Unable to access react modal component jsx when exported with Redux The Next CEO of Stack OverflowReact JSX: Access Props in QuotesLoop inside React JSXcall function after react-router-redux pushCreate modal in react-redux using stateless functional componentsReactjs refresh parent after react modal popup changes dataReact prevent from toggle multiple modalsHow do I test component methods on a React component that are defined as arrow functions (class properties)?(React) How do you pass in functions to components that are wrapped in a variable?Mocking a React component function that is enclosed by Redux Provider componentHow to unit test the output of a React component method in a React Router / Redux app with Enzyme

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Unable to access react modal component jsx when exported with Redux

The Next CEO of Stack OverflowReact JSX: Access Props in QuotesLoop inside React JSXcall function after react-router-redux pushCreate modal in react-redux using stateless functional componentsReactjs refresh parent after react modal popup changes dataReact prevent from toggle multiple modalsHow do I test component methods on a React component that are defined as arrow functions (class properties)?(React) How do you pass in functions to components that are wrapped in a variable?Mocking a React component function that is enclosed by Redux Provider componentHow to unit test the output of a React component method in a React Router / Redux app with Enzyme


I have a test for a React component which is being exported with connect. I was able to have my tests pass, but my Snapsnot is not what I expect it to be. I opened a GH issue with the enzyme team as well Note I took out some of the methods, since they are not applicable to the issue.

My Component

import React, Component from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import bindActionCreators from 'redux';
import connect from 'react-redux';
import withStyles from 'isomorphic-style-loader/lib/withStyles';
import get from 'lodash/get';
import isArray from 'lodash/isArray';
import isString from '../../helpers/typeCheckHelper';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import * as actionCreators from '../../actions/modal';
import GenericModal from '../GenericModal';
import Notify from '../../components/Notify';
import s from './AnalyzeModal.scss';

export class AnalyzeModal extends Component

static propTypes =
data: PropTypes.object,
sendData: PropTypes.func,
isOpen: PropTypes.bool,
openModal: PropTypes.func,
closeModal: PropTypes.func,
customStyles: PropTypes.object,
wasClicked: PropTypes.bool,
isSpinner: PropTypes.bool,
toggleSpinner: PropTypes.func,
handleAnalyzeListOfBonds: PropTypes.func,
id: PropTypes.string,

this.state =
notes: '',
this.closeModal = this.closeModal.bind(this);
this.handleNotesChange = this.handleNotesChange.bind(this);

const isOpen, customStyles, wasClicked, isSpinner, id = this.props;

return (
contentLabel="List/Portfolio Review"
<div className=classNames('buy-btn-modal row', s['analyze-modal'])>
<h1 className="column small-11 header">Portfolio Review</h1>
className="column small-1 close-modal"
onClick=() => this.closeModal();
<div className="column small-12">
<div className=classNames('column small-12', s['table-container'], s['force-show-scrollbar'])>
<div className=classNames('row', s['table-header'])>
<div className=classNames('columns small-3 text-left', s['table-header-label'])>QUANTITY</div>
<div className="column small-12 field-container">
className="label column small-3 text-right"
className=classNames('notes-field', s['notes-field'])
<div className="column small-12 button-wrapper">
className=classNames('small-4 bright-blue submit-btn', s['submit-btn'])
onClick=() => this.handleSubmit();
isSpinner ?
<div className="spinner-full-page modal-spinner" /> :

className=classNames('small-4 bright-blue cancel-btn', s['cancel-btn'])
onClick=() => this.closeModal();

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => (
bindActionCreators(actionCreators, dispatch)

const mapStateToProps = state => (
isOpen: state.modal.isModalOpen,
id: state.modal.id,
wasClicked: state.modal.wasClicked,
isSpinner: state.modal.isSpinner,
data: state.modal.data,

export default withStyles(s)(connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(AnalyzeModal));

