Creating a waffle plot together with facets in ggplot2Round vector of numerics to integer while preserving their sumRotating and spacing axis labels in ggplot2Plot two graphs in same plot in Rggplot2 position='dodge' producing bars that are too wideggplot2 stacked bar plot order broken after updatePlot vector as barplotR qplot - plotting two facets with sums on the y-axis instead of countsPrevent factor level being dropped in ggplot facetted histogramsDimension of the multi barplot using ggplot2 facet_wrap() in RHow to plot faceted histogram (not bar charts) with percents relative to each facet?ggplot2 to plot mean and sd of a variable side by side

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Creating a waffle plot together with facets in ggplot2

Round vector of numerics to integer while preserving their sumRotating and spacing axis labels in ggplot2Plot two graphs in same plot in Rggplot2 position='dodge' producing bars that are too wideggplot2 stacked bar plot order broken after updatePlot vector as barplotR qplot - plotting two facets with sums on the y-axis instead of countsPrevent factor level being dropped in ggplot facetted histogramsDimension of the multi barplot using ggplot2 facet_wrap() in RHow to plot faceted histogram (not bar charts) with percents relative to each facet?ggplot2 to plot mean and sd of a variable side by side



Is there any easy way to create waffle plots in combination with facets in ggplot2, or combing with the waffle package?

For example, replacing every bar in the below with 100 squares to represent 1 percent.

ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = factor(vs), y = hp, fill = as.factor(carb))) +
geom_bar(stat = 'identity', position = 'fill') +

share|improve this question


    Is there any easy way to create waffle plots in combination with facets in ggplot2, or combing with the waffle package?

    For example, replacing every bar in the below with 100 squares to represent 1 percent.

    ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = factor(vs), y = hp, fill = as.factor(carb))) +
    geom_bar(stat = 'identity', position = 'fill') +

    share|improve this question





      Is there any easy way to create waffle plots in combination with facets in ggplot2, or combing with the waffle package?

      For example, replacing every bar in the below with 100 squares to represent 1 percent.

      ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = factor(vs), y = hp, fill = as.factor(carb))) +
      geom_bar(stat = 'identity', position = 'fill') +

      share|improve this question

      Is there any easy way to create waffle plots in combination with facets in ggplot2, or combing with the waffle package?

      For example, replacing every bar in the below with 100 squares to represent 1 percent.

      ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = factor(vs), y = hp, fill = as.factor(carb))) +
      geom_bar(stat = 'identity', position = 'fill') +

      r ggplot2 waffle-chart

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Mar 14 at 20:25

      Marcus Campbell

      2,1553 gold badges13 silver badges30 bronze badges

      2,1553 gold badges13 silver badges30 bronze badges

      asked Oct 10 '18 at 13:43


      8061 gold badge6 silver badges20 bronze badges

      8061 gold badge6 silver badges20 bronze badges

          3 Answers





          I'm not sure I'll ever get around to stat_waffle() / geom_waffle() but you can just use the logic in the package to do the same thing the long way round:


          We need to figure out the percents then get each group to sum to 100 even, so we need a helper function that's been around on SO for a while:

          smart_round <- function(x, digits = 0) # somewhere on SO
          up <- 10 ^ digits
          x <- x * up
          y <- floor(x)
          indices <- tail(order(x-y), round(sum(x)) - sum(y))
          y[indices] <- y[indices] + 1
          y / up

          There are 2 bits of "magic" in the waffle package. One bit is the part of the algorithm that just replicates the factor components the right number of times. We'll apply the following function row-wise to the data frame we'll make:

          waffleize <- function(xdf) 
          gear_vs = rep(xdf$gear_vs, xdf$pct),
          carb = rep(xdf$carb, xdf$pct)

          Now we need to:

          • do the same math ggplot2 did for your example

          • calculate the percents for the groups

          • turn the % into parts of 100 and make each group even total to 100

          • since we can't have two different geom_tile()s in one panel we need to hack a facet name that'll do the same thing

          • group by said hack

          • replicate each row pct times

          • make sure things are ordered right

          • join a 10x10 x/y grid for as many facets as we'll have (in this case, 6); this is the other bit of the waffle package's "magic"

          • draw the tiles

          ^^ translates to 👇 (this pipe chain is a wee bit long for my comfort level, but "it works"):

          count(mtcars, gear, vs, carb, wt=hp) %>% 
          group_by(gear, vs) %>%
          mutate(pct = n/sum(n)) %>%
          mutate(pct = (smart_round(pct, 1) * 100L) %>% as.integer()) %>%
          select(-n) %>%
          ungroup() %>%
          mutate(carb = as.character(carb)) %>%
          mutate(gear_vs = sprintf("%s-%s", gear, vs)) %>%
          select(gear_vs, carb, pct, -gear, -vs) %>%
          rowwise() %>%
          do(waffleize(.)) %>%
          ungroup() %>%
          arrange(gear_vs, carb) %>%
          map_df(seq_len(length(unique(.$gear_vs))), ~expand.grid(y = 1:10, x = 1:10))
          ) %>%
          ggplot(aes(x, y)) +
          geom_tile(aes(fill=carb), color="white", size=0.5) +
          ggthemes::scale_fill_tableau() +
          facet_wrap(~gear_vs) +
          coord_equal() +
          labs(x=NULL, y = NULL) +
          hrbrthemes::theme_ipsum_rc(grid="") +

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer

          • Are the percentages are rounded wrong for 3-0, 4-1 and 5-0?

            – Mikko
            Oct 26 '18 at 7:21


          A little addition to @hrbrmstr excellent answer (thanks for making the package and sharing the code with us!). I also have struggled to make such plots, since I think this is a better way of visualizing data when doing comparisons than pie charts. My philosophy with waffle charts differs from the existing solutions (waffle and ggwaffle) in three ways:

          1. The waffles should always be presented in a 10x10% grid with aspect ratio 1, as in required OP's question and in @hrbrmstr answer. This makes reading the percentages easier.

          2. The waffles should be filled from left to right (reading direction) and from bottom upwards (like water in a glass, unlike in the existing solutions). This makes reading the percentages more natural to me.

          3. The 1% cells could be divided to accommodate fractional percentages. Groups that contribute <1% disappear when using full percentages, yet in the applications I have used these plots, missing groups have a different meaning than (0,1) groups.

          Because it took me quite some time to solve the issues mentioned above, I post my solution under. "The magic" (i.e. the approach) behind the code has been scavenged from the existing packages. I hope this helps someone and pushes the waffle chart development forward. I really think these charts have a potential in data visualization. It would be nice to implement the functions as ggplot2 proto objects, but after trying I had to give up. I do not understand that proto system well enough to write code for it. I just copy the code I intend to include in my R package once I have added all the features I plan to add (the plan is to make waffle charts work similarly to scatterpie). Note that a lot of the code below is to make the waffles pretty. The part that actually bakes the waffles is not that complicated and is well explained in @hrbrmstr answer.

          Functions required to run the example:


          #' @title Convert line sizes measured as points to ggplot line sizes
          #' @description Converts line sizes measured as points (as given by most programs such as Adobe Illustrator etc.) to ggplot font sizes
          #' @param x numeric vector giving the lines sizes in points
          #' @return Returns a numeric vector of lenght codex of ggplot line sizes
          #' @keywords internal
          #' @export
          LS <- function(x) x/2.13

          #' @title Round values preserving total sums
          #' @description The function rounds values preserving total sums
          #' @param x numeric vector of values to be rounded
          #' @param digits integer indicating the number of decimal places. See codelink[base]round.
          #' @return Returns a numeric vector.
          #' @author The function is written as a communal effort. Main authors are href and href
          #' @keywords internal
          #' @family waffle
          #' @export

          round_preserve_sum <- function(x, digits = 0)
          up <- 10 ^ digits
          x <- x * up
          y <- floor(x)
          indices <- tail(order(x-y), round(sum(x)) - sum(y))
          y[indices] <- y[indices] + 1
          y / up
          # from

          #' @title Prepare data for waffle plots
          #' @description Manipulates a data frame ready for plotting with the codelinkwaffle_chart function.
          #' @param dt data frame containing the data which should be transformed
          #' @param fill character specifying the column name which should be used as fill for the waffle plot.
          #' @param value character specifying the column name which contains values of the codefill variable.
          #' @param composition logical indicating whether a compositional waffle (i.e. fill adds up to 100%) should be created. If codeFALSE, waffle cells will be scaled to codemax_value and missing cells filled with an "empty" category.
          #' @param max_value numerical giving the value to which waffle cells should be scaled to, if codecomposition = FALSE.
          #' @param digits integer indicating the number of decimal places to be used in rounding of the waffle cells.
          #' @return returns a link[tibble]tibble data frame containing the minimum and maximum extent of each codefill level.
          #' @author Mikko Vihtakari
          #' @keywords internal
          #' @family waffle
          #' @import dplyr
          #' @export

          waffleize <- function(dt, fill, value, composition = TRUE, max_value = NULL, digits = 3)

          x <- dt[c(fill, value)]
          names(x) <- c("variable", "value")

          x$value <- round_preserve_sum(10^digits*x$value/sum(x$value))

          if(is.null(max_value)) stop("max_value has to be given, if composition = FALSE")
          if(max_value < sum(x$value)) stop("max_value has to be larger than the sum of 'value' column. Use composition = TRUE, if you want a compositional waffle chart")

          x <- rbind(x, data.frame(variable = "empty", value = max_value - sum(x$value)))
          x$value <- round_preserve_sum(10^digits*x$value/max_value)

          if(!is.factor(x$variable)) x$variable <- factor(x$variable, levels = c(sort(unique(x$variable)[unique(x$variable) != "empty"]), "empty"))

          x <- x[order(x$variable),]

          #tmp <- data.frame(X = 1:100, ymin = rep(c(0, (1:9)*10), each = 100), ymax = rep((1:10)*10, each = 100), variable = rep(dt[[fill]], dt[[value]]))

          tmp <- data.frame(X = 1:10^(digits-1), ymin = rep(c(0, (1:9)*10^(digits-2)), each = 10^(digits-1)), ymax = rep((1:10)*10^(digits-2), each = 10^(digits-1)), variable = rep(x$variable, x$value))

          out <- tmp %>% group_by(variable, ymin, ymax) %>% summarise(xmin = min(X)-1, xmax = max(X))

          ## Remove the empty category

          out[out$variable != "empty",]

