Transmit on UART from FSMBaud Rate Clock VHDL — floating point exception error and/or style issuesVHDL FSM not changing statesVHDL - FSM not starting (JUST in timing simulation)vhdl fsm counter conditionsUsing If condition to do “something” once every 10 clock cycles. what if “something” takes more than 1 clock cycle?block ram (BRAM) read and write using different clocksIteration limit reached - simple counter in VHDL FSMQ: VHDL Implementation of 2 simple funcitonsMy VHDL flag needs to terminateVHDL reset during execution

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Transmit on UART from FSM

Baud Rate Clock VHDL — floating point exception error and/or style issuesVHDL FSM not changing statesVHDL - FSM not starting (JUST in timing simulation)vhdl fsm counter conditionsUsing If condition to do “something” once every 10 clock cycles. what if “something” takes more than 1 clock cycle?block ram (BRAM) read and write using different clocksIteration limit reached - simple counter in VHDL FSMQ: VHDL Implementation of 2 simple funcitonsMy VHDL flag needs to terminateVHDL reset during execution

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;


I have created a FSM and I would that, for each state of FSM, to transmit a char (8 bit) from my UART.
The UART transmitter is defined as:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity UART_TX is
generic (
g_CLKS_PER_BIT : integer := 139 -- Needs to be set correctly
port (
i_Clk : in std_logic;
i_TX_DV : in std_logic;
i_TX_Byte : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
o_TX_Active : out std_logic;
o_TX_Serial : out std_logic;
o_TX_Done : out std_logic
end UART_TX;

architecture RTL of UART_TX is

type t_SM_Main is (s_Idle, s_TX_Start_Bit, s_TX_Data_Bits,
s_TX_Stop_Bit, s_Cleanup);
signal r_SM_Main : t_SM_Main := s_Idle;

signal r_Clk_Count : integer range 0 to g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 := 0;
signal r_Bit_Index : integer range 0 to 7 := 0; -- 8 Bits Total
signal r_TX_Data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal r_TX_Done : std_logic := '0';


p_UART_TX : process (i_Clk)
if rising_edge(i_Clk) then

case r_SM_Main is

when s_Idle =>
o_TX_Active <= '0';
o_TX_Serial <= '1'; -- Drive Line High for Idle
r_TX_Done <= '0';
r_Clk_Count <= 0;
r_Bit_Index <= 0;

if i_TX_DV = '1' then
r_TX_Data <= i_TX_Byte;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Start_Bit;
r_SM_Main <= s_Idle;
end if;

-- Send out Start Bit. Start bit = 0
when s_TX_Start_Bit =>
o_TX_Active <= '1';
o_TX_Serial <= '0';

-- Wait g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 clock cycles for start bit to finish
if r_Clk_Count < g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 then
r_Clk_Count <= r_Clk_Count + 1;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Start_Bit;
r_Clk_Count <= 0;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Data_Bits;
end if;

-- Wait g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 clock cycles for data bits to finish
when s_TX_Data_Bits =>
o_TX_Serial <= r_TX_Data(r_Bit_Index);

if r_Clk_Count < g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 then
r_Clk_Count <= r_Clk_Count + 1;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Data_Bits;
r_Clk_Count <= 0;

-- Check if we have sent out all bits
if r_Bit_Index < 7 then
r_Bit_Index <= r_Bit_Index + 1;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Data_Bits;
r_Bit_Index <= 0;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Stop_Bit;
end if;
end if;

-- Send out Stop bit. Stop bit = 1
when s_TX_Stop_Bit =>
o_TX_Serial <= '1';

-- Wait g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 clock cycles for Stop bit to finish
if r_Clk_Count < g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 then
r_Clk_Count <= r_Clk_Count + 1;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Stop_Bit;
r_TX_Done <= '1';
r_Clk_Count <= 0;
r_SM_Main <= s_Cleanup;
end if;

-- Stay here 1 clock
when s_Cleanup =>
o_TX_Active <= '0';
r_TX_Done <= '1';
r_SM_Main <= s_Idle;

when others =>
r_SM_Main <= s_Idle;

end case;
end if;
end process p_UART_TX;

o_TX_Done <= r_TX_Done;

end RTL;

It work well for only one character.
This VHDL code, wait for DV signal (DataValid) when it transm the r_TX_Data byte. Finally, it set the o_TX_Done signal.

