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Building json path from JQ using some keyword

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I have a deep json. Sometimes, I need to look for the json path for a key containing certain word.

"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "Pod",
"creationTimestamp": "2019-03-28T21:09:42Z",
"bu": "finance",
"env": "prod"
"name": "auth",
"namespace": "default",
"resourceVersion": "2786",
"selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/auth",
"uid": "ce73565a-519d-11e9-bcb7-0242ac110009"
"containers": [

"command": [
"image": "busybox",
"imagePullPolicy": "Always",
"name": "busybox",
"resources": ,
"terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
"terminationMessagePolicy": "File",
"volumeMounts": [

"mountPath": "/var/run/secrets/",
"name": "default-token-dbpcm",
"readOnly": true


"dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
"nodeName": "node01",
"priority": 0,
"restartPolicy": "Always",
"schedulerName": "default-scheduler",
"securityContext": ,
"serviceAccount": "default",
"serviceAccountName": "default",
"terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 30,
"tolerations": [

"effect": "NoExecute",
"key": "",
"operator": "Exists",
"tolerationSeconds": 300

"effect": "NoExecute",
"key": "",
"operator": "Exists",
"tolerationSeconds": 300

"volumes": [

"name": "default-token-dbpcm",
"defaultMode": 420,
"secretName": "default-token-dbpcm"

"conditions": [

"lastProbeTime": null,
"lastTransitionTime": "2019-03-28T21:09:42Z",
"status": "True",
"type": "Initialized"

"lastProbeTime": null,
"lastTransitionTime": "2019-03-28T21:09:50Z",
"status": "True",
"type": "Ready"

"lastProbeTime": null,
"lastTransitionTime": null,
"status": "True",
"type": "ContainersReady"

"lastProbeTime": null,
"lastTransitionTime": "2019-03-28T21:09:42Z",
"status": "True",
"type": "PodScheduled"

"containerStatuses": [

"containerID": "docker://b5be8275555ad70939401d658bb4e504b52215b70618ad43c2d0d02c35e1ae27",
"image": "busybox:latest",
"imageID": "docker-pullable://busybox@sha256:061ca9704a714ee3e8b80523ec720c64f6209ad3f97c0ff7cb9ec7d19f15149f",
"lastState": ,
"name": "busybox",
"ready": true,
"restartCount": 0,
"startedAt": "2019-03-28T21:09:49Z"

"hostIP": "",
"phase": "Running",
"podIP": "",
"qosClass": "BestEffort",
"startTime": "2019-03-28T21:09:42Z"

Currently If i need the podIP, then I do that this way to find the object which has the search keyword and then I build the path

curl myson | jq "[paths]" | grep "IP" --context=10

Is there any nice shortcut to simplify this? What I really need is - all the paths which could have the matching key.


share|improve this question


    I have a deep json. Sometimes, I need to look for the json path for a key containing certain word.

    "apiVersion": "v1",
    "kind": "Pod",
    "creationTimestamp": "2019-03-28T21:09:42Z",
    "bu": "finance",
    "env": "prod"
    "name": "auth",
    "namespace": "default",
    "resourceVersion": "2786",
    "selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/auth",
    "uid": "ce73565a-519d-11e9-bcb7-0242ac110009"
    "containers": [

    "command": [
    "image": "busybox",
    "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
    "name": "busybox",
    "resources": ,
    "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
    "terminationMessagePolicy": "File",
    "volumeMounts": [

    "mountPath": "/var/run/secrets/",
    "name": "default-token-dbpcm",
    "readOnly": true


    "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
    "nodeName": "node01",
    "priority": 0,
    "restartPolicy": "Always",
    "schedulerName": "default-scheduler",
    "securityContext": ,
    "serviceAccount": "default",
    "serviceAccountName": "default",
    "terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 30,
    "tolerations": [

    "effect": "NoExecute",
    "key": "",
    "operator": "Exists",
    "tolerationSeconds": 300

    "effect": "NoExecute",
    "key": "",
    "operator": "Exists",
    "tolerationSeconds": 300

    "volumes": [

    "name": "default-token-dbpcm",
    "defaultMode": 420,
    "secretName": "default-token-dbpcm"

    "conditions": [

    "lastProbeTime": null,
    "lastTransitionTime": "2019-03-28T21:09:42Z",
    "status": "True",
    "type": "Initialized"