My Test

import React from 'react';
import AnalyzeModal from '../components/AnalyzeModal';
import Link from '../components/Link';
import render, mount, shallow from 'enzyme';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';

describe('<Analyze />', () =>
// create any initial state needed to render Connected component
const initialState =
isModalOpen: false,
id: '',
wasClicked: false,
isMarkIncluded: false,
isSpinner: false,
isOpen: null,
openModal: null,
closeModal: null,
data: null,

const middlewares = [thunk];
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares);
let wrapper;
let store;

beforeEach(() =>
store = mockStore(initialState);
wrapper = mount(<AnalyzeModal store=store />);

test('should be defined', () =>

test('matches the snapshot', () =>

My Test Snapshot

// Jest Snapshot v1

exports[`<Analyze /> matches the snapshot 1`] = `
"clearActions": [Function],
"dispatch": [Function],
"getActions": [Function],
"getState": [Function],
"replaceReducer": [Function],
"subscribe": [Function],

"clearActions": [Function],
"dispatch": [Function],
"getActions": [Function],
"getState": [Function],
"replaceReducer": [Function],
"subscribe": [Function],


Current behavior
Currently, the snapshot is returning the component without the JSX inside of the component itself.

Expected behavior
I expect the component to container jsx elements such as: button, div, etc.

My environment:


 library | version
enzyme | "^3.9.0"
react | "^15.3.1"
react-dom | "^15.3.1"
react-test-renderer | "^15.3.1"
adapter (enzyme-adapter-react-15.4) | "^1.3.1"

share|improve this question

  • Does GenericModal not render anything if its isOpen prop is false? (that would be my guess without being able to actually run and test anything)

    – brian-lives-outdoors
    Mar 21 at 22:24

  • It does not, so I tried two things: first, changing my initialState object to have isOpen set to true. second, performing a setProps in my first test case: wrapper.setProps( isOpen: true ). When I console.log(wrapper), it returns: ReactWrapper

    – eagercoder
    Mar 22 at 0:16

  • @brian-lives-outdoors, I think this is a good starting point. Meaning the issue, is likely related to the modal not being open. I may need to use sinon to spy on the openModal method in my reducer, to trigger the opening of the modal, but that seems like overlike. Thoughts?

    – eagercoder
    Mar 22 at 0:18

  • @brian-lives-outdoors, setting isOpen to false, didn't fix it. Any other ideas?

    – eagercoder
    Mar 25 at 19:31


I have a test for a React component which is being exported with connect. I was able to have my tests pass, but my Snapsnot is not what I expect it to be. I opened a GH issue with the enzyme team as well Note I took out some of the methods, since they are not applicable to the issue.

My Component

import React, Component from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import bindActionCreators from 'redux';
import connect from 'react-redux';
import withStyles from 'isomorphic-style-loader/lib/withStyles';
import get from 'lodash/get';
import isArray from 'lodash/isArray';
import isString from '../../helpers/typeCheckHelper';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import * as actionCreators from '../../actions/modal';
import GenericModal from '../GenericModal';
import Notify from '../../components/Notify';
import s from './AnalyzeModal.scss';

export class AnalyzeModal extends Component

static propTypes =
data: PropTypes.object,
sendData: PropTypes.func,
isOpen: PropTypes.bool,
openModal: PropTypes.func,
closeModal: PropTypes.func,
customStyles: PropTypes.object,
wasClicked: PropTypes.bool,
isSpinner: PropTypes.bool,
toggleSpinner: PropTypes.func,
handleAnalyzeListOfBonds: PropTypes.func,
id: PropTypes.string,

this.state =
notes: '',
this.closeModal = this.closeModal.bind(this);
this.handleNotesChange = this.handleNotesChange.bind(this);

const isOpen, customStyles, wasClicked, isSpinner, id = this.props;