I need to send various char (byte) trough my transmitter.for this reason I use this code:

type t_SM_serial is (s_Start, s_COMMAND, s_BA, s_BB, s_BC);
signal next_state : t_SM_Serial;
signal r_SM_serial : t_SM_serial := s_Start;

-- Low-level byte-write---------------------------------------------------------------
procedure UART_WRITE_BYTE ( i_data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ) is
r_TX_BYTE <= i_data_in;
r_TX_DV <= '1';

begin --------------architecture begin

-- Instantiate UART transmitter
UART_TX_INST : uart_tx
generic map (
port map (
i_clk => Clk,
i_tx_dv => r_TX_DV,
i_tx_byte => r_TX_BYTE,
o_tx_active => open,
o_tx_serial => out_serial_memory,
o_tx_done => w_TX_DONE

st: process (r_SM_serial,w_TX_DONE)
case r_SM_Serial is
when s_COMMAND =>
if (w_TX_Done = '1' ) then
next_state <= S_BA;
end if;

when s_BA =>
if (w_TX_Done = '1' ) then
next_state <= S_BB;
end if;
when s_BB =>
if (w_TX_Done = '1' ) then
next_state <= S_start;
end if;
when others =>
next_state <= s_Start;
end case;
end process;

-- Output Logic
OUT_LOGIC: process (r_SM_Serial)
case r_SM_Serial is
when s_Command =>
when s_BA =>
when s_BB =>
when s_Start =>
r_TX_DV <= '0';
when others =>
r_TX_DV <= '0';
end case;
end process OUT_LOGIC;

process (Clk,reset)
if reset = '1' then
r_SM_serial <= s_command;

elsif (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then
r_SM_Serial <= NEXT_STATE;
end if;
end process;

This does not work.
The transmitter continuously sends the first character (status s_Command) and never stops.

Apparently, the w_TX_Done signal is set, but there are no correct timing.
I obtain this output:

PuTTY Output

Where am I wrong?

And… the trasmission never end

share|improve this question

  • I might have missed something, but I don't see when you actually write a different value to the 'r_TX_BYTE' signal. Do you change the value of this signal after the first command?

    – Jan Snoeijs
    Mar 28 at 14:24

  • In the code I have only one state. But it send continuously the first character.

    – Claudio La Rosa
    Mar 28 at 15:09

  • What I don't understand is that you write a constant value to your transmitter :UART_WRITE_BYTE(X"41"); so how do you expect it to change

    – Jan Snoeijs
    Mar 28 at 15:30

  • In my code, in this case, I have only one state. But the problem is the same: The trasmission of character does not stop

    – Claudio La Rosa
    Mar 28 at 15:54

  • OK, it is hard to understand your problem and what you actually want to achieve. Have you checked that your FSM is not stuck in s_COMMAND( (because of w_tx_done not being set to '1' properly)?

    – Jan Snoeijs
    Mar 28 at 16:26


I have created a FSM and I would that, for each state of FSM, to transmit a char (8 bit) from my UART.
The UART transmitter is defined as:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity UART_TX is
generic (
g_CLKS_PER_BIT : integer := 139 -- Needs to be set correctly
port (
i_Clk : in std_logic;
i_TX_DV : in std_logic;
i_TX_Byte : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
o_TX_Active : out std_logic;
o_TX_Serial : out std_logic;
o_TX_Done : out std_logic
end UART_TX;

architecture RTL of UART_TX is

type t_SM_Main is (s_Idle, s_TX_Start_Bit, s_TX_Data_Bits,
s_TX_Stop_Bit, s_Cleanup);
signal r_SM_Main : t_SM_Main := s_Idle;