          #' @title Plot waffle charts
          #' @description The function uses link[ggplot2]ggplot2 to create waffle charts from data.
          #' @param data data frame to be plotted
          #' @param fill character specifying the column name which should be used as fill for the waffle plot.
          #' @param value character specifying the column name which contains values of the codefill variable. Will be used to fill the waffle cells.
          #' @param facet character specifying the column name which should be used to codelink[ggplot2]facet_wrap waffle charts.
          #' @param ncol number of columns to be used in facetting. See codelink[ggplot2]facet_wrap.
          #' @param composition logical indicating whether a compositional waffle (i.e. fill adds up to 100%) should be created. If codeFALSE, waffle cells will be scaled to codemax_value and missing cells filled with an "empty" category.
          #' @param max_value numerical giving the value to which waffle cells should be scaled to, if codecomposition = FALSE.
          #' @param digits integer indicating the number of decimal places to be used in rounding of the waffle cells. The value 3 indicates percentages, while 4 permilles.
          #' @param fill_colors named character vector giving the colors for codefill levels. See codelink[ggplot2]scale_fill_manual.
          #' @param fill_title character giving the title for the color legend.
          #' @param base_size numeric giving the base size for the plot. See codelink[ggplot2]theme_void.
          #' @param legend.position character specifying the position of the legend. See codelink[ggplot2]ggtheme.
          #' @details The waffle charts are read from left to right (like text) and from bottom upwards (like water glass). The cells indicate 1% of the maximum value (100% if codecomposition = TRUE else codemax_value). The cells are divided vertically to fractions specifies by the codedigits argument.
          #' @return Returns a link[ggplot2]ggplot2 waffle plot
          #' @import ggplot2 dplyr
          #' @family waffle
          #' @author Mikko Vihtakari with code ideas from href and href Gilbey
          #' @export

          # data = dt; fill = "variable"; value = "value"; facet = NULL; composition = TRUE; max_value = NULL; digits = 3; fill_colors = NULL; fill_title = NULL; ncol = NULL; base_size = 12; legend.position = "bottom"
          waffle_chart <- function(data, fill, value = "value", facet = NULL, composition = TRUE, max_value = NULL, digits = 3, fill_colors = NULL, fill_title = NULL, ncol = NULL, base_size = 12, legend.position = "bottom")

          ## White 1% grid

          grid_data <- data.frame(xmin = c(0,(1:9)*10^(digits-2)), xmax = (1:10)*10^(digits-2), ymin = rep(c(0,(1:9)*10^(digits-2)), each = 10^(digits-2)), ymax = rep((1:10)*10^(digits-2), each = 10^(digits-2)))

          if(is.null(facet)) ## No facetting

          if(any(duplicated(data[[fill]]))) stop("data contains duplicated entries in fill column. Use the facet argument or summarize data before plotting.")

          waffle_data <- waffleize(dt = data, fill = fill, value = value, composition = composition, max_value = max_value, digits = digits)

          ## Plot ####
          p <- ggplot() +
          geom_rect(data = waffle_data, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, fill = variable)) +
          geom_rect(data = grid_data, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax), fill = NA, color = "white") +
          coord_equal(expand = FALSE) +

          ## ####

          else ## Facetting

          waffle_data <- data %>% group_by_(facet) %>% do(waffleize(dt = ., fill = fill, value = value, composition = composition, max_value = max_value, digits = digits))

          ## Plot ####
          p <- ggplot() +
          geom_rect(data = waffle_data, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, fill = variable)) +
          geom_rect(data = grid_data, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax), fill = NA, color = "white") +
          facet_wrap(facet, ncol = ncol) +
          coord_equal(expand = FALSE) +

          ## ####

          ## Fill colors ####

          if(is.null(fill_title)) fill_title <- "Variable"

          p <- p + scale_fill_manual(name = fill_title, values = fill_colors)
          p <- p + scale_fill_viridis_d(name = fill_title)

          ## Final theme manipulation

          p <- p + theme(
          legend.position = legend.position,
          aspect.ratio = 1,
          panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", size = LS(1), fill = NA),
          strip.background = element_rect(fill = alpha("white", 0.4), color = NA),
          strip.text.x = element_text(size = base_size*0.8, margin = margin(t = 2, r = 0, b = 3, l = 0, unit = "pt")),
          plot.title = element_text(size = base_size, hjust = 0.5, face = 2),
          legend.background = element_blank(),
 = element_blank(),
          legend.title = element_text(size = base_size),
          legend.text = element_text(size = base_size),
          plot.background = element_blank(),
          panel.spacing = unit(0.2, units = "line"),
 = margin(t = 0, r = 0, b = 3, l = 0, unit = "pt"),
          plot.margin = unit(c(0.2, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1), units = "line")

          ## Return the plot


          Finally, we can make the charts:

          # Manipulate the dataset first to make sure that there are no replicate 
          # entries of factors used for the waffles


          mtcars$gear_vs <- paste(mtcars$gear, mtcars$vs, sep = "-")
          mtcars$carb <- factor(mtcars$carb)
          x <- mtcars %>% group_by(gear_vs, carb) %>% summarise(value = sum(hp))

          waffle_chart(x, fill = "carb", facet = "gear_vs", value = "value")

          enter image description here

          ## You can also scale the waffles to a maximum hp in gear_vs

          y <- x %>% group_by(gear_vs) %>% summarise(value = sum(value))

          waffle_chart(x, fill = "carb", facet = "gear_vs", value = "value", composition = FALSE, max_value = max(y$value))

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer


            Here is an alternative approach only using tidyverse (i.e. dplyr, tidyr and ggplot2) to create the waffle plot or square pie chart. It is based on hrbrmstr's answer, but I've tried to make it slightly more general; any frequency table works as input and it is easy to adjust the dimensions of the waffles (e.g. rectangle instead of square).

            freq_table = mtcars %>%
            count(gear, vs, carb, wt = hp) %>%
            group_by(gear, vs) %>%
            mutate(pct = n / sum(n)) %>%
            select(gear, vs, carb, pct)

            Second step creates the coordinates. Uses tidyr::expand() instead of waffleize(). Still using smart_round().

            waffle.n = 100 # Number of blocks
            waffle.cols = ceiling(sqrt(waffle.n)) # For square. Otherwise pick integer.
            coordinates = freq_table %>%
            group_by(gear, vs) %>%
            mutate(waffle.num = smart_round(pct,1) * waffle.n) %>%
            group_by(carb, gear, vs) %>%
            expand(count = seq(1:waffle.num)) %>%
            select(-count) %>%
            group_by(gear, vs) %>%
            arrange(gear, vs) %>%
            waffle.x = rep_len(1:waffle.cols, waffle.n),
            waffle.y = floor((row_number() - 1) / waffle.cols)

            I group by two variables (gear and vs) and therefore use facet_grid(). If you group by a single variable then use facet_wrap(). You will need to tweak the options slightly to get the optimal result (such as size of the device, or size and stroke of the points).

            fig = coordinates %>%
            ggplot(aes(x = waffle.x, y = waffle.y, fill = as.factor(carb))) +
            geom_point(size = 7, shape = 22, color = "white", stroke = 0.8) +
            #geom_raster() + # Alternative to geom_point() without gap between blocks.
            facet_grid(rows = vars(gear), cols = vars(vs)) +
            theme_void() +
            theme(legend.position = "bottom", plot.margin = margin(5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, "pt"), panel.spacing = unit(15, "pt"))
            #ggsave("fig.pdf", width = 13, height = 17.5, units = "cm", dpi = 150)

            enter image description here

            A more interesting example with an uneven number of blocks and where the shares are not divisible by 10.

            share|improve this answer

            • Dividing blocks/cells to accommodate fractional percentages, as Mikko suggests can be archived by increasing waffle.n and using something like geom_raster(hjust=0, vjust=0) + geom_vline(xintercept=seq(0,waffle.cols,by=2), color="white") + geom_hline(yintercept=seq(0,waffle.cols-1,by=1), color="white") instead of geom_point()

              – bonna
              Mar 30 at 11:51

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            3 Answers




            3 Answers











            I'm not sure I'll ever get around to stat_waffle() / geom_waffle() but you can just use the logic in the package to do the same thing the long way round:


            We need to figure out the percents then get each group to sum to 100 even, so we need a helper function that's been around on SO for a while:

            smart_round <- function(x, digits = 0) # somewhere on SO
            up <- 10 ^ digits
            x <- x * up
            y <- floor(x)
            indices <- tail(order(x-y), round(sum(x)) - sum(y))
            y[indices] <- y[indices] + 1
            y / up

            There are 2 bits of "magic" in the waffle package. One bit is the part of the algorithm that just replicates the factor components the right number of times. We'll apply the following function row-wise to the data frame we'll make:

            waffleize <- function(xdf) 
            gear_vs = rep(xdf$gear_vs, xdf$pct),
            carb = rep(xdf$carb, xdf$pct)

            Now we need to:

            • do the same math ggplot2 did for your example

            • calculate the percents for the groups

            • turn the % into parts of 100 and make each group even total to 100

            • since we can't have two different geom_tile()s in one panel we need to hack a facet name that'll do the same thing

            • group by said hack

            • replicate each row pct times

            • make sure things are ordered right

            • join a 10x10 x/y grid for as many facets as we'll have (in this case, 6); this is the other bit of the waffle package's "magic"

            • draw the tiles

            ^^ translates to 👇 (this pipe chain is a wee bit long for my comfort level, but "it works"):

            count(mtcars, gear, vs, carb, wt=hp) %>% 
            group_by(gear, vs) %>%
            mutate(pct = n/sum(n)) %>%
            mutate(pct = (smart_round(pct, 1) * 100L) %>% as.integer()) %>%
            select(-n) %>%
            ungroup() %>%
            mutate(carb = as.character(carb)) %>%
            mutate(gear_vs = sprintf("%s-%s", gear, vs)) %>%
            select(gear_vs, carb, pct, -gear, -vs) %>%
            rowwise() %>%
            do(waffleize(.)) %>%
            ungroup() %>%
            arrange(gear_vs, carb) %>%
            map_df(seq_len(length(unique(.$gear_vs))), ~expand.grid(y = 1:10, x = 1:10))
            ) %>%
            ggplot(aes(x, y)) +
            geom_tile(aes(fill=carb), color="white", size=0.5) +
            ggthemes::scale_fill_tableau() +
            facet_wrap(~gear_vs) +
            coord_equal() +
            labs(x=NULL, y = NULL) +
            hrbrthemes::theme_ipsum_rc(grid="") +

            enter image description here

            share|improve this answer

            • Are the percentages are rounded wrong for 3-0, 4-1 and 5-0?

