Beaver, and Cougar, it should produce data set of 4 rows, however, in the textoutput displaying the number of rows, nrow=3 is displayed. Adding in more selections sometimes passes the remaining filters, sometimes not. Sometimes when selecting Deer, where you would expect 7 rows of data, only 3 are passed.

      Have a look at the reproducible example below.



      shinyServer(function(input, output, session, clientData)

      Accident.Date <- as.Date(c("2018-06-04", "2018-06-05", "2018-06-06", "2018-06-07", "2018-06-08", "2018-06-09", "2018-06-10", "2018-06-11", "2018-06-12", "2018-06-13", "2018-06-14", "2018-06-15", "2018-06-16", "2018-06-17", "2018-06-18", "2018-07-18"))
      Time.of.Kill <- as.character(c("DAWN", "DAY", "DARK", "UNKNOWN", "DUSK", "DAY", "DAY", "DAWN", "DAY", "DARK", "UNKNOWN", "DUSK", "DARK", "DUSK", "DARK", "DAY"))
      Sex <- as.character(c("MALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE"))
      Age <- as.character(c("ADULT", "YOUNG", "UNKNOWN", "ADULT", "UNKNOWN", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "YOUNG", "ADULT", "ADULT", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "YOUNG", "ADULT"))
      Species <- as.character(c("Deer", "Deer", "Deer", "Bear", "Deer", "Cougar", "Bear", "Beaver", "Deer", "Skunk", "Moose", "Deer", "Deer", "Elk", "Elk", "Elk"))
      Year <- as.numeric(c("0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"))

      data <- data.frame(Accident.Date, Time.of.Kill, Sex, Age, Species, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      data <- data %>% mutate(Data.Set = "Current")

      #A set of reactive filters. Only data that has passed all filters is passed to the map, graph, datatable etc. **Order goes datacheck > yearcheck > speccheck > sexcheck > timecheck > agecheck > indaterange

      bindata <- reactive(
      filter(data, Data.Set %in% input$datacheck)

      yrdata <- reactive(
      filter(bindata(), Year %in% input$yearcheck)

      specdata <- reactive(
      subset(yrdata(), Species %in% input$speccheck)

      sexdata <- reactive(
      filter(specdata(), Sex %in% input$sexcheck)

      timedata <- reactive(
      filter(sexdata(), Time.of.Kill %in% input$timecheck)

      agedata <- reactive(
      filter(timedata(), Age %in% input$agecheck)

      #Does the date range filter. Selects min and max from the two inputs of the observed indaterange filter.

      data1 <- reactive( filter(agedata(),
      Accident.Date >= input$inDateRange[[1]],
      Accident.Date <= input$inDateRange[[2]])

      #If statement for choosing between current and historical datasets. If current is selected, year is set to 0 and the selection box is hidden.

      observe( if (input$datacheck == 'Current')
      updateSelectInput(session, "yearcheck", choices = c("0"), selected = c("0"))
      updateSelectizeInput(session, "yearcheck", choices = sort(unique(bindata()$Year), decreasing = TRUE), server=TRUE)



      req((input$datacheck == 'Historical'))

      updateSelectizeInput(session, "speccheck", choices = sort(unique(yrdata()$Species)), server=TRUE)


      #Creates the observed Species


      x <- input$yearcheck
      if (is.null(x))
      x <- character(0)

      updateSelectizeInput(session, "speccheck", choices = sort(unique(yrdata()$Species)), server=TRUE)


      #Creates the observed Sex


      x <- input$speccheck
      if (is.null(x))
      x <- character(0)

      updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "sexcheck",
      choices = unique(specdata()$Sex),
      selected = unique(specdata()$Sex),
      inline = TRUE)

      #Creates the observed Time


      x <- input$sexcheck
      if (is.null(x))
      x <- character(0)

      updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "timecheck",
      choices = unique(sexdata()$Time.of.Kill),
      selected = unique(sexdata()$Time.of.Kill),
      inline = TRUE)

      #Creates the observed Age


      x <- input$timecheck
      if (is.null(x))
      x <- character(0)

      updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "agecheck",
      choices = unique(timedata()$Age),
      selected = unique(timedata()$Age),
      inline = TRUE)

      #Creates the observed dates and suppresses warnings from the min max


      x <- input$agecheck
      if (is.null(x))
      x <- character(0)