signal r_Clk_Count : integer range 0 to g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 := 0;
signal r_Bit_Index : integer range 0 to 7 := 0; -- 8 Bits Total
signal r_TX_Data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal r_TX_Done : std_logic := '0';


p_UART_TX : process (i_Clk)
if rising_edge(i_Clk) then

case r_SM_Main is

when s_Idle =>
o_TX_Active <= '0';
o_TX_Serial <= '1'; -- Drive Line High for Idle
r_TX_Done <= '0';
r_Clk_Count <= 0;
r_Bit_Index <= 0;

if i_TX_DV = '1' then
r_TX_Data <= i_TX_Byte;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Start_Bit;
r_SM_Main <= s_Idle;
end if;

-- Send out Start Bit. Start bit = 0
when s_TX_Start_Bit =>
o_TX_Active <= '1';
o_TX_Serial <= '0';

-- Wait g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 clock cycles for start bit to finish
if r_Clk_Count < g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 then
r_Clk_Count <= r_Clk_Count + 1;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Start_Bit;
r_Clk_Count <= 0;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Data_Bits;
end if;

-- Wait g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 clock cycles for data bits to finish
when s_TX_Data_Bits =>
o_TX_Serial <= r_TX_Data(r_Bit_Index);

if r_Clk_Count < g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 then
r_Clk_Count <= r_Clk_Count + 1;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Data_Bits;
r_Clk_Count <= 0;

-- Check if we have sent out all bits
if r_Bit_Index < 7 then
r_Bit_Index <= r_Bit_Index + 1;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Data_Bits;
r_Bit_Index <= 0;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Stop_Bit;
end if;
end if;

-- Send out Stop bit. Stop bit = 1
when s_TX_Stop_Bit =>
o_TX_Serial <= '1';

-- Wait g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 clock cycles for Stop bit to finish
if r_Clk_Count < g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 then
r_Clk_Count <= r_Clk_Count + 1;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Stop_Bit;
r_TX_Done <= '1';
r_Clk_Count <= 0;
r_SM_Main <= s_Cleanup;
end if;

-- Stay here 1 clock
when s_Cleanup =>
o_TX_Active <= '0';
r_TX_Done <= '1';
r_SM_Main <= s_Idle;

when others =>
r_SM_Main <= s_Idle;

end case;
end if;
end process p_UART_TX;

o_TX_Done <= r_TX_Done;

end RTL;

It work well for only one character.
This VHDL code, wait for DV signal (DataValid) when it transm the r_TX_Data byte. Finally, it set the o_TX_Done signal.

I need to send various char (byte) trough my transmitter.for this reason I use this code:

type t_SM_serial is (s_Start, s_COMMAND, s_BA, s_BB, s_BC);
signal next_state : t_SM_Serial;
signal r_SM_serial : t_SM_serial := s_Start;

-- Low-level byte-write---------------------------------------------------------------
procedure UART_WRITE_BYTE ( i_data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ) is
r_TX_BYTE <= i_data_in;
r_TX_DV <= '1';

begin --------------architecture begin

-- Instantiate UART transmitter
UART_TX_INST : uart_tx
generic map (
port map (
i_clk => Clk,
i_tx_dv => r_TX_DV,
i_tx_byte => r_TX_BYTE,
o_tx_active => open,
o_tx_serial => out_serial_memory,
o_tx_done => w_TX_DONE

st: process (r_SM_serial,w_TX_DONE)
case r_SM_Serial is
when s_COMMAND =>
if (w_TX_Done = '1' ) then
next_state <= S_BA;
end if;

when s_BA =>
if (w_TX_Done = '1' ) then
next_state <= S_BB;
end if;
when s_BB =>
if (w_TX_Done = '1' ) then
next_state <= S_start;
end if;
when others =>
next_state <= s_Start;
end case;
end process;

-- Output Logic
OUT_LOGIC: process (r_SM_Serial)
case r_SM_Serial is
when s_Command =>
when s_BA =>
when s_BB =>
when s_Start =>
r_TX_DV <= '0';
when others =>
r_TX_DV <= '0';
end case;
end process OUT_LOGIC;

process (Clk,reset)
if reset = '1' then
r_SM_serial <= s_command;

elsif (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then
r_SM_Serial <= NEXT_STATE;
end if;
end process;

This does not work.
The transmitter continuously sends the first character (status s_Command) and never stops.