              – Mikko
              Oct 26 '18 at 7:21


            I'm not sure I'll ever get around to stat_waffle() / geom_waffle() but you can just use the logic in the package to do the same thing the long way round:


            We need to figure out the percents then get each group to sum to 100 even, so we need a helper function that's been around on SO for a while:

            smart_round <- function(x, digits = 0) # somewhere on SO
            up <- 10 ^ digits
            x <- x * up
            y <- floor(x)
            indices <- tail(order(x-y), round(sum(x)) - sum(y))
            y[indices] <- y[indices] + 1
            y / up

            There are 2 bits of "magic" in the waffle package. One bit is the part of the algorithm that just replicates the factor components the right number of times. We'll apply the following function row-wise to the data frame we'll make:

            waffleize <- function(xdf) 
            gear_vs = rep(xdf$gear_vs, xdf$pct),
            carb = rep(xdf$carb, xdf$pct)

            Now we need to:

            • do the same math ggplot2 did for your example

            • calculate the percents for the groups

            • turn the % into parts of 100 and make each group even total to 100

            • since we can't have two different geom_tile()s in one panel we need to hack a facet name that'll do the same thing

            • group by said hack

            • replicate each row pct times

            • make sure things are ordered right

            • join a 10x10 x/y grid for as many facets as we'll have (in this case, 6); this is the other bit of the waffle package's "magic"

            • draw the tiles

            ^^ translates to 👇 (this pipe chain is a wee bit long for my comfort level, but "it works"):

            count(mtcars, gear, vs, carb, wt=hp) %>% 
            group_by(gear, vs) %>%
            mutate(pct = n/sum(n)) %>%
            mutate(pct = (smart_round(pct, 1) * 100L) %>% as.integer()) %>%
            select(-n) %>%
            ungroup() %>%
            mutate(carb = as.character(carb)) %>%
            mutate(gear_vs = sprintf("%s-%s", gear, vs)) %>%
            select(gear_vs, carb, pct, -gear, -vs) %>%
            rowwise() %>%
            do(waffleize(.)) %>%
            ungroup() %>%
            arrange(gear_vs, carb) %>%
            map_df(seq_len(length(unique(.$gear_vs))), ~expand.grid(y = 1:10, x = 1:10))
            ) %>%
            ggplot(aes(x, y)) +
            geom_tile(aes(fill=carb), color="white", size=0.5) +
            ggthemes::scale_fill_tableau() +
            facet_wrap(~gear_vs) +
            coord_equal() +
            labs(x=NULL, y = NULL) +
            hrbrthemes::theme_ipsum_rc(grid="") +

            enter image description here

            share|improve this answer

            • Are the percentages are rounded wrong for 3-0, 4-1 and 5-0?

              – Mikko
              Oct 26 '18 at 7:21




            I'm not sure I'll ever get around to stat_waffle() / geom_waffle() but you can just use the logic in the package to do the same thing the long way round:


            We need to figure out the percents then get each group to sum to 100 even, so we need a helper function that's been around on SO for a while:

            smart_round <- function(x, digits = 0) # somewhere on SO
            up <- 10 ^ digits
            x <- x * up
            y <- floor(x)
            indices <- tail(order(x-y), round(sum(x)) - sum(y))
            y[indices] <- y[indices] + 1
            y / up

            There are 2 bits of "magic" in the waffle package. One bit is the part of the algorithm that just replicates the factor components the right number of times. We'll apply the following function row-wise to the data frame we'll make:

            waffleize <- function(xdf) 
            gear_vs = rep(xdf$gear_vs, xdf$pct),
            carb = rep(xdf$carb, xdf$pct)

            Now we need to:

            • do the same math ggplot2 did for your example

            • calculate the percents for the groups

            • turn the % into parts of 100 and make each group even total to 100

            • since we can't have two different geom_tile()s in one panel we need to hack a facet name that'll do the same thing

            • group by said hack

            • replicate each row pct times

            • make sure things are ordered right

            • join a 10x10 x/y grid for as many facets as we'll have (in this case, 6); this is the other bit of the waffle package's "magic"

            • draw the tiles

            ^^ translates to 👇 (this pipe chain is a wee bit long for my comfort level, but "it works"):

            count(mtcars, gear, vs, carb, wt=hp) %>% 
            group_by(gear, vs) %>%
            mutate(pct = n/sum(n)) %>%
            mutate(pct = (smart_round(pct, 1) * 100L) %>% as.integer()) %>%
            select(-n) %>%
            ungroup() %>%
            mutate(carb = as.character(carb)) %>%
            mutate(gear_vs = sprintf("%s-%s", gear, vs)) %>%
            select(gear_vs, carb, pct, -gear, -vs) %>%
            rowwise() %>%
            do(waffleize(.)) %>%
            ungroup() %>%
            arrange(gear_vs, carb) %>%
            map_df(seq_len(length(unique(.$gear_vs))), ~expand.grid(y = 1:10, x = 1:10))
            ) %>%
            ggplot(aes(x, y)) +
            geom_tile(aes(fill=carb), color="white", size=0.5) +
            ggthemes::scale_fill_tableau() +
            facet_wrap(~gear_vs) +
            coord_equal() +
            labs(x=NULL, y = NULL) +
            hrbrthemes::theme_ipsum_rc(grid="") +

            enter image description here

            share|improve this answer

            I'm not sure I'll ever get around to stat_waffle() / geom_waffle() but you can just use the logic in the package to do the same thing the long way round:


            We need to figure out the percents then get each group to sum to 100 even, so we need a helper function that's been around on SO for a while:

            smart_round <- function(x, digits = 0) # somewhere on SO
            up <- 10 ^ digits
            x <- x * up
            y <- floor(x)
            indices <- tail(order(x-y), round(sum(x)) - sum(y))
            y[indices] <- y[indices] + 1
            y / up

            There are 2 bits of "magic" in the waffle package. One bit is the part of the algorithm that just replicates the factor components the right number of times. We'll apply the following function row-wise to the data frame we'll make:

            waffleize <- function(xdf) 
            gear_vs = rep(xdf$gear_vs, xdf$pct),
            carb = rep(xdf$carb, xdf$pct)

            Now we need to:

            • do the same math ggplot2 did for your example

            • calculate the percents for the groups

            • turn the % into parts of 100 and make each group even total to 100

            • since we can't have two different geom_tile()s in one panel we need to hack a facet name that'll do the same thing

            • group by said hack

            • replicate each row pct times

            • make sure things are ordered right

            • join a 10x10 x/y grid for as many facets as we'll have (in this case, 6); this is the other bit of the waffle package's "magic"

            • draw the tiles

            ^^ translates to 👇 (this pipe chain is a wee bit long for my comfort level, but "it works"):

            count(mtcars, gear, vs, carb, wt=hp) %>% 
            group_by(gear, vs) %>%
            mutate(pct = n/sum(n)) %>%
            mutate(pct = (smart_round(pct, 1) * 100L) %>% as.integer()) %>%
            select(-n) %>%
            ungroup() %>%
            mutate(carb = as.character(carb)) %>%
            mutate(gear_vs = sprintf("%s-%s", gear, vs)) %>%
            select(gear_vs, carb, pct, -gear, -vs) %>%
            rowwise() %>%
            do(waffleize(.)) %>%
            ungroup() %>%
            arrange(gear_vs, carb) %>%
            map_df(seq_len(length(unique(.$gear_vs))), ~expand.grid(y = 1:10, x = 1:10))
            ) %>%
            ggplot(aes(x, y)) +
            geom_tile(aes(fill=carb), color="white", size=0.5) +
            ggthemes::scale_fill_tableau() +
            facet_wrap(~gear_vs) +
            coord_equal() +
            labs(x=NULL, y = NULL) +
            hrbrthemes::theme_ipsum_rc(grid="") +

            enter image description here

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            edited Oct 12 '18 at 11:52

            answered Oct 10 '18 at 14:47


            64.7k8 gold badges99 silver badges160 bronze badges

            64.7k8 gold badges99 silver badges160 bronze badges

            • Are the percentages are rounded wrong for 3-0, 4-1 and 5-0?

              – Mikko
              Oct 26 '18 at 7:21

            • Are the percentages are rounded wrong for 3-0, 4-1 and 5-0?

              – Mikko
              Oct 26 '18 at 7:21

            Are the percentages are rounded wrong for 3-0, 4-1 and 5-0?

            – Mikko
            Oct 26 '18 at 7:21

            Are the percentages are rounded wrong for 3-0, 4-1 and 5-0?

            – Mikko
            Oct 26 '18 at 7:21


            A little addition to @hrbrmstr excellent answer (thanks for making the package and sharing the code with us!). I also have struggled to make such plots, since I think this is a better way of visualizing data when doing comparisons than pie charts. My philosophy with waffle charts differs from the existing solutions (waffle and ggwaffle) in three ways:

            1. The waffles should always be presented in a 10x10% grid with aspect ratio 1, as in required OP's question and in @hrbrmstr answer. This makes reading the percentages easier.

            2. The waffles should be filled from left to right (reading direction) and from bottom upwards (like water in a glass, unlike in the existing solutions). This makes reading the percentages more natural to me.

            3. The 1% cells could be divided to accommodate fractional percentages. Groups that contribute <1% disappear when using full percentages, yet in the applications I have used these plots, missing groups have a different meaning than (0,1) groups.

            Because it took me quite some time to solve the issues mentioned above, I post my solution under. "The magic" (i.e. the approach) behind the code has been scavenged from the existing packages. I hope this helps someone and pushes the waffle chart development forward. I really think these charts have a potential in data visualization. It would be nice to implement the functions as ggplot2 proto objects, but after trying I had to give up. I do not understand that proto system well enough to write code for it. I just copy the code I intend to include in my R package once I have added all the features I plan to add (the plan is to make waffle charts work similarly to scatterpie). Note that a lot of the code below is to make the waffles pretty. The part that actually bakes the waffles is not that complicated and is well explained in @hrbrmstr answer.