      #And update the date range values to match those of the dataset

      session = session,
      inputId = "inDateRange",
      start = min(suppressWarnings(agedata()$Accident.Date)),
      end = max(suppressWarnings(agedata()$Accident.Date))

      output$txt <- renderText(nrow(data1()))



      navbarPage("Test", id="nav",


      absolutePanel(id = "controls", class = "panel panel-default", fixed = TRUE,
      draggable = FALSE, top = 200, left = 5, right = "auto", bottom = "auto",
      width = "auto", height = "auto",

      radioButtons("datacheck", label = tags$div( HTML("<b>Dataset</b>")),
      choices = c("Current" = "Current", "Historical" = "Historical"),
      selected = c("Current"), inline = TRUE),

      conditionalPanel(condition = "input.datacheck != 'Current'",

      #Only displays yearcheck for historical as there is no year column on current dataset. Current dataset has had all year values set to 0.

      selectizeInput("yearcheck", label = "Select Year (Only Available for Historical)", choices = NULL, options = list(placeholder = 'Select Year:', maxOptions = 40, maxItems = 40))),

      selectizeInput("speccheck", h3("Select Species:"), choices = NULL, options = list(placeholder = 'Select Species: (Max 12) ', maxOptions = 36, maxItems = 12)),

      conditionalPanel(condition = "input.speccheck >= '1'",
      dateRangeInput("inDateRange", "Date range input:"),

      checkboxGroupInput("sexcheck", label = tags$div( HTML("<b>Sex</b><br>"))),

      checkboxGroupInput("agecheck", label = tags$div( HTML("<b>Age</b><br>"))),

      checkboxGroupInput("timecheck", label = tags$div( HTML("<b>Time of Accident</b><br>")))


      Any help would be appreciated. I have been scratching my head at this one for a while.

      r shiny shiny-reactivity

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked Mar 22 at 23:33

      Jayman McAllisterJayman McAllister



          2 Answers





          The issue is related with how you update your checkbox. Using your code: select first BEAR, the output looks great, yeah, but if you add BEAVER nothing happens. Why? Because when your filter pass

           timedata <- reactive(
          filter(sexdata(),(Time.of.Kill %in% input$timecheck))

          Because BEAR has not DAWN as a Time.of.Kill, BEAVER does not pass this filter.

          Here is my solution:

          shinyServer(function(input, output, session, clientData) 

          Accident.Date <- as.Date(c("2018-06-04", "2018-06-05", "2018-06-06", "2018-06-07", "2018-06-08", "2018-06-09", "2018-06-10", "2018-06-11", "2018-06-12", "2018-06-13", "2018-06-14", "2018-06-15", "2018-06-16", "2018-06-17", "2018-06-18", "2018-07-18"))
          Time.of.Kill <- as.character(c("DAWN", "DAY", "DARK", "UNKNOWN", "DUSK", "DAY", "DAY", "DAWN", "DAY", "DARK", "UNKNOWN", "DUSK", "DARK", "DUSK", "DARK", "DAY"))
          Sex <- as.character(c("MALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE"))
          Age <- as.character(c("ADULT", "YOUNG", "UNKNOWN", "ADULT", "UNKNOWN", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "YOUNG", "ADULT", "ADULT", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "YOUNG", "ADULT"))
          Species <- as.character(c("Deer", "Deer", "Deer", "Bear", "Deer", "Cougar", "Bear", "Beaver", "Deer", "Skunk", "Moose", "Deer", "Deer", "Elk", "Elk", "Elk"))
          Year <- as.numeric(c("0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"))

          data <- data.frame(Accident.Date, Time.of.Kill, Sex, Age, Species, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          data <- data %>% mutate(Data.Set = "Current")

          #A set of reactive filters. Only data that has passed all filters is passed to the map, graph, datatable etc. **Order goes datacheck > yearcheck > speccheck > sexcheck > timecheck > agecheck > indaterange

          bindata <- reactive(
          filter(data, Data.Set %in% input$datacheck)

          yrdata <- reactive(
          filter(bindata(), Year %in% input$yearcheck)

          specdata <- reactive(
          sub <- subset(yrdata(), Species %in% input$speccheck)


          sexdata <- reactive(
          filter(specdata(), Sex %in% input$sexcheck)

          timedata <- reactive(
          filter(sexdata(),(Time.of.Kill %in% input$timecheck))

          agedata <- reactive(
          filter(timedata(), Age %in% input$agecheck)