    "lastProbeTime": null,
    "lastTransitionTime": "2019-03-28T21:09:50Z",
    "status": "True",
    "type": "Ready"

    "lastProbeTime": null,
    "lastTransitionTime": null,
    "status": "True",
    "type": "ContainersReady"

    "lastProbeTime": null,
    "lastTransitionTime": "2019-03-28T21:09:42Z",
    "status": "True",
    "type": "PodScheduled"

    "containerStatuses": [

    "containerID": "docker://b5be8275555ad70939401d658bb4e504b52215b70618ad43c2d0d02c35e1ae27",
    "image": "busybox:latest",
    "imageID": "docker-pullable://busybox@sha256:061ca9704a714ee3e8b80523ec720c64f6209ad3f97c0ff7cb9ec7d19f15149f",
    "lastState": ,
    "name": "busybox",
    "ready": true,
    "restartCount": 0,
    "startedAt": "2019-03-28T21:09:49Z"

    "hostIP": "",
    "phase": "Running",
    "podIP": "",
    "qosClass": "BestEffort",
    "startTime": "2019-03-28T21:09:42Z"

    Currently If i need the podIP, then I do that this way to find the object which has the search keyword and then I build the path

    curl myson | jq "[paths]" | grep "IP" --context=10

    Is there any nice shortcut to simplify this? What I really need is - all the paths which could have the matching key.


    share|improve this question




      I have a deep json. Sometimes, I need to look for the json path for a key containing certain word.

      "apiVersion": "v1",
      "kind": "Pod",
      "creationTimestamp": "2019-03-28T21:09:42Z",
      "bu": "finance",
      "env": "prod"
      "name": "auth",
      "namespace": "default",
      "resourceVersion": "2786",
      "selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/auth",
      "uid": "ce73565a-519d-11e9-bcb7-0242ac110009"
      "containers": [

      "command": [
      "image": "busybox",
      "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
      "name": "busybox",
      "resources": ,
      "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
      "terminationMessagePolicy": "File",
      "volumeMounts": [

      "mountPath": "/var/run/secrets/",
      "name": "default-token-dbpcm",
      "readOnly": true


      "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
      "nodeName": "node01",
      "priority": 0,
      "restartPolicy": "Always",
      "schedulerName": "default-scheduler",
      "securityContext": ,
      "serviceAccount": "default",
      "serviceAccountName": "default",
      "terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 30,
      "tolerations": [

      "effect": "NoExecute",
      "key": "",
      "operator": "Exists",
      "tolerationSeconds": 300

      "effect": "NoExecute",
      "key": "",
      "operator": "Exists",
      "tolerationSeconds": 300

      "volumes": [

      "name": "default-token-dbpcm",
      "defaultMode": 420,
      "secretName": "default-token-dbpcm"

      "conditions": [

      "lastProbeTime": null,
      "lastTransitionTime": "2019-03-28T21:09:42Z",
      "status": "True",
      "type": "Initialized"

      "lastProbeTime": null,
      "lastTransitionTime": "2019-03-28T21:09:50Z",
      "status": "True",
      "type": "Ready"

      "lastProbeTime": null,
      "lastTransitionTime": null,
      "status": "True",
      "type": "ContainersReady"

      "lastProbeTime": null,
      "lastTransitionTime": "2019-03-28T21:09:42Z",
      "status": "True",
      "type": "PodScheduled"

      "containerStatuses": [

      "containerID": "docker://b5be8275555ad70939401d658bb4e504b52215b70618ad43c2d0d02c35e1ae27",
      "image": "busybox:latest",
      "imageID": "docker-pullable://busybox@sha256:061ca9704a714ee3e8b80523ec720c64f6209ad3f97c0ff7cb9ec7d19f15149f",
      "lastState": ,
      "name": "busybox",
      "ready": true,
      "restartCount": 0,
      "startedAt": "2019-03-28T21:09:49Z"

      "hostIP": "",
      "phase": "Running",
      "podIP": "",
      "qosClass": "BestEffort",
      "startTime": "2019-03-28T21:09:42Z"

      Currently If i need the podIP, then I do that this way to find the object which has the search keyword and then I build the path

      curl myson | jq "[paths]" | grep "IP" --context=10

      Is there any nice shortcut to simplify this? What I really need is - all the paths which could have the matching key.


      share|improve this question

      I have a deep json. Sometimes, I need to look for the json path for a key containing certain word.