            Functions required to run the example:


            #' @title Convert line sizes measured as points to ggplot line sizes
            #' @description Converts line sizes measured as points (as given by most programs such as Adobe Illustrator etc.) to ggplot font sizes
            #' @param x numeric vector giving the lines sizes in points
            #' @return Returns a numeric vector of lenght codex of ggplot line sizes
            #' @keywords internal
            #' @export
            LS <- function(x) x/2.13

            #' @title Round values preserving total sums
            #' @description The function rounds values preserving total sums
            #' @param x numeric vector of values to be rounded
            #' @param digits integer indicating the number of decimal places. See codelink[base]round.
            #' @return Returns a numeric vector.
            #' @author The function is written as a communal effort. Main authors are href and href
            #' @keywords internal
            #' @family waffle
            #' @export

            round_preserve_sum <- function(x, digits = 0)
            up <- 10 ^ digits
            x <- x * up
            y <- floor(x)
            indices <- tail(order(x-y), round(sum(x)) - sum(y))
            y[indices] <- y[indices] + 1
            y / up
            # from

            #' @title Prepare data for waffle plots
            #' @description Manipulates a data frame ready for plotting with the codelinkwaffle_chart function.
            #' @param dt data frame containing the data which should be transformed
            #' @param fill character specifying the column name which should be used as fill for the waffle plot.
            #' @param value character specifying the column name which contains values of the codefill variable.
            #' @param composition logical indicating whether a compositional waffle (i.e. fill adds up to 100%) should be created. If codeFALSE, waffle cells will be scaled to codemax_value and missing cells filled with an "empty" category.
            #' @param max_value numerical giving the value to which waffle cells should be scaled to, if codecomposition = FALSE.
            #' @param digits integer indicating the number of decimal places to be used in rounding of the waffle cells.
            #' @return returns a link[tibble]tibble data frame containing the minimum and maximum extent of each codefill level.
            #' @author Mikko Vihtakari
            #' @keywords internal
            #' @family waffle
            #' @import dplyr
            #' @export

            waffleize <- function(dt, fill, value, composition = TRUE, max_value = NULL, digits = 3)

            x <- dt[c(fill, value)]
            names(x) <- c("variable", "value")

            x$value <- round_preserve_sum(10^digits*x$value/sum(x$value))

            if(is.null(max_value)) stop("max_value has to be given, if composition = FALSE")
            if(max_value < sum(x$value)) stop("max_value has to be larger than the sum of 'value' column. Use composition = TRUE, if you want a compositional waffle chart")

            x <- rbind(x, data.frame(variable = "empty", value = max_value - sum(x$value)))
            x$value <- round_preserve_sum(10^digits*x$value/max_value)

            if(!is.factor(x$variable)) x$variable <- factor(x$variable, levels = c(sort(unique(x$variable)[unique(x$variable) != "empty"]), "empty"))

            x <- x[order(x$variable),]

            #tmp <- data.frame(X = 1:100, ymin = rep(c(0, (1:9)*10), each = 100), ymax = rep((1:10)*10, each = 100), variable = rep(dt[[fill]], dt[[value]]))

            tmp <- data.frame(X = 1:10^(digits-1), ymin = rep(c(0, (1:9)*10^(digits-2)), each = 10^(digits-1)), ymax = rep((1:10)*10^(digits-2), each = 10^(digits-1)), variable = rep(x$variable, x$value))

            out <- tmp %>% group_by(variable, ymin, ymax) %>% summarise(xmin = min(X)-1, xmax = max(X))

            ## Remove the empty category

            out[out$variable != "empty",]

            #' @title Plot waffle charts
            #' @description The function uses link[ggplot2]ggplot2 to create waffle charts from data.
            #' @param data data frame to be plotted
            #' @param fill character specifying the column name which should be used as fill for the waffle plot.
            #' @param value character specifying the column name which contains values of the codefill variable. Will be used to fill the waffle cells.
            #' @param facet character specifying the column name which should be used to codelink[ggplot2]facet_wrap waffle charts.
            #' @param ncol number of columns to be used in facetting. See codelink[ggplot2]facet_wrap.
            #' @param composition logical indicating whether a compositional waffle (i.e. fill adds up to 100%) should be created. If codeFALSE, waffle cells will be scaled to codemax_value and missing cells filled with an "empty" category.
            #' @param max_value numerical giving the value to which waffle cells should be scaled to, if codecomposition = FALSE.
            #' @param digits integer indicating the number of decimal places to be used in rounding of the waffle cells. The value 3 indicates percentages, while 4 permilles.
            #' @param fill_colors named character vector giving the colors for codefill levels. See codelink[ggplot2]scale_fill_manual.
            #' @param fill_title character giving the title for the color legend.
            #' @param base_size numeric giving the base size for the plot. See codelink[ggplot2]theme_void.
            #' @param legend.position character specifying the position of the legend. See codelink[ggplot2]ggtheme.
            #' @details The waffle charts are read from left to right (like text) and from bottom upwards (like water glass). The cells indicate 1% of the maximum value (100% if codecomposition = TRUE else codemax_value). The cells are divided vertically to fractions specifies by the codedigits argument.
            #' @return Returns a link[ggplot2]ggplot2 waffle plot
            #' @import ggplot2 dplyr
            #' @family waffle
            #' @author Mikko Vihtakari with code ideas from href and href Gilbey
            #' @export

            # data = dt; fill = "variable"; value = "value"; facet = NULL; composition = TRUE; max_value = NULL; digits = 3; fill_colors = NULL; fill_title = NULL; ncol = NULL; base_size = 12; legend.position = "bottom"
            waffle_chart <- function(data, fill, value = "value", facet = NULL, composition = TRUE, max_value = NULL, digits = 3, fill_colors = NULL, fill_title = NULL, ncol = NULL, base_size = 12, legend.position = "bottom")

            ## White 1% grid

            grid_data <- data.frame(xmin = c(0,(1:9)*10^(digits-2)), xmax = (1:10)*10^(digits-2), ymin = rep(c(0,(1:9)*10^(digits-2)), each = 10^(digits-2)), ymax = rep((1:10)*10^(digits-2), each = 10^(digits-2)))

            if(is.null(facet)) ## No facetting

            if(any(duplicated(data[[fill]]))) stop("data contains duplicated entries in fill column. Use the facet argument or summarize data before plotting.")

            waffle_data <- waffleize(dt = data, fill = fill, value = value, composition = composition, max_value = max_value, digits = digits)

            ## Plot ####
            p <- ggplot() +
            geom_rect(data = waffle_data, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, fill = variable)) +
            geom_rect(data = grid_data, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax), fill = NA, color = "white") +
            coord_equal(expand = FALSE) +

            ## ####

            else ## Facetting

            waffle_data <- data %>% group_by_(facet) %>% do(waffleize(dt = ., fill = fill, value = value, composition = composition, max_value = max_value, digits = digits))

            ## Plot ####
            p <- ggplot() +
            geom_rect(data = waffle_data, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, fill = variable)) +
            geom_rect(data = grid_data, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax), fill = NA, color = "white") +
            facet_wrap(facet, ncol = ncol) +
            coord_equal(expand = FALSE) +

            ## ####

            ## Fill colors ####

            if(is.null(fill_title)) fill_title <- "Variable"

            p <- p + scale_fill_manual(name = fill_title, values = fill_colors)
            p <- p + scale_fill_viridis_d(name = fill_title)

            ## Final theme manipulation

            p <- p + theme(
            legend.position = legend.position,
            aspect.ratio = 1,
            panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", size = LS(1), fill = NA),
            strip.background = element_rect(fill = alpha("white", 0.4), color = NA),
            strip.text.x = element_text(size = base_size*0.8, margin = margin(t = 2, r = 0, b = 3, l = 0, unit = "pt")),
            plot.title = element_text(size = base_size, hjust = 0.5, face = 2),
            legend.background = element_blank(),
   = element_blank(),
            legend.title = element_text(size = base_size),
            legend.text = element_text(size = base_size),
            plot.background = element_blank(),
            panel.spacing = unit(0.2, units = "line"),
   = margin(t = 0, r = 0, b = 3, l = 0, unit = "pt"),
            plot.margin = unit(c(0.2, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1), units = "line")

            ## Return the plot


            Finally, we can make the charts:

            # Manipulate the dataset first to make sure that there are no replicate 
            # entries of factors used for the waffles


            mtcars$gear_vs <- paste(mtcars$gear, mtcars$vs, sep = "-")
            mtcars$carb <- factor(mtcars$carb)
            x <- mtcars %>% group_by(gear_vs, carb) %>% summarise(value = sum(hp))

            waffle_chart(x, fill = "carb", facet = "gear_vs", value = "value")

            enter image description here

            ## You can also scale the waffles to a maximum hp in gear_vs

            y <- x %>% group_by(gear_vs) %>% summarise(value = sum(value))

            waffle_chart(x, fill = "carb", facet = "gear_vs", value = "value", composition = FALSE, max_value = max(y$value))

            enter image description here

            share|improve this answer


              A little addition to @hrbrmstr excellent answer (thanks for making the package and sharing the code with us!). I also have struggled to make such plots, since I think this is a better way of visualizing data when doing comparisons than pie charts. My philosophy with waffle charts differs from the existing solutions (waffle and ggwaffle) in three ways:

              1. The waffles should always be presented in a 10x10% grid with aspect ratio 1, as in required OP's question and in @hrbrmstr answer. This makes reading the percentages easier.

              2. The waffles should be filled from left to right (reading direction) and from bottom upwards (like water in a glass, unlike in the existing solutions). This makes reading the percentages more natural to me.

              3. The 1% cells could be divided to accommodate fractional percentages. Groups that contribute <1% disappear when using full percentages, yet in the applications I have used these plots, missing groups have a different meaning than (0,1) groups.

              Because it took me quite some time to solve the issues mentioned above, I post my solution under. "The magic" (i.e. the approach) behind the code has been scavenged from the existing packages. I hope this helps someone and pushes the waffle chart development forward. I really think these charts have a potential in data visualization. It would be nice to implement the functions as ggplot2 proto objects, but after trying I had to give up. I do not understand that proto system well enough to write code for it. I just copy the code I intend to include in my R package once I have added all the features I plan to add (the plan is to make waffle charts work similarly to scatterpie). Note that a lot of the code below is to make the waffles pretty. The part that actually bakes the waffles is not that complicated and is well explained in @hrbrmstr answer.