          #Does the date range filter. Selects min and max from the two inputs of the observed indaterange filter.

          data1 <- reactive( filter(agedata(),
          Accident.Date >= input$inDateRange[[1]],
          Accident.Date <= input$inDateRange[[2]])

          #If statement for choosing between current and historical datasets. If current is selected, year is set to 0 and the selection box is hidden.

          observe( if (input$datacheck == 'Current')
          updateSelectInput(session, "yearcheck", choices = c("0"), selected = c("0"))
          updateSelectizeInput(session, "yearcheck", choices = sort(unique(bindata()$Year), decreasing = TRUE), server=TRUE)



          req((input$datacheck == 'Historical'))

          updateSelectizeInput(session, "speccheck", choices = sort(unique(yrdata()$Species)), server=TRUE)


          #Creates the observed Species


          x <- input$yearcheck
          if (is.null(x))
          x <- character(0)

          updateSelectizeInput(session, "speccheck", choices = sort(unique(yrdata()$Species)), server=TRUE)


          #Creates the observed Sex


          x <- input$speccheck
          if (is.null(x))
          x <- character(0)

          updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "sexcheck",
          choices = unique(bindata()$Sex),
          selected = unique(bindata()$Sex),
          inline = TRUE)

          #Creates the observed Time


          x <- input$sexcheck
          if (is.null(x))
          x <- character(0)

          updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "timecheck",
          choices = unique(bindata()$Time.of.Kill),
          selected = unique(bindata()$Time.of.Kill),
          inline = TRUE)

          #Creates the observed Age


          x <- input$timecheck
          if (is.null(x))
          x <- character(0)

          updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "agecheck",
          choices = unique(bindata()$Age),
          selected = unique(bindata()$Age),
          inline = TRUE)

          #Creates the observed dates and suppresses warnings from the min max


          x <- input$agecheck
          if (is.null(x))
          x <- character(0)

          #And update the date range values to match those of the dataset

          session = session,
          inputId = "inDateRange",
          start = min(suppressWarnings(bindata()$Accident.Date)),
          end = max(suppressWarnings(bindata()$Accident.Date))

          output$txt <- renderText(nrow(data1()))


          My only change is to use bindata() to update checkboxs, this will force all to appear so no animal is pre-filtered.
          Therefore, my solution is to renounce to create dynamic checks and show all from the very first time you select an animal.

          share|improve this answer

          • Close but I solved it. Thanks for the advice.

            – Jayman McAllister
            Mar 24 at 0:50


          The solution was rather obvious. The desired effect was obtained by just placing the updateinputs inside of observe() rather than trying to observe the upstream inputs as they change. This was applied to all upstream updateinputs.


          x <- input$agecheck
          if (is.null(x))
          x <- character(0)

          #And update the date range values to match those of the dataset

          session = session,
          inputId = "inDateRange",
          start = suppressWarnings(min(agedata()$Accident.Date)),
          end = suppressWarnings(max(agedata()$Accident.Date))

          This solved the problem!

          share|improve this answer

            Your Answer

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            2 Answers




            2 Answers











            The issue is related with how you update your checkbox. Using your code: select first BEAR, the output looks great, yeah, but if you add BEAVER nothing happens. Why? Because when your filter pass

             timedata <- reactive(
            filter(sexdata(),(Time.of.Kill %in% input$timecheck))

            Because BEAR has not DAWN as a Time.of.Kill, BEAVER does not pass this filter.

            Here is my solution:

            shinyServer(function(input, output, session, clientData) 