      "apiVersion": "v1",
      "kind": "Pod",
      "creationTimestamp": "2019-03-28T21:09:42Z",
      "bu": "finance",
      "env": "prod"
      "name": "auth",
      "namespace": "default",
      "resourceVersion": "2786",
      "selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/auth",
      "uid": "ce73565a-519d-11e9-bcb7-0242ac110009"
      "containers": [

      "command": [
      "image": "busybox",
      "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
      "name": "busybox",
      "resources": ,
      "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
      "terminationMessagePolicy": "File",
      "volumeMounts": [

      "mountPath": "/var/run/secrets/",
      "name": "default-token-dbpcm",
      "readOnly": true


      "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
      "nodeName": "node01",
      "priority": 0,
      "restartPolicy": "Always",
      "schedulerName": "default-scheduler",
      "securityContext": ,
      "serviceAccount": "default",
      "serviceAccountName": "default",
      "terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 30,
      "tolerations": [

      "effect": "NoExecute",
      "key": "",
      "operator": "Exists",
      "tolerationSeconds": 300

      "effect": "NoExecute",
      "key": "",
      "operator": "Exists",
      "tolerationSeconds": 300

      "volumes": [

      "name": "default-token-dbpcm",
      "defaultMode": 420,
      "secretName": "default-token-dbpcm"

      "conditions": [

      "lastProbeTime": null,
      "lastTransitionTime": "2019-03-28T21:09:42Z",
      "status": "True",
      "type": "Initialized"

      "lastProbeTime": null,
      "lastTransitionTime": "2019-03-28T21:09:50Z",
      "status": "True",
      "type": "Ready"

      "lastProbeTime": null,
      "lastTransitionTime": null,
      "status": "True",
      "type": "ContainersReady"

      "lastProbeTime": null,
      "lastTransitionTime": "2019-03-28T21:09:42Z",
      "status": "True",
      "type": "PodScheduled"

      "containerStatuses": [

      "containerID": "docker://b5be8275555ad70939401d658bb4e504b52215b70618ad43c2d0d02c35e1ae27",
      "image": "busybox:latest",
      "imageID": "docker-pullable://busybox@sha256:061ca9704a714ee3e8b80523ec720c64f6209ad3f97c0ff7cb9ec7d19f15149f",
      "lastState": ,
      "name": "busybox",
      "ready": true,
      "restartCount": 0,
      "startedAt": "2019-03-28T21:09:49Z"

      "hostIP": "",
      "phase": "Running",
      "podIP": "",
      "qosClass": "BestEffort",
      "startTime": "2019-03-28T21:09:42Z"

      Currently If i need the podIP, then I do that this way to find the object which has the search keyword and then I build the path

      curl myson | jq "[paths]" | grep "IP" --context=10

      Is there any nice shortcut to simplify this? What I really need is - all the paths which could have the matching key.


      json jq

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Mar 28 at 21:21


      asked Mar 28 at 21:06


      1,4213 gold badges19 silver badges44 bronze badges

      1,4213 gold badges19 silver badges44 bronze badges

          2 Answers





          select paths containing keyword in their last element, and use join(".") to generate your desired output.

          | select(.[-1] | type == "string" and contains("keyword"))
          | join(".")

          • .[-1] returns the last element of an array,

          • type == "string" is required because an array index is a number and numbers and strings can't be checked for their containment.

          You may want to specify -r option.

          As @JeffMercado implicitly suggested you can set the query from command line without touching the script:

          jq -r 'paths
          | select(.[-1] | type == "string" and contains($q))
          | join(".")' file.json --arg q 'keyword'

          share|improve this answer

          • This is very nice. but curious. what if type is not known!? in the above json, there is a key called command which is not retrieved as it is not string type.

            – KitKarson
            Mar 28 at 21:33

          • @KitKarson as far as I know there is no such thing as unknown type in JSON

            – oguz ismail
            Mar 28 at 21:34

          • 1

            Can you try your example - keyword is command .? It does not show any output

            – KitKarson
            Mar 28 at 21:37

          • It woks great as long as the keyword is simple keyword: value .not if the keyword:[12,23]

            – KitKarson
            Mar 28 at 21:38

          • 1

            man.. you are awesome. I also upvoted couple of your other answers to appreciate your help. Thanks.