              Functions required to run the example:


              #' @title Convert line sizes measured as points to ggplot line sizes
              #' @description Converts line sizes measured as points (as given by most programs such as Adobe Illustrator etc.) to ggplot font sizes
              #' @param x numeric vector giving the lines sizes in points
              #' @return Returns a numeric vector of lenght codex of ggplot line sizes
              #' @keywords internal
              #' @export
              LS <- function(x) x/2.13

              #' @title Round values preserving total sums
              #' @description The function rounds values preserving total sums
              #' @param x numeric vector of values to be rounded
              #' @param digits integer indicating the number of decimal places. See codelink[base]round.
              #' @return Returns a numeric vector.
              #' @author The function is written as a communal effort. Main authors are href and href
              #' @keywords internal
              #' @family waffle
              #' @export

              round_preserve_sum <- function(x, digits = 0)
              up <- 10 ^ digits
              x <- x * up
              y <- floor(x)
              indices <- tail(order(x-y), round(sum(x)) - sum(y))
              y[indices] <- y[indices] + 1
              y / up
              # from

              #' @title Prepare data for waffle plots
              #' @description Manipulates a data frame ready for plotting with the codelinkwaffle_chart function.
              #' @param dt data frame containing the data which should be transformed
              #' @param fill character specifying the column name which should be used as fill for the waffle plot.
              #' @param value character specifying the column name which contains values of the codefill variable.
              #' @param composition logical indicating whether a compositional waffle (i.e. fill adds up to 100%) should be created. If codeFALSE, waffle cells will be scaled to codemax_value and missing cells filled with an "empty" category.
              #' @param max_value numerical giving the value to which waffle cells should be scaled to, if codecomposition = FALSE.
              #' @param digits integer indicating the number of decimal places to be used in rounding of the waffle cells.
              #' @return returns a link[tibble]tibble data frame containing the minimum and maximum extent of each codefill level.
              #' @author Mikko Vihtakari
              #' @keywords internal
              #' @family waffle
              #' @import dplyr
              #' @export

              waffleize <- function(dt, fill, value, composition = TRUE, max_value = NULL, digits = 3)

              x <- dt[c(fill, value)]
              names(x) <- c("variable", "value")

              x$value <- round_preserve_sum(10^digits*x$value/sum(x$value))

              if(is.null(max_value)) stop("max_value has to be given, if composition = FALSE")
              if(max_value < sum(x$value)) stop("max_value has to be larger than the sum of 'value' column. Use composition = TRUE, if you want a compositional waffle chart")

              x <- rbind(x, data.frame(variable = "empty", value = max_value - sum(x$value)))
              x$value <- round_preserve_sum(10^digits*x$value/max_value)

              if(!is.factor(x$variable)) x$variable <- factor(x$variable, levels = c(sort(unique(x$variable)[unique(x$variable) != "empty"]), "empty"))

              x <- x[order(x$variable),]

              #tmp <- data.frame(X = 1:100, ymin = rep(c(0, (1:9)*10), each = 100), ymax = rep((1:10)*10, each = 100), variable = rep(dt[[fill]], dt[[value]]))

              tmp <- data.frame(X = 1:10^(digits-1), ymin = rep(c(0, (1:9)*10^(digits-2)), each = 10^(digits-1)), ymax = rep((1:10)*10^(digits-2), each = 10^(digits-1)), variable = rep(x$variable, x$value))

              out <- tmp %>% group_by(variable, ymin, ymax) %>% summarise(xmin = min(X)-1, xmax = max(X))

              ## Remove the empty category

              out[out$variable != "empty",]

              #' @title Plot waffle charts
              #' @description The function uses link[ggplot2]ggplot2 to create waffle charts from data.
              #' @param data data frame to be plotted
              #' @param fill character specifying the column name which should be used as fill for the waffle plot.
              #' @param value character specifying the column name which contains values of the codefill variable. Will be used to fill the waffle cells.
              #' @param facet character specifying the column name which should be used to codelink[ggplot2]facet_wrap waffle charts.
              #' @param ncol number of columns to be used in facetting. See codelink[ggplot2]facet_wrap.
              #' @param composition logical indicating whether a compositional waffle (i.e. fill adds up to 100%) should be created. If codeFALSE, waffle cells will be scaled to codemax_value and missing cells filled with an "empty" category.
              #' @param max_value numerical giving the value to which waffle cells should be scaled to, if codecomposition = FALSE.
              #' @param digits integer indicating the number of decimal places to be used in rounding of the waffle cells. The value 3 indicates percentages, while 4 permilles.
              #' @param fill_colors named character vector giving the colors for codefill levels. See codelink[ggplot2]scale_fill_manual.
              #' @param fill_title character giving the title for the color legend.
              #' @param base_size numeric giving the base size for the plot. See codelink[ggplot2]theme_void.
              #' @param legend.position character specifying the position of the legend. See codelink[ggplot2]ggtheme.
              #' @details The waffle charts are read from left to right (like text) and from bottom upwards (like water glass). The cells indicate 1% of the maximum value (100% if codecomposition = TRUE else codemax_value). The cells are divided vertically to fractions specifies by the codedigits argument.
              #' @return Returns a link[ggplot2]ggplot2 waffle plot
              #' @import ggplot2 dplyr
              #' @family waffle
              #' @author Mikko Vihtakari with code ideas from href and href Gilbey
              #' @export

              # data = dt; fill = "variable"; value = "value"; facet = NULL; composition = TRUE; max_value = NULL; digits = 3; fill_colors = NULL; fill_title = NULL; ncol = NULL; base_size = 12; legend.position = "bottom"
              waffle_chart <- function(data, fill, value = "value", facet = NULL, composition = TRUE, max_value = NULL, digits = 3, fill_colors = NULL, fill_title = NULL, ncol = NULL, base_size = 12, legend.position = "bottom")

              ## White 1% grid

              grid_data <- data.frame(xmin = c(0,(1:9)*10^(digits-2)), xmax = (1:10)*10^(digits-2), ymin = rep(c(0,(1:9)*10^(digits-2)), each = 10^(digits-2)), ymax = rep((1:10)*10^(digits-2), each = 10^(digits-2)))

              if(is.null(facet)) ## No facetting

              if(any(duplicated(data[[fill]]))) stop("data contains duplicated entries in fill column. Use the facet argument or summarize data before plotting.")

              waffle_data <- waffleize(dt = data, fill = fill, value = value, composition = composition, max_value = max_value, digits = digits)

              ## Plot ####
              p <- ggplot() +
              geom_rect(data = waffle_data, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, fill = variable)) +
              geom_rect(data = grid_data, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax), fill = NA, color = "white") +
              coord_equal(expand = FALSE) +

              ## ####

              else ## Facetting

              waffle_data <- data %>% group_by_(facet) %>% do(waffleize(dt = ., fill = fill, value = value, composition = composition, max_value = max_value, digits = digits))

              ## Plot ####
              p <- ggplot() +
              geom_rect(data = waffle_data, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, fill = variable)) +
              geom_rect(data = grid_data, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax), fill = NA, color = "white") +
              facet_wrap(facet, ncol = ncol) +
              coord_equal(expand = FALSE) +

              ## ####

              ## Fill colors ####

              if(is.null(fill_title)) fill_title <- "Variable"

              p <- p + scale_fill_manual(name = fill_title, values = fill_colors)
              p <- p + scale_fill_viridis_d(name = fill_title)

              ## Final theme manipulation

              p <- p + theme(
              legend.position = legend.position,
              aspect.ratio = 1,
              panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", size = LS(1), fill = NA),
              strip.background = element_rect(fill = alpha("white", 0.4), color = NA),
              strip.text.x = element_text(size = base_size*0.8, margin = margin(t = 2, r = 0, b = 3, l = 0, unit = "pt")),
              plot.title = element_text(size = base_size, hjust = 0.5, face = 2),
              legend.background = element_blank(),
     = element_blank(),
              legend.title = element_text(size = base_size),
              legend.text = element_text(size = base_size),
              plot.background = element_blank(),
              panel.spacing = unit(0.2, units = "line"),
     = margin(t = 0, r = 0, b = 3, l = 0, unit = "pt"),
              plot.margin = unit(c(0.2, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1), units = "line")

              ## Return the plot


              Finally, we can make the charts:

              # Manipulate the dataset first to make sure that there are no replicate 
              # entries of factors used for the waffles


              mtcars$gear_vs <- paste(mtcars$gear, mtcars$vs, sep = "-")
              mtcars$carb <- factor(mtcars$carb)
              x <- mtcars %>% group_by(gear_vs, carb) %>% summarise(value = sum(hp))

              waffle_chart(x, fill = "carb", facet = "gear_vs", value = "value")

              enter image description here

              ## You can also scale the waffles to a maximum hp in gear_vs

              y <- x %>% group_by(gear_vs) %>% summarise(value = sum(value))

              waffle_chart(x, fill = "carb", facet = "gear_vs", value = "value", composition = FALSE, max_value = max(y$value))

              enter image description here

              share|improve this answer




                A little addition to @hrbrmstr excellent answer (thanks for making the package and sharing the code with us!). I also have struggled to make such plots, since I think this is a better way of visualizing data when doing comparisons than pie charts. My philosophy with waffle charts differs from the existing solutions (waffle and ggwaffle) in three ways:

                1. The waffles should always be presented in a 10x10% grid with aspect ratio 1, as in required OP's question and in @hrbrmstr answer. This makes reading the percentages easier.

                2. The waffles should be filled from left to right (reading direction) and from bottom upwards (like water in a glass, unlike in the existing solutions). This makes reading the percentages more natural to me.

                3. The 1% cells could be divided to accommodate fractional percentages. Groups that contribute <1% disappear when using full percentages, yet in the applications I have used these plots, missing groups have a different meaning than (0,1) groups.

                Because it took me quite some time to solve the issues mentioned above, I post my solution under. "The magic" (i.e. the approach) behind the code has been scavenged from the existing packages. I hope this helps someone and pushes the waffle chart development forward. I really think these charts have a potential in data visualization. It would be nice to implement the functions as ggplot2 proto objects, but after trying I had to give up. I do not understand that proto system well enough to write code for it. I just copy the code I intend to include in my R package once I have added all the features I plan to add (the plan is to make waffle charts work similarly to scatterpie). Note that a lot of the code below is to make the waffles pretty. The part that actually bakes the waffles is not that complicated and is well explained in @hrbrmstr answer.