Apparently, the w_TX_Done signal is set, but there are no correct timing.
I obtain this output:

PuTTY Output

Where am I wrong?

And… the trasmission never end

share|improve this question

  • I might have missed something, but I don't see when you actually write a different value to the 'r_TX_BYTE' signal. Do you change the value of this signal after the first command?

    – Jan Snoeijs
    Mar 28 at 14:24

  • In the code I have only one state. But it send continuously the first character.

    – Claudio La Rosa
    Mar 28 at 15:09

  • What I don't understand is that you write a constant value to your transmitter :UART_WRITE_BYTE(X"41"); so how do you expect it to change

    – Jan Snoeijs
    Mar 28 at 15:30

  • In my code, in this case, I have only one state. But the problem is the same: The trasmission of character does not stop

    – Claudio La Rosa
    Mar 28 at 15:54

  • OK, it is hard to understand your problem and what you actually want to achieve. Have you checked that your FSM is not stuck in s_COMMAND( (because of w_tx_done not being set to '1' properly)?

    – Jan Snoeijs
    Mar 28 at 16:26




I have created a FSM and I would that, for each state of FSM, to transmit a char (8 bit) from my UART.
The UART transmitter is defined as:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity UART_TX is
generic (
g_CLKS_PER_BIT : integer := 139 -- Needs to be set correctly
port (
i_Clk : in std_logic;
i_TX_DV : in std_logic;
i_TX_Byte : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
o_TX_Active : out std_logic;
o_TX_Serial : out std_logic;
o_TX_Done : out std_logic
end UART_TX;

architecture RTL of UART_TX is

type t_SM_Main is (s_Idle, s_TX_Start_Bit, s_TX_Data_Bits,
s_TX_Stop_Bit, s_Cleanup);
signal r_SM_Main : t_SM_Main := s_Idle;

signal r_Clk_Count : integer range 0 to g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 := 0;
signal r_Bit_Index : integer range 0 to 7 := 0; -- 8 Bits Total
signal r_TX_Data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal r_TX_Done : std_logic := '0';


p_UART_TX : process (i_Clk)
if rising_edge(i_Clk) then

case r_SM_Main is

when s_Idle =>
o_TX_Active <= '0';
o_TX_Serial <= '1'; -- Drive Line High for Idle
r_TX_Done <= '0';
r_Clk_Count <= 0;
r_Bit_Index <= 0;

if i_TX_DV = '1' then
r_TX_Data <= i_TX_Byte;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Start_Bit;
r_SM_Main <= s_Idle;
end if;

-- Send out Start Bit. Start bit = 0
when s_TX_Start_Bit =>
o_TX_Active <= '1';
o_TX_Serial <= '0';

-- Wait g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 clock cycles for start bit to finish
if r_Clk_Count < g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 then
r_Clk_Count <= r_Clk_Count + 1;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Start_Bit;
r_Clk_Count <= 0;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Data_Bits;
end if;

-- Wait g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 clock cycles for data bits to finish
when s_TX_Data_Bits =>
o_TX_Serial <= r_TX_Data(r_Bit_Index);

if r_Clk_Count < g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 then
r_Clk_Count <= r_Clk_Count + 1;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Data_Bits;
r_Clk_Count <= 0;

-- Check if we have sent out all bits
if r_Bit_Index < 7 then
r_Bit_Index <= r_Bit_Index + 1;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Data_Bits;
r_Bit_Index <= 0;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Stop_Bit;
end if;
end if;