            Accident.Date <- as.Date(c("2018-06-04", "2018-06-05", "2018-06-06", "2018-06-07", "2018-06-08", "2018-06-09", "2018-06-10", "2018-06-11", "2018-06-12", "2018-06-13", "2018-06-14", "2018-06-15", "2018-06-16", "2018-06-17", "2018-06-18", "2018-07-18"))
            Time.of.Kill <- as.character(c("DAWN", "DAY", "DARK", "UNKNOWN", "DUSK", "DAY", "DAY", "DAWN", "DAY", "DARK", "UNKNOWN", "DUSK", "DARK", "DUSK", "DARK", "DAY"))
            Sex <- as.character(c("MALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE"))
            Age <- as.character(c("ADULT", "YOUNG", "UNKNOWN", "ADULT", "UNKNOWN", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "YOUNG", "ADULT", "ADULT", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "YOUNG", "ADULT"))
            Species <- as.character(c("Deer", "Deer", "Deer", "Bear", "Deer", "Cougar", "Bear", "Beaver", "Deer", "Skunk", "Moose", "Deer", "Deer", "Elk", "Elk", "Elk"))
            Year <- as.numeric(c("0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"))

            data <- data.frame(Accident.Date, Time.of.Kill, Sex, Age, Species, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            data <- data %>% mutate(Data.Set = "Current")

            #A set of reactive filters. Only data that has passed all filters is passed to the map, graph, datatable etc. **Order goes datacheck > yearcheck > speccheck > sexcheck > timecheck > agecheck > indaterange

            bindata <- reactive(
            filter(data, Data.Set %in% input$datacheck)

            yrdata <- reactive(
            filter(bindata(), Year %in% input$yearcheck)

            specdata <- reactive(
            sub <- subset(yrdata(), Species %in% input$speccheck)


            sexdata <- reactive(
            filter(specdata(), Sex %in% input$sexcheck)

            timedata <- reactive(
            filter(sexdata(),(Time.of.Kill %in% input$timecheck))

            agedata <- reactive(
            filter(timedata(), Age %in% input$agecheck)

            #Does the date range filter. Selects min and max from the two inputs of the observed indaterange filter.

            data1 <- reactive( filter(agedata(),
            Accident.Date >= input$inDateRange[[1]],
            Accident.Date <= input$inDateRange[[2]])

            #If statement for choosing between current and historical datasets. If current is selected, year is set to 0 and the selection box is hidden.

            observe( if (input$datacheck == 'Current')
            updateSelectInput(session, "yearcheck", choices = c("0"), selected = c("0"))
            updateSelectizeInput(session, "yearcheck", choices = sort(unique(bindata()$Year), decreasing = TRUE), server=TRUE)



            req((input$datacheck == 'Historical'))

            updateSelectizeInput(session, "speccheck", choices = sort(unique(yrdata()$Species)), server=TRUE)


            #Creates the observed Species


            x <- input$yearcheck
            if (is.null(x))
            x <- character(0)

            updateSelectizeInput(session, "speccheck", choices = sort(unique(yrdata()$Species)), server=TRUE)


            #Creates the observed Sex


            x <- input$speccheck
            if (is.null(x))
            x <- character(0)

            updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "sexcheck",
            choices = unique(bindata()$Sex),
            selected = unique(bindata()$Sex),
            inline = TRUE)

            #Creates the observed Time


            x <- input$sexcheck
            if (is.null(x))
            x <- character(0)

            updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "timecheck",
            choices = unique(bindata()$Time.of.Kill),
            selected = unique(bindata()$Time.of.Kill),
            inline = TRUE)

            #Creates the observed Age


            x <- input$timecheck
            if (is.null(x))
            x <- character(0)

            updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "agecheck",
            choices = unique(bindata()$Age),
            selected = unique(bindata()$Age),
            inline = TRUE)

            #Creates the observed dates and suppresses warnings from the min max


            x <- input$agecheck
            if (is.null(x))
            x <- character(0)

            #And update the date range values to match those of the dataset

            session = session,
            inputId = "inDateRange",
            start = min(suppressWarnings(bindata()$Accident.Date)),
            end = max(suppressWarnings(bindata()$Accident.Date))

            output$txt <- renderText(nrow(data1()))


            My only change is to use bindata() to update checkboxs, this will force all to appear so no animal is pre-filtered.
            Therefore, my solution is to renounce to create dynamic checks and show all from the very first time you select an animal.

            share|improve this answer

            • Close but I solved it. Thanks for the advice.

              – Jayman McAllister
              Mar 24 at 0:50


            The issue is related with how you update your checkbox. Using your code: select first BEAR, the output looks great, yeah, but if you add BEAVER nothing happens. Why? Because when your filter pass

             timedata <- reactive(
            filter(sexdata(),(Time.of.Kill %in% input$timecheck))

            Because BEAR has not DAWN as a Time.of.Kill, BEAVER does not pass this filter.