                Functions required to run the example:


                #' @title Convert line sizes measured as points to ggplot line sizes
                #' @description Converts line sizes measured as points (as given by most programs such as Adobe Illustrator etc.) to ggplot font sizes
                #' @param x numeric vector giving the lines sizes in points
                #' @return Returns a numeric vector of lenght codex of ggplot line sizes
                #' @keywords internal
                #' @export
                LS <- function(x) x/2.13

                #' @title Round values preserving total sums
                #' @description The function rounds values preserving total sums
                #' @param x numeric vector of values to be rounded
                #' @param digits integer indicating the number of decimal places. See codelink[base]round.
                #' @return Returns a numeric vector.
                #' @author The function is written as a communal effort. Main authors are href and href
                #' @keywords internal
                #' @family waffle
                #' @export

                round_preserve_sum <- function(x, digits = 0)
                up <- 10 ^ digits
                x <- x * up
                y <- floor(x)
                indices <- tail(order(x-y), round(sum(x)) - sum(y))
                y[indices] <- y[indices] + 1
                y / up
                # from

                #' @title Prepare data for waffle plots
                #' @description Manipulates a data frame ready for plotting with the codelinkwaffle_chart function.
                #' @param dt data frame containing the data which should be transformed
                #' @param fill character specifying the column name which should be used as fill for the waffle plot.
                #' @param value character specifying the column name which contains values of the codefill variable.
                #' @param composition logical indicating whether a compositional waffle (i.e. fill adds up to 100%) should be created. If codeFALSE, waffle cells will be scaled to codemax_value and missing cells filled with an "empty" category.
                #' @param max_value numerical giving the value to which waffle cells should be scaled to, if codecomposition = FALSE.
                #' @param digits integer indicating the number of decimal places to be used in rounding of the waffle cells.
                #' @return returns a link[tibble]tibble data frame containing the minimum and maximum extent of each codefill level.
                #' @author Mikko Vihtakari
                #' @keywords internal
                #' @family waffle
                #' @import dplyr
                #' @export

                waffleize <- function(dt, fill, value, composition = TRUE, max_value = NULL, digits = 3)

                x <- dt[c(fill, value)]
                names(x) <- c("variable", "value")

                x$value <- round_preserve_sum(10^digits*x$value/sum(x$value))

                if(is.null(max_value)) stop("max_value has to be given, if composition = FALSE")
                if(max_value < sum(x$value)) stop("max_value has to be larger than the sum of 'value' column. Use composition = TRUE, if you want a compositional waffle chart")

                x <- rbind(x, data.frame(variable = "empty", value = max_value - sum(x$value)))
                x$value <- round_preserve_sum(10^digits*x$value/max_value)

                if(!is.factor(x$variable)) x$variable <- factor(x$variable, levels = c(sort(unique(x$variable)[unique(x$variable) != "empty"]), "empty"))

                x <- x[order(x$variable),]

                #tmp <- data.frame(X = 1:100, ymin = rep(c(0, (1:9)*10), each = 100), ymax = rep((1:10)*10, each = 100), variable = rep(dt[[fill]], dt[[value]]))

                tmp <- data.frame(X = 1:10^(digits-1), ymin = rep(c(0, (1:9)*10^(digits-2)), each = 10^(digits-1)), ymax = rep((1:10)*10^(digits-2), each = 10^(digits-1)), variable = rep(x$variable, x$value))

                out <- tmp %>% group_by(variable, ymin, ymax) %>% summarise(xmin = min(X)-1, xmax = max(X))

                ## Remove the empty category

                out[out$variable != "empty",]

                #' @title Plot waffle charts
                #' @description The function uses link[ggplot2]ggplot2 to create waffle charts from data.
                #' @param data data frame to be plotted
                #' @param fill character specifying the column name which should be used as fill for the waffle plot.
                #' @param value character specifying the column name which contains values of the codefill variable. Will be used to fill the waffle cells.
                #' @param facet character specifying the column name which should be used to codelink[ggplot2]facet_wrap waffle charts.
                #' @param ncol number of columns to be used in facetting. See codelink[ggplot2]facet_wrap.
                #' @param composition logical indicating whether a compositional waffle (i.e. fill adds up to 100%) should be created. If codeFALSE, waffle cells will be scaled to codemax_value and missing cells filled with an "empty" category.
                #' @param max_value numerical giving the value to which waffle cells should be scaled to, if codecomposition = FALSE.
                #' @param digits integer indicating the number of decimal places to be used in rounding of the waffle cells. The value 3 indicates percentages, while 4 permilles.
                #' @param fill_colors named character vector giving the colors for codefill levels. See codelink[ggplot2]scale_fill_manual.
                #' @param fill_title character giving the title for the color legend.
                #' @param base_size numeric giving the base size for the plot. See codelink[ggplot2]theme_void.
                #' @param legend.position character specifying the position of the legend. See codelink[ggplot2]ggtheme.
                #' @details The waffle charts are read from left to right (like text) and from bottom upwards (like water glass). The cells indicate 1% of the maximum value (100% if codecomposition = TRUE else codemax_value). The cells are divided vertically to fractions specifies by the codedigits argument.
                #' @return Returns a link[ggplot2]ggplot2 waffle plot
                #' @import ggplot2 dplyr
                #' @family waffle
                #' @author Mikko Vihtakari with code ideas from href and href Gilbey
                #' @export

                # data = dt; fill = "variable"; value = "value"; facet = NULL; composition = TRUE; max_value = NULL; digits = 3; fill_colors = NULL; fill_title = NULL; ncol = NULL; base_size = 12; legend.position = "bottom"
                waffle_chart <- function(data, fill, value = "value", facet = NULL, composition = TRUE, max_value = NULL, digits = 3, fill_colors = NULL, fill_title = NULL, ncol = NULL, base_size = 12, legend.position = "bottom")

                ## White 1% grid

                grid_data <- data.frame(xmin = c(0,(1:9)*10^(digits-2)), xmax = (1:10)*10^(digits-2), ymin = rep(c(0,(1:9)*10^(digits-2)), each = 10^(digits-2)), ymax = rep((1:10)*10^(digits-2), each = 10^(digits-2)))

                if(is.null(facet)) ## No facetting

                if(any(duplicated(data[[fill]]))) stop("data contains duplicated entries in fill column. Use the facet argument or summarize data before plotting.")

                waffle_data <- waffleize(dt = data, fill = fill, value = value, composition = composition, max_value = max_value, digits = digits)

                ## Plot ####
                p <- ggplot() +
                geom_rect(data = waffle_data, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, fill = variable)) +
                geom_rect(data = grid_data, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax), fill = NA, color = "white") +
                coord_equal(expand = FALSE) +

                ## ####

                else ## Facetting

                waffle_data <- data %>% group_by_(facet) %>% do(waffleize(dt = ., fill = fill, value = value, composition = composition, max_value = max_value, digits = digits))

                ## Plot ####
                p <- ggplot() +
                geom_rect(data = waffle_data, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, fill = variable)) +
                geom_rect(data = grid_data, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax), fill = NA, color = "white") +
                facet_wrap(facet, ncol = ncol) +
                coord_equal(expand = FALSE) +

                ## ####

                ## Fill colors ####

                if(is.null(fill_title)) fill_title <- "Variable"

                p <- p + scale_fill_manual(name = fill_title, values = fill_colors)
                p <- p + scale_fill_viridis_d(name = fill_title)

                ## Final theme manipulation

                p <- p + theme(
                legend.position = legend.position,
                aspect.ratio = 1,
                panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", size = LS(1), fill = NA),
                strip.background = element_rect(fill = alpha("white", 0.4), color = NA),
                strip.text.x = element_text(size = base_size*0.8, margin = margin(t = 2, r = 0, b = 3, l = 0, unit = "pt")),
                plot.title = element_text(size = base_size, hjust = 0.5, face = 2),
                legend.background = element_blank(),
       = element_blank(),
                legend.title = element_text(size = base_size),
                legend.text = element_text(size = base_size),
                plot.background = element_blank(),
                panel.spacing = unit(0.2, units = "line"),
       = margin(t = 0, r = 0, b = 3, l = 0, unit = "pt"),
                plot.margin = unit(c(0.2, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1), units = "line")

                ## Return the plot


                Finally, we can make the charts:

                # Manipulate the dataset first to make sure that there are no replicate 
                # entries of factors used for the waffles


                mtcars$gear_vs <- paste(mtcars$gear, mtcars$vs, sep = "-")
                mtcars$carb <- factor(mtcars$carb)
                x <- mtcars %>% group_by(gear_vs, carb) %>% summarise(value = sum(hp))

                waffle_chart(x, fill = "carb", facet = "gear_vs", value = "value")

                enter image description here

                ## You can also scale the waffles to a maximum hp in gear_vs

                y <- x %>% group_by(gear_vs) %>% summarise(value = sum(value))

                waffle_chart(x, fill = "carb", facet = "gear_vs", value = "value", composition = FALSE, max_value = max(y$value))

                enter image description here

                share|improve this answer

                A little addition to @hrbrmstr excellent answer (thanks for making the package and sharing the code with us!). I also have struggled to make such plots, since I think this is a better way of visualizing data when doing comparisons than pie charts. My philosophy with waffle charts differs from the existing solutions (waffle and ggwaffle) in three ways:

                1. The waffles should always be presented in a 10x10% grid with aspect ratio 1, as in required OP's question and in @hrbrmstr answer. This makes reading the percentages easier.

                2. The waffles should be filled from left to right (reading direction) and from bottom upwards (like water in a glass, unlike in the existing solutions). This makes reading the percentages more natural to me.

                3. The 1% cells could be divided to accommodate fractional percentages. Groups that contribute <1% disappear when using full percentages, yet in the applications I have used these plots, missing groups have a different meaning than (0,1) groups.

                Because it took me quite some time to solve the issues mentioned above, I post my solution under. "The magic" (i.e. the approach) behind the code has been scavenged from the existing packages. I hope this helps someone and pushes the waffle chart development forward. I really think these charts have a potential in data visualization. It would be nice to implement the functions as ggplot2 proto objects, but after trying I had to give up. I do not understand that proto system well enough to write code for it. I just copy the code I intend to include in my R package once I have added all the features I plan to add (the plan is to make waffle charts work similarly to scatterpie). Note that a lot of the code below is to make the waffles pretty. The part that actually bakes the waffles is not that complicated and is well explained in @hrbrmstr answer.