return (
contentLabel="List/Portfolio Review"
<div className=classNames('buy-btn-modal row', s['analyze-modal'])>
<h1 className="column small-11 header">Portfolio Review</h1>
className="column small-1 close-modal"
onClick=() => this.closeModal();
<div className="column small-12">
<div className=classNames('column small-12', s['table-container'], s['force-show-scrollbar'])>
<div className=classNames('row', s['table-header'])>
<div className=classNames('columns small-3 text-left', s['table-header-label'])>QUANTITY</div>
<div className="column small-12 field-container">
className="label column small-3 text-right"
className=classNames('notes-field', s['notes-field'])
<div className="column small-12 button-wrapper">
className=classNames('small-4 bright-blue submit-btn', s['submit-btn'])
onClick=() => this.handleSubmit();
isSpinner ?
<div className="spinner-full-page modal-spinner" /> :

className=classNames('small-4 bright-blue cancel-btn', s['cancel-btn'])
onClick=() => this.closeModal();

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => (
bindActionCreators(actionCreators, dispatch)

const mapStateToProps = state => (
isOpen: state.modal.isModalOpen,
id: state.modal.id,
wasClicked: state.modal.wasClicked,
isSpinner: state.modal.isSpinner,
data: state.modal.data,

export default withStyles(s)(connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(AnalyzeModal));

My Test

import React from 'react';
import AnalyzeModal from '../components/AnalyzeModal';
import Link from '../components/Link';
import render, mount, shallow from 'enzyme';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';

describe('<Analyze />', () =>
// create any initial state needed to render Connected component
const initialState =
isModalOpen: false,
id: '',
wasClicked: false,
isMarkIncluded: false,
isSpinner: false,
isOpen: null,
openModal: null,
closeModal: null,
data: null,

const middlewares = [thunk];
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares);
let wrapper;
let store;

beforeEach(() =>
store = mockStore(initialState);
wrapper = mount(<AnalyzeModal store=store />);

test('should be defined', () =>

test('matches the snapshot', () =>

My Test Snapshot

// Jest Snapshot v1

exports[`<Analyze /> matches the snapshot 1`] = `
"clearActions": [Function],
"dispatch": [Function],
"getActions": [Function],
"getState": [Function],
"replaceReducer": [Function],
"subscribe": [Function],

"clearActions": [Function],
"dispatch": [Function],
"getActions": [Function],
"getState": [Function],
"replaceReducer": [Function],
"subscribe": [Function],


Current behavior
Currently, the snapshot is returning the component without the JSX inside of the component itself.

Expected behavior
I expect the component to container jsx elements such as: button, div, etc.

My environment:


 library | version
enzyme | "^3.9.0"
react | "^15.3.1"
react-dom | "^15.3.1"
react-test-renderer | "^15.3.1"
adapter (enzyme-adapter-react-15.4) | "^1.3.1"

share|improve this question

  • Does GenericModal not render anything if its isOpen prop is false? (that would be my guess without being able to actually run and test anything)

    – brian-lives-outdoors
    Mar 21 at 22:24

  • It does not, so I tried two things: first, changing my initialState object to have isOpen set to true. second, performing a setProps in my first test case: wrapper.setProps( isOpen: true ). When I console.log(wrapper), it returns: ReactWrapper

    – eagercoder
    Mar 22 at 0:16

  • @brian-lives-outdoors, I think this is a good starting point. Meaning the issue, is likely related to the modal not being open. I may need to use sinon to spy on the openModal method in my reducer, to trigger the opening of the modal, but that seems like overlike. Thoughts?

    – eagercoder
    Mar 22 at 0:18

  • @brian-lives-outdoors, setting isOpen to false, didn't fix it. Any other ideas?

    – eagercoder
    Mar 25 at 19:31




I have a test for a React component which is being exported with connect. I was able to have my tests pass, but my Snapsnot is not what I expect it to be. I opened a GH issue with the enzyme team as well Note I took out some of the methods, since they are not applicable to the issue.