            Here is my solution:

            shinyServer(function(input, output, session, clientData) 

            Accident.Date <- as.Date(c("2018-06-04", "2018-06-05", "2018-06-06", "2018-06-07", "2018-06-08", "2018-06-09", "2018-06-10", "2018-06-11", "2018-06-12", "2018-06-13", "2018-06-14", "2018-06-15", "2018-06-16", "2018-06-17", "2018-06-18", "2018-07-18"))
            Time.of.Kill <- as.character(c("DAWN", "DAY", "DARK", "UNKNOWN", "DUSK", "DAY", "DAY", "DAWN", "DAY", "DARK", "UNKNOWN", "DUSK", "DARK", "DUSK", "DARK", "DAY"))
            Sex <- as.character(c("MALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE"))
            Age <- as.character(c("ADULT", "YOUNG", "UNKNOWN", "ADULT", "UNKNOWN", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "YOUNG", "ADULT", "ADULT", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "YOUNG", "ADULT"))
            Species <- as.character(c("Deer", "Deer", "Deer", "Bear", "Deer", "Cougar", "Bear", "Beaver", "Deer", "Skunk", "Moose", "Deer", "Deer", "Elk", "Elk", "Elk"))
            Year <- as.numeric(c("0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"))

            data <- data.frame(Accident.Date, Time.of.Kill, Sex, Age, Species, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            data <- data %>% mutate(Data.Set = "Current")

            #A set of reactive filters. Only data that has passed all filters is passed to the map, graph, datatable etc. **Order goes datacheck > yearcheck > speccheck > sexcheck > timecheck > agecheck > indaterange

            bindata <- reactive(
            filter(data, Data.Set %in% input$datacheck)

            yrdata <- reactive(
            filter(bindata(), Year %in% input$yearcheck)

            specdata <- reactive(
            sub <- subset(yrdata(), Species %in% input$speccheck)


            sexdata <- reactive(
            filter(specdata(), Sex %in% input$sexcheck)

            timedata <- reactive(
            filter(sexdata(),(Time.of.Kill %in% input$timecheck))

            agedata <- reactive(
            filter(timedata(), Age %in% input$agecheck)

            #Does the date range filter. Selects min and max from the two inputs of the observed indaterange filter.

            data1 <- reactive( filter(agedata(),
            Accident.Date >= input$inDateRange[[1]],
            Accident.Date <= input$inDateRange[[2]])

            #If statement for choosing between current and historical datasets. If current is selected, year is set to 0 and the selection box is hidden.

            observe( if (input$datacheck == 'Current')
            updateSelectInput(session, "yearcheck", choices = c("0"), selected = c("0"))
            updateSelectizeInput(session, "yearcheck", choices = sort(unique(bindata()$Year), decreasing = TRUE), server=TRUE)



            req((input$datacheck == 'Historical'))

            updateSelectizeInput(session, "speccheck", choices = sort(unique(yrdata()$Species)), server=TRUE)


            #Creates the observed Species


            x <- input$yearcheck
            if (is.null(x))
            x <- character(0)

            updateSelectizeInput(session, "speccheck", choices = sort(unique(yrdata()$Species)), server=TRUE)


            #Creates the observed Sex


            x <- input$speccheck
            if (is.null(x))
            x <- character(0)

            updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "sexcheck",
            choices = unique(bindata()$Sex),
            selected = unique(bindata()$Sex),
            inline = TRUE)

            #Creates the observed Time


            x <- input$sexcheck
            if (is.null(x))
            x <- character(0)

            updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "timecheck",
            choices = unique(bindata()$Time.of.Kill),
            selected = unique(bindata()$Time.of.Kill),
            inline = TRUE)

            #Creates the observed Age


            x <- input$timecheck
            if (is.null(x))
            x <- character(0)

            updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "agecheck",
            choices = unique(bindata()$Age),
            selected = unique(bindata()$Age),
            inline = TRUE)

            #Creates the observed dates and suppresses warnings from the min max


            x <- input$agecheck
            if (is.null(x))
            x <- character(0)

            #And update the date range values to match those of the dataset

            session = session,
            inputId = "inDateRange",
            start = min(suppressWarnings(bindata()$Accident.Date)),
            end = max(suppressWarnings(bindata()$Accident.Date))

            output$txt <- renderText(nrow(data1()))


            My only change is to use bindata() to update checkboxs, this will force all to appear so no animal is pre-filtered.
            Therefore, my solution is to renounce to create dynamic checks and show all from the very first time you select an animal.

            share|improve this answer

            • Close but I solved it. Thanks for the advice.