-- Send out Stop bit. Stop bit = 1
when s_TX_Stop_Bit =>
o_TX_Serial <= '1';

-- Wait g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 clock cycles for Stop bit to finish
if r_Clk_Count < g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 then
r_Clk_Count <= r_Clk_Count + 1;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Stop_Bit;
r_TX_Done <= '1';
r_Clk_Count <= 0;
r_SM_Main <= s_Cleanup;
end if;

-- Stay here 1 clock
when s_Cleanup =>
o_TX_Active <= '0';
r_TX_Done <= '1';
r_SM_Main <= s_Idle;

when others =>
r_SM_Main <= s_Idle;

end case;
end if;
end process p_UART_TX;

o_TX_Done <= r_TX_Done;

end RTL;

It work well for only one character.
This VHDL code, wait for DV signal (DataValid) when it transm the r_TX_Data byte. Finally, it set the o_TX_Done signal.

I need to send various char (byte) trough my transmitter.for this reason I use this code:

type t_SM_serial is (s_Start, s_COMMAND, s_BA, s_BB, s_BC);
signal next_state : t_SM_Serial;
signal r_SM_serial : t_SM_serial := s_Start;

-- Low-level byte-write---------------------------------------------------------------
procedure UART_WRITE_BYTE ( i_data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ) is
r_TX_BYTE <= i_data_in;
r_TX_DV <= '1';

begin --------------architecture begin

-- Instantiate UART transmitter
UART_TX_INST : uart_tx
generic map (
port map (
i_clk => Clk,
i_tx_dv => r_TX_DV,
i_tx_byte => r_TX_BYTE,
o_tx_active => open,
o_tx_serial => out_serial_memory,
o_tx_done => w_TX_DONE

st: process (r_SM_serial,w_TX_DONE)
case r_SM_Serial is
when s_COMMAND =>
if (w_TX_Done = '1' ) then
next_state <= S_BA;
end if;

when s_BA =>
if (w_TX_Done = '1' ) then
next_state <= S_BB;
end if;
when s_BB =>
if (w_TX_Done = '1' ) then
next_state <= S_start;
end if;
when others =>
next_state <= s_Start;
end case;
end process;

-- Output Logic
OUT_LOGIC: process (r_SM_Serial)
case r_SM_Serial is
when s_Command =>
when s_BA =>
when s_BB =>
when s_Start =>
r_TX_DV <= '0';
when others =>
r_TX_DV <= '0';
end case;
end process OUT_LOGIC;

process (Clk,reset)
if reset = '1' then
r_SM_serial <= s_command;

elsif (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then
r_SM_Serial <= NEXT_STATE;
end if;
end process;

This does not work.
The transmitter continuously sends the first character (status s_Command) and never stops.

Apparently, the w_TX_Done signal is set, but there are no correct timing.
I obtain this output:

PuTTY Output

Where am I wrong?

And… the trasmission never end

share|improve this question

I have created a FSM and I would that, for each state of FSM, to transmit a char (8 bit) from my UART.
The UART transmitter is defined as:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity UART_TX is
generic (
g_CLKS_PER_BIT : integer := 139 -- Needs to be set correctly
port (
i_Clk : in std_logic;
i_TX_DV : in std_logic;
i_TX_Byte : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
o_TX_Active : out std_logic;
o_TX_Serial : out std_logic;
o_TX_Done : out std_logic
end UART_TX;

architecture RTL of UART_TX is

type t_SM_Main is (s_Idle, s_TX_Start_Bit, s_TX_Data_Bits,
s_TX_Stop_Bit, s_Cleanup);
signal r_SM_Main : t_SM_Main := s_Idle;

signal r_Clk_Count : integer range 0 to g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 := 0;
signal r_Bit_Index : integer range 0 to 7 := 0; -- 8 Bits Total
signal r_TX_Data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal r_TX_Done : std_logic := '0';


p_UART_TX : process (i_Clk)
if rising_edge(i_Clk) then

case r_SM_Main is

when s_Idle =>
o_TX_Active <= '0';
o_TX_Serial <= '1'; -- Drive Line High for Idle
r_TX_Done <= '0';
r_Clk_Count <= 0;
r_Bit_Index <= 0;

if i_TX_DV = '1' then
r_TX_Data <= i_TX_Byte;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Start_Bit;
r_SM_Main <= s_Idle;
end if;