            – KitKarson
            Mar 28 at 21:53


          You can stream the input in, which provides paths and values. You could then inspect the paths and optionally output the values.

          $ jq --stream --arg pattern 'IP' '
          select(length == 2 and any(.[0][] | strings; test($pattern)))
          | "(.[0] | join(".")): (.[1])"
          ' input.json

          share|improve this answer

            Your Answer

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            2 Answers




            2 Answers











            select paths containing keyword in their last element, and use join(".") to generate your desired output.

            | select(.[-1] | type == "string" and contains("keyword"))
            | join(".")

            • .[-1] returns the last element of an array,

            • type == "string" is required because an array index is a number and numbers and strings can't be checked for their containment.

            You may want to specify -r option.

            As @JeffMercado implicitly suggested you can set the query from command line without touching the script:

            jq -r 'paths
            | select(.[-1] | type == "string" and contains($q))
            | join(".")' file.json --arg q 'keyword'

            share|improve this answer

            • This is very nice. but curious. what if type is not known!? in the above json, there is a key called command which is not retrieved as it is not string type.

              – KitKarson
              Mar 28 at 21:33

            • @KitKarson as far as I know there is no such thing as unknown type in JSON

              – oguz ismail
              Mar 28 at 21:34

            • 1

              Can you try your example - keyword is command .? It does not show any output

              – KitKarson
              Mar 28 at 21:37

            • It woks great as long as the keyword is simple keyword: value .not if the keyword:[12,23]

              – KitKarson
              Mar 28 at 21:38

            • 1

              man.. you are awesome. I also upvoted couple of your other answers to appreciate your help. Thanks.

              – KitKarson
              Mar 28 at 21:53


            select paths containing keyword in their last element, and use join(".") to generate your desired output.

            | select(.[-1] | type == "string" and contains("keyword"))
            | join(".")

            • .[-1] returns the last element of an array,

            • type == "string" is required because an array index is a number and numbers and strings can't be checked for their containment.

            You may want to specify -r option.

            As @JeffMercado implicitly suggested you can set the query from command line without touching the script:

            jq -r 'paths
            | select(.[-1] | type == "string" and contains($q))
            | join(".")' file.json --arg q 'keyword'

            share|improve this answer

            • This is very nice. but curious. what if type is not known!? in the above json, there is a key called command which is not retrieved as it is not string type.

              – KitKarson
              Mar 28 at 21:33

            • @KitKarson as far as I know there is no such thing as unknown type in JSON

              – oguz ismail
              Mar 28 at 21:34

            • 1

              Can you try your example - keyword is command .? It does not show any output

              – KitKarson
              Mar 28 at 21:37

            • It woks great as long as the keyword is simple keyword: value .not if the keyword:[12,23]

              – KitKarson
              Mar 28 at 21:38

            • 1

              man.. you are awesome. I also upvoted couple of your other answers to appreciate your help. Thanks.

              – KitKarson
              Mar 28 at 21:53




            select paths containing keyword in their last element, and use join(".") to generate your desired output.

            | select(.[-1] | type == "string" and contains("keyword"))
            | join(".")

            • .[-1] returns the last element of an array,

            • type == "string" is required because an array index is a number and numbers and strings can't be checked for their containment.

            You may want to specify -r option.

            As @JeffMercado implicitly suggested you can set the query from command line without touching the script:

            jq -r 'paths
            | select(.[-1] | type == "string" and contains($q))
            | join(".")' file.json --arg q 'keyword'

            share|improve this answer

            select paths containing keyword in their last element, and use join(".") to generate your desired output.

            | select(.[-1] | type == "string" and contains("keyword"))
            | join(".")

            • .[-1] returns the last element of an array,

            • type == "string" is required because an array index is a number and numbers and strings can't be checked for their containment.

            You may want to specify -r option.

            As @JeffMercado implicitly suggested you can set the query from command line without touching the script:

            jq -r 'paths
            | select(.[-1] | type == "string" and contains($q))
            | join(".")' file.json --arg q 'keyword'

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            edited Mar 30 at 12:46

            answered Mar 28 at 21:26

            oguz ismailoguz ismail

            13k7 gold badges19 silver badges37 bronze badges

            13k7 gold badges19 silver badges37 bronze badges

            • This is very nice. but curious. what if type is not known!? in the above json, there is a key called command which is not retrieved as it is not string type.