              – Jayman McAllister
              Mar 24 at 0:50




            The issue is related with how you update your checkbox. Using your code: select first BEAR, the output looks great, yeah, but if you add BEAVER nothing happens. Why? Because when your filter pass

             timedata <- reactive(
            filter(sexdata(),(Time.of.Kill %in% input$timecheck))

            Because BEAR has not DAWN as a Time.of.Kill, BEAVER does not pass this filter.

            Here is my solution:

            shinyServer(function(input, output, session, clientData) 

            Accident.Date <- as.Date(c("2018-06-04", "2018-06-05", "2018-06-06", "2018-06-07", "2018-06-08", "2018-06-09", "2018-06-10", "2018-06-11", "2018-06-12", "2018-06-13", "2018-06-14", "2018-06-15", "2018-06-16", "2018-06-17", "2018-06-18", "2018-07-18"))
            Time.of.Kill <- as.character(c("DAWN", "DAY", "DARK", "UNKNOWN", "DUSK", "DAY", "DAY", "DAWN", "DAY", "DARK", "UNKNOWN", "DUSK", "DARK", "DUSK", "DARK", "DAY"))
            Sex <- as.character(c("MALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE"))
            Age <- as.character(c("ADULT", "YOUNG", "UNKNOWN", "ADULT", "UNKNOWN", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "YOUNG", "ADULT", "ADULT", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "YOUNG", "ADULT"))
            Species <- as.character(c("Deer", "Deer", "Deer", "Bear", "Deer", "Cougar", "Bear", "Beaver", "Deer", "Skunk", "Moose", "Deer", "Deer", "Elk", "Elk", "Elk"))
            Year <- as.numeric(c("0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"))

            data <- data.frame(Accident.Date, Time.of.Kill, Sex, Age, Species, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            data <- data %>% mutate(Data.Set = "Current")

            #A set of reactive filters. Only data that has passed all filters is passed to the map, graph, datatable etc. **Order goes datacheck > yearcheck > speccheck > sexcheck > timecheck > agecheck > indaterange

            bindata <- reactive(
            filter(data, Data.Set %in% input$datacheck)

            yrdata <- reactive(
            filter(bindata(), Year %in% input$yearcheck)

            specdata <- reactive(
            sub <- subset(yrdata(), Species %in% input$speccheck)


            sexdata <- reactive(
            filter(specdata(), Sex %in% input$sexcheck)

            timedata <- reactive(
            filter(sexdata(),(Time.of.Kill %in% input$timecheck))

            agedata <- reactive(
            filter(timedata(), Age %in% input$agecheck)

            #Does the date range filter. Selects min and max from the two inputs of the observed indaterange filter.

            data1 <- reactive( filter(agedata(),
            Accident.Date >= input$inDateRange[[1]],
            Accident.Date <= input$inDateRange[[2]])

            #If statement for choosing between current and historical datasets. If current is selected, year is set to 0 and the selection box is hidden.

            observe( if (input$datacheck == 'Current')
            updateSelectInput(session, "yearcheck", choices = c("0"), selected = c("0"))
            updateSelectizeInput(session, "yearcheck", choices = sort(unique(bindata()$Year), decreasing = TRUE), server=TRUE)



            req((input$datacheck == 'Historical'))

            updateSelectizeInput(session, "speccheck", choices = sort(unique(yrdata()$Species)), server=TRUE)


            #Creates the observed Species


            x <- input$yearcheck
            if (is.null(x))
            x <- character(0)

            updateSelectizeInput(session, "speccheck", choices = sort(unique(yrdata()$Species)), server=TRUE)


            #Creates the observed Sex


            x <- input$speccheck
            if (is.null(x))
            x <- character(0)

            updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "sexcheck",
            choices = unique(bindata()$Sex),
            selected = unique(bindata()$Sex),
            inline = TRUE)