-- Send out Start Bit. Start bit = 0
when s_TX_Start_Bit =>
o_TX_Active <= '1';
o_TX_Serial <= '0';

-- Wait g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 clock cycles for start bit to finish
if r_Clk_Count < g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 then
r_Clk_Count <= r_Clk_Count + 1;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Start_Bit;
r_Clk_Count <= 0;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Data_Bits;
end if;

-- Wait g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 clock cycles for data bits to finish
when s_TX_Data_Bits =>
o_TX_Serial <= r_TX_Data(r_Bit_Index);

if r_Clk_Count < g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 then
r_Clk_Count <= r_Clk_Count + 1;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Data_Bits;
r_Clk_Count <= 0;

-- Check if we have sent out all bits
if r_Bit_Index < 7 then
r_Bit_Index <= r_Bit_Index + 1;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Data_Bits;
r_Bit_Index <= 0;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Stop_Bit;
end if;
end if;

-- Send out Stop bit. Stop bit = 1
when s_TX_Stop_Bit =>
o_TX_Serial <= '1';

-- Wait g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 clock cycles for Stop bit to finish
if r_Clk_Count < g_CLKS_PER_BIT-1 then
r_Clk_Count <= r_Clk_Count + 1;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_Stop_Bit;
r_TX_Done <= '1';
r_Clk_Count <= 0;
r_SM_Main <= s_Cleanup;
end if;

-- Stay here 1 clock
when s_Cleanup =>
o_TX_Active <= '0';
r_TX_Done <= '1';
r_SM_Main <= s_Idle;

when others =>
r_SM_Main <= s_Idle;

end case;
end if;
end process p_UART_TX;

o_TX_Done <= r_TX_Done;

end RTL;

It work well for only one character.
This VHDL code, wait for DV signal (DataValid) when it transm the r_TX_Data byte. Finally, it set the o_TX_Done signal.

I need to send various char (byte) trough my transmitter.for this reason I use this code:

type t_SM_serial is (s_Start, s_COMMAND, s_BA, s_BB, s_BC);
signal next_state : t_SM_Serial;
signal r_SM_serial : t_SM_serial := s_Start;

-- Low-level byte-write---------------------------------------------------------------
procedure UART_WRITE_BYTE ( i_data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ) is
r_TX_BYTE <= i_data_in;
r_TX_DV <= '1';

begin --------------architecture begin

-- Instantiate UART transmitter
UART_TX_INST : uart_tx
generic map (
port map (
i_clk => Clk,
i_tx_dv => r_TX_DV,
i_tx_byte => r_TX_BYTE,
o_tx_active => open,
o_tx_serial => out_serial_memory,
o_tx_done => w_TX_DONE

st: process (r_SM_serial,w_TX_DONE)
case r_SM_Serial is
when s_COMMAND =>
if (w_TX_Done = '1' ) then
next_state <= S_BA;
end if;

when s_BA =>
if (w_TX_Done = '1' ) then
next_state <= S_BB;
end if;
when s_BB =>
if (w_TX_Done = '1' ) then
next_state <= S_start;
end if;
when others =>
next_state <= s_Start;
end case;
end process;

-- Output Logic
OUT_LOGIC: process (r_SM_Serial)
case r_SM_Serial is
when s_Command =>
when s_BA =>
when s_BB =>
when s_Start =>
r_TX_DV <= '0';
when others =>
r_TX_DV <= '0';
end case;
end process OUT_LOGIC;

process (Clk,reset)
if reset = '1' then
r_SM_serial <= s_command;

elsif (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then
r_SM_Serial <= NEXT_STATE;
end if;
end process;

This does not work.
The transmitter continuously sends the first character (status s_Command) and never stops.