My Component

import React, Component from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import bindActionCreators from 'redux';
import connect from 'react-redux';
import withStyles from 'isomorphic-style-loader/lib/withStyles';
import get from 'lodash/get';
import isArray from 'lodash/isArray';
import isString from '../../helpers/typeCheckHelper';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import * as actionCreators from '../../actions/modal';
import GenericModal from '../GenericModal';
import Notify from '../../components/Notify';
import s from './AnalyzeModal.scss';

export class AnalyzeModal extends Component

static propTypes =
data: PropTypes.object,
sendData: PropTypes.func,
isOpen: PropTypes.bool,
openModal: PropTypes.func,
closeModal: PropTypes.func,
customStyles: PropTypes.object,
wasClicked: PropTypes.bool,
isSpinner: PropTypes.bool,
toggleSpinner: PropTypes.func,
handleAnalyzeListOfBonds: PropTypes.func,
id: PropTypes.string,

this.state =
notes: '',
this.closeModal = this.closeModal.bind(this);
this.handleNotesChange = this.handleNotesChange.bind(this);

const isOpen, customStyles, wasClicked, isSpinner, id = this.props;

return (
contentLabel="List/Portfolio Review"
<div className=classNames('buy-btn-modal row', s['analyze-modal'])>
<h1 className="column small-11 header">Portfolio Review</h1>
className="column small-1 close-modal"
onClick=() => this.closeModal();
<div className="column small-12">
<div className=classNames('column small-12', s['table-container'], s['force-show-scrollbar'])>
<div className=classNames('row', s['table-header'])>
<div className=classNames('columns small-3 text-left', s['table-header-label'])>QUANTITY</div>
<div className="column small-12 field-container">
className="label column small-3 text-right"
className=classNames('notes-field', s['notes-field'])
<div className="column small-12 button-wrapper">
className=classNames('small-4 bright-blue submit-btn', s['submit-btn'])
onClick=() => this.handleSubmit();
isSpinner ?
<div className="spinner-full-page modal-spinner" /> :

className=classNames('small-4 bright-blue cancel-btn', s['cancel-btn'])
onClick=() => this.closeModal();

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => (
bindActionCreators(actionCreators, dispatch)

const mapStateToProps = state => (
isOpen: state.modal.isModalOpen,
id: state.modal.id,
wasClicked: state.modal.wasClicked,
isSpinner: state.modal.isSpinner,
data: state.modal.data,

export default withStyles(s)(connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(AnalyzeModal));

My Test

import React from 'react';
import AnalyzeModal from '../components/AnalyzeModal';
import Link from '../components/Link';
import render, mount, shallow from 'enzyme';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';

describe('<Analyze />', () =>
// create any initial state needed to render Connected component
const initialState =
isModalOpen: false,
id: '',
wasClicked: false,
isMarkIncluded: false,
isSpinner: false,
isOpen: null,
openModal: null,
closeModal: null,
data: null,

const middlewares = [thunk];
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares);
let wrapper;
let store;

beforeEach(() =>
store = mockStore(initialState);
wrapper = mount(<AnalyzeModal store=store />);

test('should be defined', () =>

test('matches the snapshot', () =>

My Test Snapshot

// Jest Snapshot v1

exports[`<Analyze /> matches the snapshot 1`] = `
"clearActions": [Function],
"dispatch": [Function],
"getActions": [Function],
"getState": [Function],
"replaceReducer": [Function],
"subscribe": [Function],

"clearActions": [Function],
"dispatch": [Function],
"getActions": [Function],
"getState": [Function],
"replaceReducer": [Function],
"subscribe": [Function],


Current behavior
Currently, the snapshot is returning the component without the JSX inside of the component itself.

Expected behavior
I expect the component to container jsx elements such as: button, div, etc.

My environment:


 library | version
enzyme | "^3.9.0"
react | "^15.3.1"
react-dom | "^15.3.1"
react-test-renderer | "^15.3.1"
adapter (enzyme-adapter-react-15.4) | "^1.3.1"

share|improve this question

I have a test for a React component which is being exported with connect. I was able to have my tests pass, but my Snapsnot is not what I expect it to be. I opened a GH issue with the enzyme team as well Note I took out some of the methods, since they are not applicable to the issue.