            #Creates the observed Time


            x <- input$sexcheck
            if (is.null(x))
            x <- character(0)

            updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "timecheck",
            choices = unique(bindata()$Time.of.Kill),
            selected = unique(bindata()$Time.of.Kill),
            inline = TRUE)

            #Creates the observed Age


            x <- input$timecheck
            if (is.null(x))
            x <- character(0)

            updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "agecheck",
            choices = unique(bindata()$Age),
            selected = unique(bindata()$Age),
            inline = TRUE)

            #Creates the observed dates and suppresses warnings from the min max


            x <- input$agecheck
            if (is.null(x))
            x <- character(0)

            #And update the date range values to match those of the dataset

            session = session,
            inputId = "inDateRange",
            start = min(suppressWarnings(bindata()$Accident.Date)),
            end = max(suppressWarnings(bindata()$Accident.Date))

            output$txt <- renderText(nrow(data1()))


            My only change is to use bindata() to update checkboxs, this will force all to appear so no animal is pre-filtered.
            Therefore, my solution is to renounce to create dynamic checks and show all from the very first time you select an animal.

            share|improve this answer

            The issue is related with how you update your checkbox. Using your code: select first BEAR, the output looks great, yeah, but if you add BEAVER nothing happens. Why? Because when your filter pass

             timedata <- reactive(
            filter(sexdata(),(Time.of.Kill %in% input$timecheck))

            Because BEAR has not DAWN as a Time.of.Kill, BEAVER does not pass this filter.

            Here is my solution:

            shinyServer(function(input, output, session, clientData) 

            Accident.Date <- as.Date(c("2018-06-04", "2018-06-05", "2018-06-06", "2018-06-07", "2018-06-08", "2018-06-09", "2018-06-10", "2018-06-11", "2018-06-12", "2018-06-13", "2018-06-14", "2018-06-15", "2018-06-16", "2018-06-17", "2018-06-18", "2018-07-18"))
            Time.of.Kill <- as.character(c("DAWN", "DAY", "DARK", "UNKNOWN", "DUSK", "DAY", "DAY", "DAWN", "DAY", "DARK", "UNKNOWN", "DUSK", "DARK", "DUSK", "DARK", "DAY"))
            Sex <- as.character(c("MALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE"))
            Age <- as.character(c("ADULT", "YOUNG", "UNKNOWN", "ADULT", "UNKNOWN", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "YOUNG", "ADULT", "ADULT", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "ADULT", "YOUNG", "YOUNG", "ADULT"))
            Species <- as.character(c("Deer", "Deer", "Deer", "Bear", "Deer", "Cougar", "Bear", "Beaver", "Deer", "Skunk", "Moose", "Deer", "Deer", "Elk", "Elk", "Elk"))
            Year <- as.numeric(c("0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"))

            data <- data.frame(Accident.Date, Time.of.Kill, Sex, Age, Species, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            data <- data %>% mutate(Data.Set = "Current")

            #A set of reactive filters. Only data that has passed all filters is passed to the map, graph, datatable etc. **Order goes datacheck > yearcheck > speccheck > sexcheck > timecheck > agecheck > indaterange

            bindata <- reactive(
            filter(data, Data.Set %in% input$datacheck)

            yrdata <- reactive(
            filter(bindata(), Year %in% input$yearcheck)

            specdata <- reactive(
            sub <- subset(yrdata(), Species %in% input$speccheck)


            sexdata <- reactive(
            filter(specdata(), Sex %in% input$sexcheck)

            timedata <- reactive(
            filter(sexdata(),(Time.of.Kill %in% input$timecheck))

            agedata <- reactive(
            filter(timedata(), Age %in% input$agecheck)

            #Does the date range filter. Selects min and max from the two inputs of the observed indaterange filter.

            data1 <- reactive( filter(agedata(),
            Accident.Date >= input$inDateRange[[1]],
            Accident.Date <= input$inDateRange[[2]])

            #If statement for choosing between current and historical datasets. If current is selected, year is set to 0 and the selection box is hidden.

            observe( if (input$datacheck == 'Current')
            updateSelectInput(session, "yearcheck", choices = c("0"), selected = c("0"))
            updateSelectizeInput(session, "yearcheck", choices = sort(unique(bindata()$Year), decreasing = TRUE), server=TRUE)



            req((input$datacheck == 'Historical'))

            updateSelectizeInput(session, "speccheck", choices = sort(unique(yrdata()$Species)), server=TRUE)