                Functions required to run the example:


                #' @title Convert line sizes measured as points to ggplot line sizes
                #' @description Converts line sizes measured as points (as given by most programs such as Adobe Illustrator etc.) to ggplot font sizes
                #' @param x numeric vector giving the lines sizes in points
                #' @return Returns a numeric vector of lenght codex of ggplot line sizes
                #' @keywords internal
                #' @export
                LS <- function(x) x/2.13

                #' @title Round values preserving total sums
                #' @description The function rounds values preserving total sums
                #' @param x numeric vector of values to be rounded
                #' @param digits integer indicating the number of decimal places. See codelink[base]round.
                #' @return Returns a numeric vector.
                #' @author The function is written as a communal effort. Main authors are href and href
                #' @keywords internal
                #' @family waffle
                #' @export

                round_preserve_sum <- function(x, digits = 0)
                up <- 10 ^ digits
                x <- x * up
                y <- floor(x)
                indices <- tail(order(x-y), round(sum(x)) - sum(y))
                y[indices] <- y[indices] + 1
                y / up
                # from

                #' @title Prepare data for waffle plots
                #' @description Manipulates a data frame ready for plotting with the codelinkwaffle_chart function.
                #' @param dt data frame containing the data which should be transformed
                #' @param fill character specifying the column name which should be used as fill for the waffle plot.
                #' @param value character specifying the column name which contains values of the codefill variable.
                #' @param composition logical indicating whether a compositional waffle (i.e. fill adds up to 100%) should be created. If codeFALSE, waffle cells will be scaled to codemax_value and missing cells filled with an "empty" category.
                #' @param max_value numerical giving the value to which waffle cells should be scaled to, if codecomposition = FALSE.
                #' @param digits integer indicating the number of decimal places to be used in rounding of the waffle cells.
                #' @return returns a link[tibble]tibble data frame containing the minimum and maximum extent of each codefill level.
                #' @author Mikko Vihtakari
                #' @keywords internal
                #' @family waffle
                #' @import dplyr
                #' @export

                waffleize <- function(dt, fill, value, composition = TRUE, max_value = NULL, digits = 3)

                x <- dt[c(fill, value)]
                names(x) <- c("variable", "value")

                x$value <- round_preserve_sum(10^digits*x$value/sum(x$value))

                if(is.null(max_value)) stop("max_value has to be given, if composition = FALSE")
                if(max_value < sum(x$value)) stop("max_value has to be larger than the sum of 'value' column. Use composition = TRUE, if you want a compositional waffle chart")

                x <- rbind(x, data.frame(variable = "empty", value = max_value - sum(x$value)))
                x$value <- round_preserve_sum(10^digits*x$value/max_value)

                if(!is.factor(x$variable)) x$variable <- factor(x$variable, levels = c(sort(unique(x$variable)[unique(x$variable) != "empty"]), "empty"))

                x <- x[order(x$variable),]

                #tmp <- data.frame(X = 1:100, ymin = rep(c(0, (1:9)*10), each = 100), ymax = rep((1:10)*10, each = 100), variable = rep(dt[[fill]], dt[[value]]))

                tmp <- data.frame(X = 1:10^(digits-1), ymin = rep(c(0, (1:9)*10^(digits-2)), each = 10^(digits-1)), ymax = rep((1:10)*10^(digits-2), each = 10^(digits-1)), variable = rep(x$variable, x$value))

                out <- tmp %>% group_by(variable, ymin, ymax) %>% summarise(xmin = min(X)-1, xmax = max(X))

                ## Remove the empty category

                out[out$variable != "empty",]

                #' @title Plot waffle charts
                #' @description The function uses link[ggplot2]ggplot2 to create waffle charts from data.
                #' @param data data frame to be plotted
                #' @param fill character specifying the column name which should be used as fill for the waffle plot.
                #' @param value character specifying the column name which contains values of the codefill variable. Will be used to fill the waffle cells.
                #' @param facet character specifying the column name which should be used to codelink[ggplot2]facet_wrap waffle charts.
                #' @param ncol number of columns to be used in facetting. See codelink[ggplot2]facet_wrap.
                #' @param composition logical indicating whether a compositional waffle (i.e. fill adds up to 100%) should be created. If codeFALSE, waffle cells will be scaled to codemax_value and missing cells filled with an "empty" category.
                #' @param max_value numerical giving the value to which waffle cells should be scaled to, if codecomposition = FALSE.
                #' @param digits integer indicating the number of decimal places to be used in rounding of the waffle cells. The value 3 indicates percentages, while 4 permilles.
                #' @param fill_colors named character vector giving the colors for codefill levels. See codelink[ggplot2]scale_fill_manual.
                #' @param fill_title character giving the title for the color legend.
                #' @param base_size numeric giving the base size for the plot. See codelink[ggplot2]theme_void.
                #' @param legend.position character specifying the position of the legend. See codelink[ggplot2]ggtheme.
                #' @details The waffle charts are read from left to right (like text) and from bottom upwards (like water glass). The cells indicate 1% of the maximum value (100% if codecomposition = TRUE else codemax_value). The cells are divided vertically to fractions specifies by the codedigits argument.
                #' @return Returns a link[ggplot2]ggplot2 waffle plot
                #' @import ggplot2 dplyr
                #' @family waffle
                #' @author Mikko Vihtakari with code ideas from href and href Gilbey
                #' @export

                # data = dt; fill = "variable"; value = "value"; facet = NULL; composition = TRUE; max_value = NULL; digits = 3; fill_colors = NULL; fill_title = NULL; ncol = NULL; base_size = 12; legend.position = "bottom"
                waffle_chart <- function(data, fill, value = "value", facet = NULL, composition = TRUE, max_value = NULL, digits = 3, fill_colors = NULL, fill_title = NULL, ncol = NULL, base_size = 12, legend.position = "bottom")

                ## White 1% grid

                grid_data <- data.frame(xmin = c(0,(1:9)*10^(digits-2)), xmax = (1:10)*10^(digits-2), ymin = rep(c(0,(1:9)*10^(digits-2)), each = 10^(digits-2)), ymax = rep((1:10)*10^(digits-2), each = 10^(digits-2)))

                if(is.null(facet)) ## No facetting

                if(any(duplicated(data[[fill]]))) stop("data contains duplicated entries in fill column. Use the facet argument or summarize data before plotting.")

                waffle_data <- waffleize(dt = data, fill = fill, value = value, composition = composition, max_value = max_value, digits = digits)

                ## Plot ####
                p <- ggplot() +
                geom_rect(data = waffle_data, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, fill = variable)) +
                geom_rect(data = grid_data, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax), fill = NA, color = "white") +
                coord_equal(expand = FALSE) +

                ## ####

                else ## Facetting

                waffle_data <- data %>% group_by_(facet) %>% do(waffleize(dt = ., fill = fill, value = value, composition = composition, max_value = max_value, digits = digits))

                ## Plot ####
                p <- ggplot() +
                geom_rect(data = waffle_data, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, fill = variable)) +
                geom_rect(data = grid_data, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax), fill = NA, color = "white") +
                facet_wrap(facet, ncol = ncol) +
                coord_equal(expand = FALSE) +

                ## ####

                ## Fill colors ####

                if(is.null(fill_title)) fill_title <- "Variable"

                p <- p + scale_fill_manual(name = fill_title, values = fill_colors)
                p <- p + scale_fill_viridis_d(name = fill_title)

                ## Final theme manipulation

                p <- p + theme(
                legend.position = legend.position,
                aspect.ratio = 1,
                panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", size = LS(1), fill = NA),
                strip.background = element_rect(fill = alpha("white", 0.4), color = NA),
                strip.text.x = element_text(size = base_size*0.8, margin = margin(t = 2, r = 0, b = 3, l = 0, unit = "pt")),
                plot.title = element_text(size = base_size, hjust = 0.5, face = 2),
                legend.background = element_blank(),
       = element_blank(),
                legend.title = element_text(size = base_size),
                legend.text = element_text(size = base_size),
                plot.background = element_blank(),
                panel.spacing = unit(0.2, units = "line"),
       = margin(t = 0, r = 0, b = 3, l = 0, unit = "pt"),
                plot.margin = unit(c(0.2, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1), units = "line")

                ## Return the plot


                Finally, we can make the charts:

                # Manipulate the dataset first to make sure that there are no replicate 
                # entries of factors used for the waffles


                mtcars$gear_vs <- paste(mtcars$gear, mtcars$vs, sep = "-")
                mtcars$carb <- factor(mtcars$carb)
                x <- mtcars %>% group_by(gear_vs, carb) %>% summarise(value = sum(hp))

                waffle_chart(x, fill = "carb", facet = "gear_vs", value = "value")

                enter image description here

                ## You can also scale the waffles to a maximum hp in gear_vs

                y <- x %>% group_by(gear_vs) %>% summarise(value = sum(value))

                waffle_chart(x, fill = "carb", facet = "gear_vs", value = "value", composition = FALSE, max_value = max(y$value))

                enter image description here

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                edited Oct 26 '18 at 6:56

                answered Oct 25 '18 at 15:56


                4,1474 gold badges34 silver badges73 bronze badges

                4,1474 gold badges34 silver badges73 bronze badges


                    Here is an alternative approach only using tidyverse (i.e. dplyr, tidyr and ggplot2) to create the waffle plot or square pie chart. It is based on hrbrmstr's answer, but I've tried to make it slightly more general; any frequency table works as input and it is easy to adjust the dimensions of the waffles (e.g. rectangle instead of square).

                    freq_table = mtcars %>%
                    count(gear, vs, carb, wt = hp) %>%
                    group_by(gear, vs) %>%
                    mutate(pct = n / sum(n)) %>%
                    select(gear, vs, carb, pct)

                    Second step creates the coordinates. Uses tidyr::expand() instead of waffleize(). Still using smart_round().

                    waffle.n = 100 # Number of blocks
                    waffle.cols = ceiling(sqrt(waffle.n)) # For square. Otherwise pick integer.
                    coordinates = freq_table %>%
                    group_by(gear, vs) %>%
                    mutate(waffle.num = smart_round(pct,1) * waffle.n) %>%
                    group_by(carb, gear, vs) %>%
                    expand(count = seq(1:waffle.num)) %>%
                    select(-count) %>%
                    group_by(gear, vs) %>%
                    arrange(gear, vs) %>%
                    waffle.x = rep_len(1:waffle.cols, waffle.n),
                    waffle.y = floor((row_number() - 1) / waffle.cols)