Apparently, the w_TX_Done signal is set, but there are no correct timing.
I obtain this output:

PuTTY Output

Where am I wrong?

And… the trasmission never end

vhdl uart fsm

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edited Mar 29 at 15:02

Claudio La Rosa

asked Mar 28 at 14:11

Claudio La RosaClaudio La Rosa

44 bronze badges

44 bronze badges

  • I might have missed something, but I don't see when you actually write a different value to the 'r_TX_BYTE' signal. Do you change the value of this signal after the first command?

    – Jan Snoeijs
    Mar 28 at 14:24

  • In the code I have only one state. But it send continuously the first character.

    – Claudio La Rosa
    Mar 28 at 15:09

  • What I don't understand is that you write a constant value to your transmitter :UART_WRITE_BYTE(X"41"); so how do you expect it to change

    – Jan Snoeijs
    Mar 28 at 15:30

  • In my code, in this case, I have only one state. But the problem is the same: The trasmission of character does not stop

    – Claudio La Rosa
    Mar 28 at 15:54

  • OK, it is hard to understand your problem and what you actually want to achieve. Have you checked that your FSM is not stuck in s_COMMAND( (because of w_tx_done not being set to '1' properly)?

    – Jan Snoeijs
    Mar 28 at 16:26

  • I might have missed something, but I don't see when you actually write a different value to the 'r_TX_BYTE' signal. Do you change the value of this signal after the first command?

    – Jan Snoeijs
    Mar 28 at 14:24

  • In the code I have only one state. But it send continuously the first character.

    – Claudio La Rosa
    Mar 28 at 15:09

  • What I don't understand is that you write a constant value to your transmitter :UART_WRITE_BYTE(X"41"); so how do you expect it to change

    – Jan Snoeijs
    Mar 28 at 15:30

  • In my code, in this case, I have only one state. But the problem is the same: The trasmission of character does not stop

    – Claudio La Rosa
    Mar 28 at 15:54

  • OK, it is hard to understand your problem and what you actually want to achieve. Have you checked that your FSM is not stuck in s_COMMAND( (because of w_tx_done not being set to '1' properly)?

    – Jan Snoeijs
    Mar 28 at 16:26

I might have missed something, but I don't see when you actually write a different value to the 'r_TX_BYTE' signal. Do you change the value of this signal after the first command?

– Jan Snoeijs
Mar 28 at 14:24

I might have missed something, but I don't see when you actually write a different value to the 'r_TX_BYTE' signal. Do you change the value of this signal after the first command?

– Jan Snoeijs
Mar 28 at 14:24

In the code I have only one state. But it send continuously the first character.

– Claudio La Rosa
Mar 28 at 15:09

In the code I have only one state. But it send continuously the first character.

– Claudio La Rosa
Mar 28 at 15:09

What I don't understand is that you write a constant value to your transmitter :UART_WRITE_BYTE(X"41"); so how do you expect it to change

– Jan Snoeijs
Mar 28 at 15:30

What I don't understand is that you write a constant value to your transmitter :UART_WRITE_BYTE(X"41"); so how do you expect it to change

– Jan Snoeijs
Mar 28 at 15:30

In my code, in this case, I have only one state. But the problem is the same: The trasmission of character does not stop

– Claudio La Rosa
Mar 28 at 15:54

In my code, in this case, I have only one state. But the problem is the same: The trasmission of character does not stop

– Claudio La Rosa
Mar 28 at 15:54

OK, it is hard to understand your problem and what you actually want to achieve. Have you checked that your FSM is not stuck in s_COMMAND( (because of w_tx_done not being set to '1' properly)?

– Jan Snoeijs
Mar 28 at 16:26

OK, it is hard to understand your problem and what you actually want to achieve. Have you checked that your FSM is not stuck in s_COMMAND( (because of w_tx_done not being set to '1' properly)?

– Jan Snoeijs
Mar 28 at 16:26





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