            #Creates the observed Species


            x <- input$yearcheck
            if (is.null(x))
            x <- character(0)

            updateSelectizeInput(session, "speccheck", choices = sort(unique(yrdata()$Species)), server=TRUE)


            #Creates the observed Sex


            x <- input$speccheck
            if (is.null(x))
            x <- character(0)

            updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "sexcheck",
            choices = unique(bindata()$Sex),
            selected = unique(bindata()$Sex),
            inline = TRUE)

            #Creates the observed Time


            x <- input$sexcheck
            if (is.null(x))
            x <- character(0)

            updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "timecheck",
            choices = unique(bindata()$Time.of.Kill),
            selected = unique(bindata()$Time.of.Kill),
            inline = TRUE)

            #Creates the observed Age


            x <- input$timecheck
            if (is.null(x))
            x <- character(0)

            updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "agecheck",
            choices = unique(bindata()$Age),
            selected = unique(bindata()$Age),
            inline = TRUE)

            #Creates the observed dates and suppresses warnings from the min max


            x <- input$agecheck
            if (is.null(x))
            x <- character(0)

            #And update the date range values to match those of the dataset

            session = session,
            inputId = "inDateRange",
            start = min(suppressWarnings(bindata()$Accident.Date)),
            end = max(suppressWarnings(bindata()$Accident.Date))

            output$txt <- renderText(nrow(data1()))


            My only change is to use bindata() to update checkboxs, this will force all to appear so no animal is pre-filtered.
            Therefore, my solution is to renounce to create dynamic checks and show all from the very first time you select an animal.

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            answered Mar 23 at 7:07




            • Close but I solved it. Thanks for the advice.

              – Jayman McAllister
              Mar 24 at 0:50

            • Close but I solved it. Thanks for the advice.

              – Jayman McAllister
              Mar 24 at 0:50

            Close but I solved it. Thanks for the advice.

            – Jayman McAllister
            Mar 24 at 0:50

            Close but I solved it. Thanks for the advice.

            – Jayman McAllister
            Mar 24 at 0:50


            The solution was rather obvious. The desired effect was obtained by just placing the updateinputs inside of observe() rather than trying to observe the upstream inputs as they change. This was applied to all upstream updateinputs.


            x <- input$agecheck
            if (is.null(x))
            x <- character(0)

            #And update the date range values to match those of the dataset

            session = session,
            inputId = "inDateRange",
            start = suppressWarnings(min(agedata()$Accident.Date)),
            end = suppressWarnings(max(agedata()$Accident.Date))

            This solved the problem!

            share|improve this answer


              The solution was rather obvious. The desired effect was obtained by just placing the updateinputs inside of observe() rather than trying to observe the upstream inputs as they change. This was applied to all upstream updateinputs.


              x <- input$agecheck
              if (is.null(x))
              x <- character(0)

              #And update the date range values to match those of the dataset

              session = session,
              inputId = "inDateRange",
              start = suppressWarnings(min(agedata()$Accident.Date)),
              end = suppressWarnings(max(agedata()$Accident.Date))

              This solved the problem!

              share|improve this answer




                The solution was rather obvious. The desired effect was obtained by just placing the updateinputs inside of observe() rather than trying to observe the upstream inputs as they change. This was applied to all upstream updateinputs.


                x <- input$agecheck
                if (is.null(x))
                x <- character(0)

                #And update the date range values to match those of the dataset

                session = session,
                inputId = "inDateRange",
                start = suppressWarnings(min(agedata()$Accident.Date)),
                end = suppressWarnings(max(agedata()$Accident.Date))

                This solved the problem!

                share|improve this answer

                The solution was rather obvious. The desired effect was obtained by just placing the updateinputs inside of observe() rather than trying to observe the upstream inputs as they change. This was applied to all upstream updateinputs.


                x <- input$agecheck
                if (is.null(x))
                x <- character(0)

                #And update the date range values to match those of the dataset

                session = session,
                inputId = "inDateRange",
                start = suppressWarnings(min(agedata()$Accident.Date)),
                end = suppressWarnings(max(agedata()$Accident.Date))

                This solved the problem!

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                answered Mar 24 at 0:50

                Jayman McAllisterJayman McAllister



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