                    I group by two variables (gear and vs) and therefore use facet_grid(). If you group by a single variable then use facet_wrap(). You will need to tweak the options slightly to get the optimal result (such as size of the device, or size and stroke of the points).

                    fig = coordinates %>%
                    ggplot(aes(x = waffle.x, y = waffle.y, fill = as.factor(carb))) +
                    geom_point(size = 7, shape = 22, color = "white", stroke = 0.8) +
                    #geom_raster() + # Alternative to geom_point() without gap between blocks.
                    facet_grid(rows = vars(gear), cols = vars(vs)) +
                    theme_void() +
                    theme(legend.position = "bottom", plot.margin = margin(5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, "pt"), panel.spacing = unit(15, "pt"))
                    #ggsave("fig.pdf", width = 13, height = 17.5, units = "cm", dpi = 150)

                    enter image description here

                    A more interesting example with an uneven number of blocks and where the shares are not divisible by 10.

                    share|improve this answer

                    • Dividing blocks/cells to accommodate fractional percentages, as Mikko suggests can be archived by increasing waffle.n and using something like geom_raster(hjust=0, vjust=0) + geom_vline(xintercept=seq(0,waffle.cols,by=2), color="white") + geom_hline(yintercept=seq(0,waffle.cols-1,by=1), color="white") instead of geom_point()

                      – bonna
                      Mar 30 at 11:51


                    Here is an alternative approach only using tidyverse (i.e. dplyr, tidyr and ggplot2) to create the waffle plot or square pie chart. It is based on hrbrmstr's answer, but I've tried to make it slightly more general; any frequency table works as input and it is easy to adjust the dimensions of the waffles (e.g. rectangle instead of square).

                    freq_table = mtcars %>%
                    count(gear, vs, carb, wt = hp) %>%
                    group_by(gear, vs) %>%
                    mutate(pct = n / sum(n)) %>%
                    select(gear, vs, carb, pct)

                    Second step creates the coordinates. Uses tidyr::expand() instead of waffleize(). Still using smart_round().

                    waffle.n = 100 # Number of blocks
                    waffle.cols = ceiling(sqrt(waffle.n)) # For square. Otherwise pick integer.
                    coordinates = freq_table %>%
                    group_by(gear, vs) %>%
                    mutate(waffle.num = smart_round(pct,1) * waffle.n) %>%
                    group_by(carb, gear, vs) %>%
                    expand(count = seq(1:waffle.num)) %>%
                    select(-count) %>%
                    group_by(gear, vs) %>%
                    arrange(gear, vs) %>%
                    waffle.x = rep_len(1:waffle.cols, waffle.n),
                    waffle.y = floor((row_number() - 1) / waffle.cols)

                    I group by two variables (gear and vs) and therefore use facet_grid(). If you group by a single variable then use facet_wrap(). You will need to tweak the options slightly to get the optimal result (such as size of the device, or size and stroke of the points).

                    fig = coordinates %>%
                    ggplot(aes(x = waffle.x, y = waffle.y, fill = as.factor(carb))) +
                    geom_point(size = 7, shape = 22, color = "white", stroke = 0.8) +
                    #geom_raster() + # Alternative to geom_point() without gap between blocks.
                    facet_grid(rows = vars(gear), cols = vars(vs)) +
                    theme_void() +
                    theme(legend.position = "bottom", plot.margin = margin(5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, "pt"), panel.spacing = unit(15, "pt"))
                    #ggsave("fig.pdf", width = 13, height = 17.5, units = "cm", dpi = 150)

                    enter image description here

                    A more interesting example with an uneven number of blocks and where the shares are not divisible by 10.

                    share|improve this answer

                    • Dividing blocks/cells to accommodate fractional percentages, as Mikko suggests can be archived by increasing waffle.n and using something like geom_raster(hjust=0, vjust=0) + geom_vline(xintercept=seq(0,waffle.cols,by=2), color="white") + geom_hline(yintercept=seq(0,waffle.cols-1,by=1), color="white") instead of geom_point()

                      – bonna
                      Mar 30 at 11:51




                    Here is an alternative approach only using tidyverse (i.e. dplyr, tidyr and ggplot2) to create the waffle plot or square pie chart. It is based on hrbrmstr's answer, but I've tried to make it slightly more general; any frequency table works as input and it is easy to adjust the dimensions of the waffles (e.g. rectangle instead of square).

                    freq_table = mtcars %>%
                    count(gear, vs, carb, wt = hp) %>%
                    group_by(gear, vs) %>%
                    mutate(pct = n / sum(n)) %>%
                    select(gear, vs, carb, pct)

                    Second step creates the coordinates. Uses tidyr::expand() instead of waffleize(). Still using smart_round().

                    waffle.n = 100 # Number of blocks
                    waffle.cols = ceiling(sqrt(waffle.n)) # For square. Otherwise pick integer.
                    coordinates = freq_table %>%
                    group_by(gear, vs) %>%
                    mutate(waffle.num = smart_round(pct,1) * waffle.n) %>%
                    group_by(carb, gear, vs) %>%
                    expand(count = seq(1:waffle.num)) %>%
                    select(-count) %>%
                    group_by(gear, vs) %>%
                    arrange(gear, vs) %>%
                    waffle.x = rep_len(1:waffle.cols, waffle.n),
                    waffle.y = floor((row_number() - 1) / waffle.cols)

                    I group by two variables (gear and vs) and therefore use facet_grid(). If you group by a single variable then use facet_wrap(). You will need to tweak the options slightly to get the optimal result (such as size of the device, or size and stroke of the points).

                    fig = coordinates %>%
                    ggplot(aes(x = waffle.x, y = waffle.y, fill = as.factor(carb))) +
                    geom_point(size = 7, shape = 22, color = "white", stroke = 0.8) +
                    #geom_raster() + # Alternative to geom_point() without gap between blocks.
                    facet_grid(rows = vars(gear), cols = vars(vs)) +
                    theme_void() +
                    theme(legend.position = "bottom", plot.margin = margin(5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, "pt"), panel.spacing = unit(15, "pt"))
                    #ggsave("fig.pdf", width = 13, height = 17.5, units = "cm", dpi = 150)

                    enter image description here

                    A more interesting example with an uneven number of blocks and where the shares are not divisible by 10.

                    share|improve this answer

                    Here is an alternative approach only using tidyverse (i.e. dplyr, tidyr and ggplot2) to create the waffle plot or square pie chart. It is based on hrbrmstr's answer, but I've tried to make it slightly more general; any frequency table works as input and it is easy to adjust the dimensions of the waffles (e.g. rectangle instead of square).

                    freq_table = mtcars %>%
                    count(gear, vs, carb, wt = hp) %>%
                    group_by(gear, vs) %>%
                    mutate(pct = n / sum(n)) %>%
                    select(gear, vs, carb, pct)

                    Second step creates the coordinates. Uses tidyr::expand() instead of waffleize(). Still using smart_round().

                    waffle.n = 100 # Number of blocks
                    waffle.cols = ceiling(sqrt(waffle.n)) # For square. Otherwise pick integer.
                    coordinates = freq_table %>%
                    group_by(gear, vs) %>%
                    mutate(waffle.num = smart_round(pct,1) * waffle.n) %>%
                    group_by(carb, gear, vs) %>%
                    expand(count = seq(1:waffle.num)) %>%
                    select(-count) %>%
                    group_by(gear, vs) %>%
                    arrange(gear, vs) %>%
                    waffle.x = rep_len(1:waffle.cols, waffle.n),
                    waffle.y = floor((row_number() - 1) / waffle.cols)

                    I group by two variables (gear and vs) and therefore use facet_grid(). If you group by a single variable then use facet_wrap(). You will need to tweak the options slightly to get the optimal result (such as size of the device, or size and stroke of the points).

                    fig = coordinates %>%
                    ggplot(aes(x = waffle.x, y = waffle.y, fill = as.factor(carb))) +
                    geom_point(size = 7, shape = 22, color = "white", stroke = 0.8) +
                    #geom_raster() + # Alternative to geom_point() without gap between blocks.
                    facet_grid(rows = vars(gear), cols = vars(vs)) +
                    theme_void() +
                    theme(legend.position = "bottom", plot.margin = margin(5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, "pt"), panel.spacing = unit(15, "pt"))
                    #ggsave("fig.pdf", width = 13, height = 17.5, units = "cm", dpi = 150)

                    enter image description here

                    A more interesting example with an uneven number of blocks and where the shares are not divisible by 10.

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    answered Mar 28 at 21:38


                    6151 gold badge9 silver badges27 bronze badges

                    6151 gold badge9 silver badges27 bronze badges

                    • Dividing blocks/cells to accommodate fractional percentages, as Mikko suggests can be archived by increasing waffle.n and using something like geom_raster(hjust=0, vjust=0) + geom_vline(xintercept=seq(0,waffle.cols,by=2), color="white") + geom_hline(yintercept=seq(0,waffle.cols-1,by=1), color="white") instead of geom_point()

                      – bonna
                      Mar 30 at 11:51

                    • Dividing blocks/cells to accommodate fractional percentages, as Mikko suggests can be archived by increasing waffle.n and using something like geom_raster(hjust=0, vjust=0) + geom_vline(xintercept=seq(0,waffle.cols,by=2), color="white") + geom_hline(yintercept=seq(0,waffle.cols-1,by=1), color="white") instead of geom_point()

                      – bonna
                      Mar 30 at 11:51

                    Dividing blocks/cells to accommodate fractional percentages, as Mikko suggests can be archived by increasing waffle.n and using something like geom_raster(hjust=0, vjust=0) + geom_vline(xintercept=seq(0,waffle.cols,by=2), color="white") + geom_hline(yintercept=seq(0,waffle.cols-1,by=1), color="white") instead of geom_point()

                    – bonna
                    Mar 30 at 11:51

                    Dividing blocks/cells to accommodate fractional percentages, as Mikko suggests can be archived by increasing waffle.n and using something like geom_raster(hjust=0, vjust=0) + geom_vline(xintercept=seq(0,waffle.cols,by=2), color="white") + geom_hline(yintercept=seq(0,waffle.cols-1,by=1), color="white") instead of geom_point()

                    – bonna
                    Mar 30 at 11:51

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