My Component

import React, Component from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import bindActionCreators from 'redux';
import connect from 'react-redux';
import withStyles from 'isomorphic-style-loader/lib/withStyles';
import get from 'lodash/get';
import isArray from 'lodash/isArray';
import isString from '../../helpers/typeCheckHelper';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import * as actionCreators from '../../actions/modal';
import GenericModal from '../GenericModal';
import Notify from '../../components/Notify';
import s from './AnalyzeModal.scss';

export class AnalyzeModal extends Component

static propTypes =
data: PropTypes.object,
sendData: PropTypes.func,
isOpen: PropTypes.bool,
openModal: PropTypes.func,
closeModal: PropTypes.func,
customStyles: PropTypes.object,
wasClicked: PropTypes.bool,
isSpinner: PropTypes.bool,
toggleSpinner: PropTypes.func,
handleAnalyzeListOfBonds: PropTypes.func,
id: PropTypes.string,

this.state =
notes: '',
this.closeModal = this.closeModal.bind(this);
this.handleNotesChange = this.handleNotesChange.bind(this);

const isOpen, customStyles, wasClicked, isSpinner, id = this.props;

return (
contentLabel="List/Portfolio Review"
<div className=classNames('buy-btn-modal row', s['analyze-modal'])>
<h1 className="column small-11 header">Portfolio Review</h1>
className="column small-1 close-modal"
onClick=() => this.closeModal();
<div className="column small-12">
<div className=classNames('column small-12', s['table-container'], s['force-show-scrollbar'])>
<div className=classNames('row', s['table-header'])>
<div className=classNames('columns small-3 text-left', s['table-header-label'])>QUANTITY</div>
<div className="column small-12 field-container">
className="label column small-3 text-right"
className=classNames('notes-field', s['notes-field'])
<div className="column small-12 button-wrapper">
className=classNames('small-4 bright-blue submit-btn', s['submit-btn'])
onClick=() => this.handleSubmit();
isSpinner ?
<div className="spinner-full-page modal-spinner" /> :

className=classNames('small-4 bright-blue cancel-btn', s['cancel-btn'])
onClick=() => this.closeModal();

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => (
bindActionCreators(actionCreators, dispatch)

const mapStateToProps = state => (
isOpen: state.modal.isModalOpen,
id: state.modal.id,
wasClicked: state.modal.wasClicked,
isSpinner: state.modal.isSpinner,
data: state.modal.data,

export default withStyles(s)(connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(AnalyzeModal));

My Test

import React from 'react';
import AnalyzeModal from '../components/AnalyzeModal';
import Link from '../components/Link';
import render, mount, shallow from 'enzyme';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';

describe('<Analyze />', () =>
// create any initial state needed to render Connected component
const initialState =
isModalOpen: false,
id: '',
wasClicked: false,
isMarkIncluded: false,
isSpinner: false,
isOpen: null,
openModal: null,
closeModal: null,
data: null,

const middlewares = [thunk];
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares);
let wrapper;
let store;

beforeEach(() =>
store = mockStore(initialState);
wrapper = mount(<AnalyzeModal store=store />);

test('should be defined', () =>

test('matches the snapshot', () =>

My Test Snapshot

// Jest Snapshot v1

exports[`<Analyze /> matches the snapshot 1`] = `
"clearActions": [Function],
"dispatch": [Function],
"getActions": [Function],
"getState": [Function],
"replaceReducer": [Function],
"subscribe": [Function],

"clearActions": [Function],
"dispatch": [Function],
"getActions": [Function],
"getState": [Function],
"replaceReducer": [Function],
"subscribe": [Function],


Current behavior
Currently, the snapshot is returning the component without the JSX inside of the component itself.

Expected behavior
I expect the component to container jsx elements such as: button, div, etc.