              – KitKarson
              Mar 28 at 21:33

            • @KitKarson as far as I know there is no such thing as unknown type in JSON

              – oguz ismail
              Mar 28 at 21:34

            • 1

              Can you try your example - keyword is command .? It does not show any output

              – KitKarson
              Mar 28 at 21:37

            • It woks great as long as the keyword is simple keyword: value .not if the keyword:[12,23]

              – KitKarson
              Mar 28 at 21:38

            • 1

              man.. you are awesome. I also upvoted couple of your other answers to appreciate your help. Thanks.

              – KitKarson
              Mar 28 at 21:53

            • This is very nice. but curious. what if type is not known!? in the above json, there is a key called command which is not retrieved as it is not string type.

              – KitKarson
              Mar 28 at 21:33

            • @KitKarson as far as I know there is no such thing as unknown type in JSON

              – oguz ismail
              Mar 28 at 21:34

            • 1

              Can you try your example - keyword is command .? It does not show any output

              – KitKarson
              Mar 28 at 21:37

            • It woks great as long as the keyword is simple keyword: value .not if the keyword:[12,23]

              – KitKarson
              Mar 28 at 21:38

            • 1

              man.. you are awesome. I also upvoted couple of your other answers to appreciate your help. Thanks.

              – KitKarson
              Mar 28 at 21:53

            This is very nice. but curious. what if type is not known!? in the above json, there is a key called command which is not retrieved as it is not string type.

            – KitKarson
            Mar 28 at 21:33

            This is very nice. but curious. what if type is not known!? in the above json, there is a key called command which is not retrieved as it is not string type.

            – KitKarson
            Mar 28 at 21:33

            @KitKarson as far as I know there is no such thing as unknown type in JSON

            – oguz ismail
            Mar 28 at 21:34

            @KitKarson as far as I know there is no such thing as unknown type in JSON

            – oguz ismail
            Mar 28 at 21:34



            Can you try your example - keyword is command .? It does not show any output

            – KitKarson
            Mar 28 at 21:37

            Can you try your example - keyword is command .? It does not show any output

            – KitKarson
            Mar 28 at 21:37

            It woks great as long as the keyword is simple keyword: value .not if the keyword:[12,23]

            – KitKarson
            Mar 28 at 21:38

            It woks great as long as the keyword is simple keyword: value .not if the keyword:[12,23]

            – KitKarson
            Mar 28 at 21:38



            man.. you are awesome. I also upvoted couple of your other answers to appreciate your help. Thanks.

            – KitKarson
            Mar 28 at 21:53

            man.. you are awesome. I also upvoted couple of your other answers to appreciate your help. Thanks.

            – KitKarson
            Mar 28 at 21:53


            You can stream the input in, which provides paths and values. You could then inspect the paths and optionally output the values.

            $ jq --stream --arg pattern 'IP' '
            select(length == 2 and any(.[0][] | strings; test($pattern)))
            | "(.[0] | join(".")): (.[1])"
            ' input.json

            share|improve this answer


              You can stream the input in, which provides paths and values. You could then inspect the paths and optionally output the values.

              $ jq --stream --arg pattern 'IP' '
              select(length == 2 and any(.[0][] | strings; test($pattern)))
              | "(.[0] | join(".")): (.[1])"
              ' input.json

              share|improve this answer




                You can stream the input in, which provides paths and values. You could then inspect the paths and optionally output the values.

                $ jq --stream --arg pattern 'IP' '
                select(length == 2 and any(.[0][] | strings; test($pattern)))
                | "(.[0] | join(".")): (.[1])"
                ' input.json

                share|improve this answer

                You can stream the input in, which provides paths and values. You could then inspect the paths and optionally output the values.

                $ jq --stream --arg pattern 'IP' '
                select(length == 2 and any(.[0][] | strings; test($pattern)))
                | "(.[0] | join(".")): (.[1])"
                ' input.json

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                answered Mar 29 at 21:30

                Jeff MercadoJeff Mercado

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                98.2k21 gold badges198 silver badges219 bronze badges

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