My environment:


 library | version
enzyme | "^3.9.0"
react | "^15.3.1"
react-dom | "^15.3.1"
react-test-renderer | "^15.3.1"
adapter (enzyme-adapter-react-15.4) | "^1.3.1"

reactjs redux jestjs enzyme react-modal

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Mar 23 at 14:44

Şivā SankĂr



asked Mar 21 at 18:06




  • Does GenericModal not render anything if its isOpen prop is false? (that would be my guess without being able to actually run and test anything)

    – brian-lives-outdoors
    Mar 21 at 22:24

  • It does not, so I tried two things: first, changing my initialState object to have isOpen set to true. second, performing a setProps in my first test case: wrapper.setProps( isOpen: true ). When I console.log(wrapper), it returns: ReactWrapper

    – eagercoder
    Mar 22 at 0:16

  • @brian-lives-outdoors, I think this is a good starting point. Meaning the issue, is likely related to the modal not being open. I may need to use sinon to spy on the openModal method in my reducer, to trigger the opening of the modal, but that seems like overlike. Thoughts?

    – eagercoder
    Mar 22 at 0:18

  • @brian-lives-outdoors, setting isOpen to false, didn't fix it. Any other ideas?

    – eagercoder
    Mar 25 at 19:31

  • Does GenericModal not render anything if its isOpen prop is false? (that would be my guess without being able to actually run and test anything)

    – brian-lives-outdoors
    Mar 21 at 22:24

  • It does not, so I tried two things: first, changing my initialState object to have isOpen set to true. second, performing a setProps in my first test case: wrapper.setProps( isOpen: true ). When I console.log(wrapper), it returns: ReactWrapper

    – eagercoder
    Mar 22 at 0:16

  • @brian-lives-outdoors, I think this is a good starting point. Meaning the issue, is likely related to the modal not being open. I may need to use sinon to spy on the openModal method in my reducer, to trigger the opening of the modal, but that seems like overlike. Thoughts?

    – eagercoder
    Mar 22 at 0:18

  • @brian-lives-outdoors, setting isOpen to false, didn't fix it. Any other ideas?

    – eagercoder
    Mar 25 at 19:31

Does GenericModal not render anything if its isOpen prop is false? (that would be my guess without being able to actually run and test anything)

– brian-lives-outdoors
Mar 21 at 22:24

Does GenericModal not render anything if its isOpen prop is false? (that would be my guess without being able to actually run and test anything)

– brian-lives-outdoors
Mar 21 at 22:24

It does not, so I tried two things: first, changing my initialState object to have isOpen set to true. second, performing a setProps in my first test case: wrapper.setProps( isOpen: true ). When I console.log(wrapper), it returns: ReactWrapper

– eagercoder
Mar 22 at 0:16

It does not, so I tried two things: first, changing my initialState object to have isOpen set to true. second, performing a setProps in my first test case: wrapper.setProps( isOpen: true ). When I console.log(wrapper), it returns: ReactWrapper

– eagercoder
Mar 22 at 0:16

@brian-lives-outdoors, I think this is a good starting point. Meaning the issue, is likely related to the modal not being open. I may need to use sinon to spy on the openModal method in my reducer, to trigger the opening of the modal, but that seems like overlike. Thoughts?

– eagercoder
Mar 22 at 0:18

@brian-lives-outdoors, I think this is a good starting point. Meaning the issue, is likely related to the modal not being open. I may need to use sinon to spy on the openModal method in my reducer, to trigger the opening of the modal, but that seems like overlike. Thoughts?

– eagercoder
Mar 22 at 0:18

@brian-lives-outdoors, setting isOpen to false, didn't fix it. Any other ideas?

– eagercoder
Mar 25 at 19:31

@brian-lives-outdoors, setting isOpen to false, didn't fix it. Any other ideas?

– eagercoder
Mar 25 at 19:31





Your Answer

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// Have to fire editor after snippets, if snippets enabled
if (StackExchange.settings.snippets.snippetsEnabled)
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function createEditor()
heartbeatType: 'answer',
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